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I've Me x Tharja, Chrom x Sumia, Sully x Virion and Maribelle x Ricken

With who I pair the other characters to have kids with good stats and classes?

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Wading through each and every pairing is very time consuming, but I'll give you my thoughts on each father's highlights and let you match that up to what you want from the children.

If you want help with a specific pairing (or a couple) that's easier, and if you want to post your current ideas for pairings, I could critique those. (I assume that the pairings you posted are set in stone? You don't want feedback on those?)

[spoiler=Re: Fathers (Things of note):]Frederick is nice for Aegis + Pavise, as well as Luna, and Wyvern Rider, but passes eh modifiers (+Str/Skill/Def, -Spd).
Virion gives OK mods (+2 Spd) and an OK class set (Wyvern Rider)
Stahl passes fairly tanky mods (+2 Str/Def), and Myrmidon and Cavalier (Luna/Aegis).
Vaike gives great Str and some Spd, and gives Merc and Knight to daughters.
Kellam passes some Str (+1) and good Def (+3), but -2 Spd, and gives access to Pavise/Luna.
Lon'qu passes best Skill and Spd (+3/+3), and a good class set (Myrmidon, Wyvern Rider, and Thief).
Ricken gives good Mag (+2), and few negative mods. Class set is ~eh.
Gaius passes some Str and good Skill/Spd (+2/+2), and passes Peg Knight to daughters.
Donnel gives crap mods (+1 Str/Def, +3 Lck, but -1 Mag/Skill/Spd/Res), but Merc is nice, and Peg Knight is good for daughters.
Gregor gives good Str/Skill (+2/+2) and some Def, and passes Merc and Myrmidon (and Barbarian to males)
Libra gives slight mods (+1 Mag/Skill/Res, -1 Lck, and that's it). Class set is great for mages (Mage, Priest, Dark Mage).
Henry passes some Str, Mag, and Def, and good Skill, and gives Dark Mage, and Thief (and Barbarian for sons).

Or I could just post my favorites, but that's no fun at all.

[spoiler=My pairings]Chrom x Olivia
Avatar x Lucina
Cordelia x Lon'qu
Cherche x Gregor
Sumia x Frederick
Maribelle x Henry
Mirel x Ricken
Sully x Vaike
Lissa x Libra (Lissa passes magical 'genes', so Owain is sometimes argued to be better off as a mage) or
Lissa x Donnel (physical)

Nowi x Donnel or Kellam
Panne x Virion
Tharja x Gaius (physical) or
Tharja x Ricken/Libra/Henry (magical)

But much of that doesn't help you, because you've already done some pairings.

Anyways, why don't you post what pairings you're considering, and have people offer comments/criticisms/suggestions on those? For me certainly, that's a lot less daunting than going through and considering every choice. (or ask for help with one or two pairings at a time)

Edited by Euklyd
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You're sure you want to use Donnel, correct?


Maybe Nowi, to add Aptitude to Nah's already ridiculous Manakete growths. If you're gonna be grinding however, Atitude becomes pointless. Inigo and Severa already get Merc, so Donnel is wasted as their father... He passes Peg Knight to daughters, but the other daughters (Kjelle, Noire) already have dads, so go with Nowi for a ridiculous Nah (though I personally would go with Kellam/Frederick/Stahl, for Aegis/Pavise), or maybe Lissa if you want a physical Hero Owain.

If you're not grinding, pass down Aptitude; if you are, pass down a male-only skill from the Fighter/Warrior class (maybe Counter, if you're into Streetpass). Underdog could be interesting as well.


Inigo will turn out great as long as you don't do something horrible to him. Gregor and Donnel are out, 'cause he already gets ALL of Gregor's classes, and all three of Donnel's final classes. Maybe Virion, for +Spd and access to Wyvern Rider. Lon'qu is better, but there are other kids who benefit from Myrmidon, which he already has. Frederick gives you a tanky Inigo at the cost of some Spd, though. If Lon'qu isn't already taken by Cordelia, go with him. All three pass Wyvern Rider, BTW.

As far as skills are concerned, make sure to pass Galeforce from Olivia.

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