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Hey so I think you guys know how these things work at this point. So I'm just gonna explain the team and playthrough goals and you guys can fill in the rest.

The main goal of this playthrough is to give some much needed love for Dark Knight!Tharja, and how she doesn't need Nosferatu to be an invincible tank. I'm using Nowi as well, for comparison's sake. Also going to try and give some love to Cherche and hopefully see her climb up in the tier list, because I think her potential is largely unexplored. Using both of the Pegs as well to try and get a better idea of which is the better one.


Chrom x Avatar

Avatar!Lucina tears apart your homes and has no problems at all being one of the best units in the game. Going to also make an attempt to explore what Chrom is capable of, beyond just being +3 speed to Avatar.

Tharja x Henry

Still not too certain about this pairing. Tharja pretty much has everything she needs, though a bit of extra skill wouldn't hurt. 12/1 Henry can give decent pair up bonuses to her though.

Nowi x Lon'qu

I've never really ever bothered with Nowi, but the hype she gets in the tier list really interests me so I'm giving her a shot. Went with Lon'qu as the support partner because he can probably hit Lv.10 by the time Master Seals are buyable and then he'll give more speed than Gregor will.

Cherche x Gregor

Gregor is a really nice pair up partner given that he can be insta promo'd for some free move. Cherche likes the speed and the move and will hopefully be capable of greatness.

Sumia x Frederick

Do I really need to explain this pairing at all? I hope not.

Cordelia x Vaike

Wanted to try something different than the popular Cordelia x Stahl as of late. Vaike gives her everything she needs, though I don't know when he'll be able to promote to Warrior.

These guys are the key parts of my playthrough, but I will be using other units as well (mostly in the earlygame since I won't have everyone then) to clear maps faster.

POOR YOU if you don't know how to beat this in two turns. REST IN PIECES if you can't beat it at all (which isn't possible haha).
2 turns
Chrom pairs into Avatar and they go up. Lissa pairs into Frederick and he goes up. Got a bit lucky with the Dual Strikes but I'm not complaining.
3 turns/5 turns
Chapter 1
Chrom pairs into Avatar and she goes to the fort. Fred goes down by the other fort. Avatar is attacked by several enemies. She kills one on the enemy phase which lets Frederick reach the Archer and get attacked by the boss on Turn 2 enemy phase. Virion pairs into Sully and she sits on the bottom fort. From this point on its really simple.
3 turns/8 turns
Chapter 2
Fred pairs into Stahl and he goes up, swaps to Fred and attacks the barbarian on the left fort. Sully goes into the left woods and waits. Chrom pairs into Avatar and she attacks... something that I forget but it wasn't relevant because it died. Fred goes full up on turn 2. Fred attacks the boss on turn 3 and this really simple map ends.
3 turns/11 turns
Chapter 3
Chrom recruits Kellam and pairs into Kellam. Kellam goes to Avatar and transfers Chrom to her. Sumia pairs into Fred and he goes left. Avatar goes left. Stahl pairs into Sully. Lissa pairs into Miriel. Sully, Miriel and Vaike stand outside enemy range. Avatar and Frederick eliminate everyone on the bottom left side on enemy phase. Miriel goes up to Avatar, switches to Lissa who heals her. Frederick, Avatar and Sully make their way towards the door. Avatar opens the door on turn 3. Fred goes up and kills the Knight. Turn 4 has Avatar, Frederick and Stahl kill the enemies that Fred lured and make a very easy five turn.
5 turns/16 turns
Paralogue 1
Least favorite map in the game right here. Spent at least three turns feeding kills to Donnel to recruit him only to have him rot on the bench forever.
10 turns/26 turns
Chapter 4
Avatar pairs into Chrom who goes up and switches to Avatar. Sully pairs into Vaike who goes right. Fred pairs into Sumia and goes left. Avatar attacks Marth on turn 2 and ORKOs with dual strikes and a chrom crit. Everything suicides on enemy phase.
2 turns/28 turns
Chapter 5
Fred pairs into Sumia who goes up the mountain and attacks the Dark Mage. Chrom pairs into Avatar who kills the Barbarian. Vaike pairs into Sully and the two handle the bottom with Kellam!Lon'qu.
6 turns/34 turns because reinforcements are a pain when you don't know when they come out
Chapter 6
Fred and Sumia are able to handle the right side with ease. Avatar and Chrom can handle the left just fine. Sully, Ricken, Vaike, Lon'qu, Kellam, Panne and Gaius handle the middle choke point well, with support from Maribelle's Mend staff.
6 turns/40 turns
Chapter 7
uhh, everyone goes right and clears map. Not like this map is hard or anything. but i didn't want to just say "GO RIGHT" like i do in all my drafts. Oh, and uh Fred dodged a hammer.
3 turns/43 turns
Paralogue 2
Fred pairs into Sumia. Vaike pairs into Cordelia. Both of the Pegs handle the bottom portion of the map, with Fred+Sumia getting the Victor kill. Chrom and Avatar go up to the village, and Chrom gets some levels in the process since I don't want to waste the EXP. Panne+Kellam and Lon'qu+Ricken (I don't even know) go up and handle the initial archers.
6 turns/49 turns
Paralogue 3
Fred and Sumia go down the right side and get the boss. Chrom and Avatar go down the left bridge and Chrom gets a few levels. Cordelia, Panne and Lon'qu pitch in where needed.
5 turns/54 turns
*Will have proper stats soon now that I know that code tags go boom now

