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Yet Another "Rate My Pairings" Thread


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Except with a bit of a twist.

I'm trying to get decent children, yes, but I'm also trying to get as many supports as I can, because my sister's being a bit uncooperative at the moment and will not help me get supports. Or if she does, she always interferes and gets the one I actually WANTED to get.

Yeah. This is why I probably shouldn't share a copy with her, but whatever.

Besides the point, though, this is what I'm thinking.

Fem!Avatar x Henry

One, I love Henry and I need his confessional. Because I accidentally saved over my Scotia playthrough before I got it. -_- Needless to say, I wasn't happy with myself that day. Two, because Fem!Avatar is going Dark Flier, Henry is probably going Dark Knight and Galeforce + Lifetaker = complete devastation.

Olivia x Chrom

Lucina is extremely hard to gimp unless you go out of your way to do so, so I'm not worried about that. And my main intention hear is getting Inigo's beautiful Luck stat a Rightful King to go with it. If I get a hold of some Luck-based skills for him, then he'll have no problem activating it.

Lissa x Vaike/Ricken

I'm a bit torn with Lissa. On one hand, I hear that Owain's stats are generally magic based, and giving him a magic-based father is better than a physically-based father. One the other hand, Vaike can give him a good luck-based skill like Despoil for him, because Owain also gets a beautiful luck stat from his mother. Quite torn indeed.

Sully x Stahl/Donnel

The first pairing I already have, actually, but super tank Kjelle is a nice thing to have always. A drawback here is that since the two have basically the same class set, Kjelle doesn't get much new in hers. She does have access to Astra, which I love on anyone. On the other hand, Aptitude. Freaking uber-broken Aptitude.

Miriel x Ricken/Donnel

Laurent's magic gets a serious boost from the first pairing. The first thing is that, like the SullyxStahl pairing, I already have it and they have a similar class set. Lifetaker Laurent is a bonus though, considering how fragile he is. On the other hand... Aptitude.

Sumia x Frederick

I've actually done this pairing before, but that's because it's seriously convenient. It keeps her far away from Chrom (for maximum chance at Olivia get), and quickly, whereas I'd have to do some waiting around to get a decent pair-up partner for her. Also, this gifts me a quick and tanky brown-haired Cynthia, which actually looks very good on her.

Maribelle x Libra

Maribelle's high magic stat combined with Libra's amazing resistance equals a Brady that looks at a tome and laughs hysterically. Then proceeds to you show you how you really use a tome. That and, I've already gotten their C support, and it is adorable. Maribelle, why are you so shippable?

Panne x Gaius/Stahl

On one hand, ultra speedy Yarne is ultra speedy. Pass spamming abound plus Acrobat from his mom equals serious mobility. On the other, my Stahl tends to lean towards being defense-blessed, with added to Yarne's already decent Strength growth equals a Lightning Bruiser Yarne. So either Fragile Super-Speedster Yarner or Lightning Bruiser Yarne. Hmm.

Cordelia x Vaike/Donnel

Odd pairings are odd. But, since it's very much recommend that Vaike had a daughter to pass down some of his male only-skills and that Strength and Skill boost he has is beautiful on Severa, why not? If Lissa gets Ricken, then Cordelia can have Vaike - and in case Lissa is better for Vaike, I have Donnel has a backup option. Aptitude get.

Nowi x Kellam

Turning Nah into a super tank with amazing defense? Of course. Dual Guard+ is always a good skill to have, and if you venture into her other class options that defense is handy, especially as a mage.

Tharja x Virion

This is an odd pairing, sure, but Virion gives serious skill/speed boosts to his already skill-broken daughter Noire (that hair color with green is gorgeous) - add this to Vengeance or even Luna and you have a deadly little Noire on you hands.

Cherche x Lon'qu

Personal support bias is why I want this one, really. That, and Lon'qu's high speed and skill should combat Cherche's weakness in that field, leaving Gerome's only true fault his resistance. Talismans are becoming your new best friend, Gerome. Plus, Gerome's newly embellished skill stat is going to attach itself to Lon'qu's Astra and love it a good long time.

So, are these pairings okay? I don't want super uber-broken kids - I like a bit of a challenge - but I don't want my pairing choices to completely gimp them. I'm also looking to see if the support itself is decent, as I'm in the progress of writing an Awakening story and want to have some good pairings on hand to choose from. If I've messed up really badly, or if you have a suggestion, just let me know, okay?

Thanks! :)

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I can say having done VirionxTharja myself that yes, you do indeed get a deadly little Noire. Just make her a Bride, give her Luna and watch her ruin foes.

For my Bride!Virion!Noire I made this her skill set: Limit Breaker, Luna, Bowfaire, Bow breaker, Accucray +20.

I also have done Cordelia/Vaike, Panne/Stahl and Sumia/Frederick and those sound good to me. I haven't been disappointed with the results I got.

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Cordelia x Vaike - DO IT. Do it and Severa will be godly and glorious in her strength. Nuff said.

And of course I recommend StahlxSully, both for support and stats, and FredxSumia because.

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