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Chapter 2 Lunatic+ is giving me a headache

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It seems like no matter where I go, my characters wind up dying within the first or 2nd turn.

Heres what I have

MU: Lv 9/EXP: 1

HP: 26
Str: 11
Mag: 8
Skill: 10
Spd: 11
Lck: 7
Def: 15
Res: 8

Thunder: 29
Elixir: 3

Frederick: Lv 1/86 EXP

HP: 28
Str: 13
Mag: 2
Skill: 12
Spd: 10
Lck: 6
Def: 14
Res: 3

Silver Lance: 18
Bronze Sword: 28
Vulnary: 3

Note: MU has a class C relationship with Frederick and Lissa, but I don't have a C class relation with with Chrom.

Could I get away with what I have, or am I better off starting the whole thing over from square one?

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To buy yourself some time, you want to kill either the Barbarian or the Myrmidon who start near the left of the map. You want to rush your other units to the left, and make sure you've hidden to the left a unit (preferably Lissa; you can use Sully to drop her in a forest tile out of reach of the enemies) with whom Miriel can Pair Up when she arrives. Fred and Avatar should be fighting separately.

Edited by Redwall
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The fewer Luna+ guys there are, the better, but you should have a decent chance against a lot of randomizations due to your strong Avatar (for comparison, mine had only 10 Def and I didn't feel like my failed attempts were completely hopeless).

Fred wants Vaike since with A-ranked Lance, he can OHKO Myrmidons using the Silver Lance. I don't recall there being any enemies with 9 Spd, but if there are, a no-support Chrom can team up with Avatar to double them. Otherwise, a Cav or Miriel may be a decent partner for the Avatar.

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But these are mercs not myrms...

He still one shots them with vaike+ silver lance though, if he has procced 2 strength.

Edited by 1% critted
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The fewer Luna+ guys there are, the better, but you should have a decent chance against a lot of randomizations due to your strong Avatar (for comparison, mine had only 10 Def and I didn't feel like my failed attempts were completely hopeless).

Fred wants Vaike since with A-ranked Lance, he can OHKO Myrmidons using the Silver Lance. I don't recall there being any enemies with 9 Spd, but if there are, a no-support Chrom can team up with Avatar to double them. Otherwise, a Cav or Miriel may be a decent partner for the Avatar.

Actually, Frederick does 28 damage to the Mercenary (leaving the enemy at 2 HP left), even with Vaikes support. Unless I somehow land a critical hit, I have no idea how else I can approach the enemies.

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it's because of the forest tile, and because you probably don't yet have A-ranked lances. I had this problem too, and worked around it by having Avatar attack the Mercenary also. If the Merc has Luna+, Fred should deal the finishing blow to avoid losing a chunk of health.

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I only have regular lunatic experience but hanging around the mountain on the left made it much easier to control how many enemies I dealt with at a time, plus terrain bonuses sometimes. try that?

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