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there is a STUPID IDIOT UGLY GAY STUPID RETARD cricket outside


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and it won't stop chirping and I am losing sleep like holy hell PLEASE let me have two more hours of sleep goddammit

on a slightly related note: don't you think that these are the moments that webcomic writers go "omg I should totally make this a webcomic it'll be sooOOsoOSOOO funny!!! please kill me"


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Want to drown out the sound of a cricket? Use MORE SOUND. Preferably from headphones. That always works for me! ...But then again, I have soundproofed windows. XD

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Step 1. Find cricket

Step 2. Thoroughly explain to him, saying he's a major annoyance. Show him the OP of this thread.

Step 3. Tell him to say he's sorry.

Step 4. Say to him he should get a job or something instead of just chirping in your yard.

Step 5. Ask if he's willing to let bygones be bygones.

Step 6. Become BFFs.

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I sleep in an apartment complex, and my room faces the parking lot. Right outside of my window is a large, bright spotlight, which illuminates the parking lot. For reasons unbeknownst to me one bird likes to come and perch on top of this spotlight in the wee hours of the morning every single day. He makes the same shitty birdsong every five seconds and continues for hours at a time.


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Hey man, do you know how hard it is for a gay cricket in their society? Cut 'em a break!

yeah why do you have to bring his sexuality into this, are you anti gay

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Step 1. Find cricket

Step 2. Thoroughly explain to him, saying he's a major annoyance. Show him the OP of this thread.

Step 3. Tell him to say he's sorry.

Step 4. Say to him he should get a job or something instead of just chirping in your yard.

Step 5. Ask if he's willing to let bygones be bygones.

Step 6. Become BFFs.


IRC log sometime

BigBoss: Just don't forget that posters on SF are real people.

*Eons later*

SeverIan: Oh shit...

SeverIan: You probably shouldn't forgive me.

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why did I expect the sport instead of the insect

like people were outside your house crying 'SIX' and 'HOWSAT' at 2 in the morning


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Is it worse than hearing a train horn every night at like 2 in the morning or some other unreasonable time?

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Is it worse than hearing a train horn every night at like 2 in the morning or some other unreasonable time?

This happens sometimes to me but we don't have any train station anywhere nearby

what the hell ghost train

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Kill the cricket.

Kill the train.

what the hell, the train was INNOCENT!

I don't really care about the cricket though. I hope the OP found it and squished it.

Edited by Cordelia
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