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Stupid things you've heard people say


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I think ok is short for oll korreckt/korrecht/something, which literally means all right in German? I think? I got this from wikipedia or something ? ??

never mind korrekt means correctly :?

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actually we don't know the etymology of okay/ok for sure so that's more bullshit piling up, good job

Oh. Well I knew that. I was just testing you

You passed

also "ok" sounds exactly the same as "okay"

Okay but sounding different doesn't mean it wouldn't occur from ease of use. "Don't" isn't pronounced anything like "does not" would be as compared to "isn't" and "is not," but it is universally used as the proper pronunciation. And there are some out there such as "ain't" which in addition to sounding nothing like their separated counterparts aren't recognized to be proper vernacular but still exist to make local "incorrect" speech quicker.

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I had assumed you were implying that since they sound similar and the other doesn't that the other is wrong

I drank like four Monsters today I can see the future right now so I was arguing with you later on okay

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Because Monsters are the delicious nectar of the gods mmm I can see sound

Edit: Also I pissed more than my bodyweight in the past half hour is this good y/n

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Dad correcting his kid: "Don't say 'ain't'...say 'ain't not'".

... My brain is dying.

Mini-rant here, and I do sincerly apologize beforehand if you live in the Southern United States but...

Why in the name of Noah Webster does everyone down here claim to be grammar professionals when they run around saying double negatives and breaking other basic, elementary grammar rules? It's severly irritating, not to mention hypocritical as hell when THEY want to correct YOU, and to make it even more fun - the biggest offenders I can list off the top of my head in my area are teachers.

That explains this generation.

Edited by Vashiane
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... My brain is dying.

Mini-rant here, and I do sincerly apologize beforehand if you live in the Southern United States but...

Why in the name of Noah Webster does everyone down here claim to be grammar professionals when they run around saying double negatives and breaking other basic, elementary grammar rules? It's severly irritating, not to mention hypocritical as hell when THEY want to correct YOU, and to make it even more fun - the biggest offenders I can list off the top of my head in my area are teachers.

That explains this generation.

Haha I don't live in the South, so no worries. The guy was an idiot haha.

Funny enough this dad tried to trick Gamestop by putting a game in a different case in order to make more money off selling it (little did he know that the workers actually check to see which disc is in there, so his plan was foiled instantly).

Later on he told his son he'd buy him beats, and instead took some cheap knockoff headphones. Son goes" "those aren't beats dad!" Dad replies: "I know...I was just trying to triiick you." Yup.

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I suppose it's somewhat like nuclear being said as "noo-kyoo-luhr" instead of "noo-klee-uhr". The former is absolutely incorrect, but is stated often, particularly in southern speech, and its meaning is understood despite that.

"Now you shall bear witness to the demon grammar that will drag this forum into the 6th grade!"

(Ya I know it's not really grammar but...)

Edited by SeverIan
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In school, I was bored when a horde of ants were just chilling so I decided just to squish a few.

WIthin seconds, the overly-proclaimed christian came up behind me and called me every negative word she could muster within two thirds of the dictionary, leaving me to assume that she was saving the last part to hit me with. I wouldn't have minded so much if I didn't in turn come across her later during a lunch break eating a chicken sandwich.

Her response to my inquiry to her being a hyprocrite? "It's different." p_p

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a girl in school after half an hour of explanation said so the jews worship Abraham

the same girl refused to believe king tut and Tutankhamun were the same person

Edited by Cyron
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Yesterday, my friend was telling me about this person she met at a camp who apparently said "I'm a girl now, so I like boys, but when I get a sex change, I'm gonna like girls". My other friends and I were like "...What?"

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