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Anyone remember "god" units that are "bad" now?

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Did Edward's hype ever really make sense, though? I seem to recall just as many people trashing Edward as holding him out as Jesus, and eventually people just kinda settled toward the more sensible outlook on him, which was not quite at either extreme but also not entirely at "good."

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Did Edward's hype ever really make sense, though? I seem to recall just as many people trashing Edward as holding him out as Jesus, and eventually people just kinda settled toward the more sensible outlook on him, which was not quite at either extreme but also not entirely at "good."

It's a combination of being a "Swordmaster", also being unpromoted and starting lower leveled compared to his alternatives which is usually the common factor when it comes to the old "good" units.

Edited by arvilino
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Edward is actually high tier material. I don't know why he's considered bad even though he makes FE10 hard mode possible.

I don't even know if 1-P can be defeated without him.

Edited by Olwen
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Edward is actually high tier material. I don't know why he's considered bad even though he makes FE10 hard mode possible.

I don't even know if 1-P can be defeated without him.

I remember Paperblade tested that out and the only necessary part of Edward was his vulnerary, but units have never been credited for starting inventory.

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I remember Paperblade tested that out and the only necessary part of Edward was his vulnerary, but units have never been credited for starting inventory.

How many turns did he clear it in?

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FE9 Kieran to some extent.

you should probably stop listing good units that may or may not be slightly overrated

arguably worse than trainees is FE9 Rolf, you train him to get....a dude locked to 2-range

at least trainees are good after wasting 61294 turns on them

Edited by shadykid
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Wait what, was Wendy really considered good? What kind of crazy merits did we come up with back then?


Wendy 9/10

  Wendy rocks. She's like a reincarnation of Sheema! Her speed is quite good,as well as her other stats! So therefore, Wendy is probably the best armoredknight you'll ever get! Oh yes, she can perform the triangle attack too! Did I mention she's cute? =D

thousands of mind blowned in 3. 2. 1.

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Wendy 9/10

  Wendy rocks. She's like a reincarnation of Sheema! Her speed is quite good,as well as her other stats! So therefore, Wendy is probably the best armoredknight you'll ever get! Oh yes, she can perform the triangle attack too! Did I mention she's cute? =D

thousands of mind blowned in 3. 2. 1.

*jaw drops*

Where did you find that...?

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People were hyping Rebecca a while back (to like Mid tier at least) for some reason, I guess because she avoided counters and Lyn didn't or something. Then sanity was restored and she went back into the lower tiers.

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Canas is one, sort of for a similar reason to the really low levelled characters like Nino but based on the Luna tome. Luna's use in the Final Chapter painted the perception that it was a brilliant weapon and made Canas "broken" with it despite the fact that for the most part due to low enemy resistance and speed Flux is going to deal more damage and allows Canas to double more often.

Nobody really thinks Canas is bad, do they?

Sure, for most of the game Luna isn't nearly as useful as Flux, but that doesn't reflect badly on Canas himself.

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To be fair, some perceptions of good and bad characters are based partially off what difficulty the game is being played on. Edward's a good example since in normal mode, he's quite good. I think FE6 Lugh might fall into that same category of being a great mage on normal, but pretty mediocre on hard. Other units (basically any "Est") are bad no matter what mode due to availability, bases etc.

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Nobody really thinks Canas is bad, do they?

Sure, for most of the game Luna isn't nearly as useful as Flux, but that doesn't reflect badly on Canas himself.

Yeah he's not actually a bad unit. But I thought he was worth mentioning since the overestimation of Luna's usefulness made him out to be a way better unit than he actually is when ironically he's more often than not worse off using Luna than Flux.

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Interestingly enough, of all the Est archetypes Ena has been considered bad even back when Path of Radiance has just come out, and even for the same reasons every other Est is considered bad today.

I guess just two chapters of availability as opposed to the usual five or so can sway your opinion that way.

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you should probably stop listing good units that may or may not be slightly overrated

arguably worse than trainees is FE9 Rolf, you train him to get....a dude locked to 2-range

at least trainees are good after wasting 61294 turns on them

nope I mentioned Rolf already (also why are my quotes getting messed up)

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Interestingly enough, of all the Est archetypes Ena has been considered bad even back when Path of Radiance has just come out, and even for the same reasons every other Est is considered bad today.

I guess just two chapters of availability as opposed to the usual five or so can sway your opinion that way.

not really an est

like if you actually go crazy and try to train Ena, you get a unit that's kind of tanky but is completely crippled by awful movement and gauge and abysmal offensive options

There are units in FE9 with more est-like qualities, like Astrid, Makalov, Tormod, and Elincia: I think some people hyped Elincia a bit because of Amiti, whereas Astrid/Makalov are genuinely good and Tormod isn't bad (even if he isn't really good either). FE10 Elincia is probably more hyped, but again, she's actually a pretty decent unit even if she has issues. But FE9 tiering never really changed that much: it was kind of always understood that Paladins and other high-move units rocked. The only big development was the realisation that you could just solo half the game with Marcia, but she was never considered bad.

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I have a hard time remembering ever being there to hear any character being built up, I feel like I only notice the reactions to them when opinion seems to be on the downswing.

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Wasn't there a backlash against Oswin at some point? People used to be like zomg OsWIN but he's just competent really.

I think the Oswin cooldown had to do with his lack of move and people valuing move over a lot of things. People preferring to use the Knight Crests on guys who have horses.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned FE9 Rolf yet

FE9 Rolf has always been bad.

I remember people thinking Marcus and all the other Jeigans as crap or exp traps. "STEALIN YER EXP!!"

Prepromotes being a bad option. Anyone else remember Erk vs Pent debates?

Also lol trainees. "Amelia is better than Seth!"

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