Resource List

Chapter 6 Secret Book - Unclaimed

Paralogue 2 Goddess Icon - Unclaimed

Paralogue 3 Seraph Robe - Unclaimed

Renown Second Seal - Unclaimed

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POOR YOU if you don't know how to beat this in two turns. REST IN PIECES if you can't beat it at all (which isn't possible haha).

2 turns

you can make it happen unpaired
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Chapter 8
Now things get interesting. Reclassed Avatar to Peg Knight with the Renown Seal. Kellam!Panne and Sully!Lon'qu grab the Rescue Staff. Fred!Sumia, Vaike!Cordelia and Chrom!Avatar go down to help Nowi. Avatar grabs the Second Seal and Sumia gets the Master Seal. Cordelia grabs boss kill.
5 turns/59 turns
Chrom      Lord       8.65      27    11    2     12    12    11    10     2     B Sword                 Avatar S
Avatar     Peg Knight 20/4.17   38    17    14    17    23+2  17    14     10    E Lance                 Chrom S
Frederick  Gr Knight  -/6.31    33    16    3     13    12    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe   Sumia S
Vaike      Fighter    5.17      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia C Sully B
Sumia      Peg Knight 8.93      23    10    6     17    16+2  15    6      8     C Lance              Frederick S
Cordelia   Peg Knight 12.34     30    13    4     13    16+2  11    10     11    C Lance                 Vaike C
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   8.94      23    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword                 Sully C
Kellam     Knight     5.30      DOES IT REALLY MATTER ANYMORE?
Panne      Taguel     11.28     33    8+3   2     10+5  14+5  8+4   11+1   3     Stoner         C Kellam C Ricken
Sully      Cavalier   5.92      21    10    1     10    10    8     8      4     E Sword D Lance B Vaike C Lon'qu
Nowi       Manakete   4.61      20    5+8   1+5   2+3   3+2   9     3+10   2+7   Stoner                  C Gregor
Gregor     Mercenary  10.0      BASE
Chapter 9
Fred!Sumia, Chrom!Avatar, Vaike!Cordelia and Lon'qu!Nowi go down. Kellam!Panne and Sully!Gregor pick off the remaining enemies. I was a bit oblivious to the Killer Bow Archer (thought he was a reinforcement, so I positioned my fliers accordingly) which cost me around two turns which sucks because this map is pretty simple aside from him.
8 turns/67 turns
Chrom      Lord       9.74      27    11    2     12    12    11    10     3     B Sword                 Avatar S
Avatar     Peg Knight 20/6.09   39    19    14    18    25+2  17    14     11    D Lance                 Chrom S
Frederick  Gr Knight  -/6.55    33    16    3     13    12    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe   Sumia S
Vaike      Fighter    5.17      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia B Sully B
Sumia      Peg Knight 10.28     23    12    6     19    17+2  16    6      8     C Lance              Frederick S
Cordelia   Peg Knight 13.21     30    14    4     13    17+2  11    11     12    C Lance                 Vaike B
Sully      Cavalier   5.98      21    10    1     10    10    8     8      4     E Sword D Lance B Vaike C Lon'qu
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   9.05      24    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword                 C Sully
Panne      Taguel     11.98     33    8+3   2     10+5  14+5  8+4   11+1   3     Stoner         C Kellam C Ricken
Kellam     Knight     5.42      >_______________________________________________________________>
Nowi       Manakete   6.26      22    6+8   2+5   2+3   4+2   9     4+10   3+7   Stoner                  C Gregor
Gregor     Mercenary  11.06     31    13    0     14    12    8     11     2     C Sword                 C Nowi
Libra      War Monk   -/1.67    BASE
Tharja     Dark Mage  11.01     26    4     12    6     13    3     10     7     D Tome
Paralogue 4
Gave Tharja the Ch6 Book and the Par2 Goddess Icon because I doubt anyone else wants them at all. Fred!Sumia and Chrom!Avatar go up the left side. Gregor!Tharja and Lon'qu!Nowi go through the right path. Kellam!Panne and Vaike!Cordelia go through the middle.
5 turns/73 turns
Chrom      Lord       10.19     28    11    2     13    13    12    10     3     B Sword                 Avatar S
Avatar     Peg Knight 20/9.31   41    20    15    21    28+2  19    16     12    D Lance                  Chrom S
Frederick  Gr Knight   -/6.60   33    16    3     13    12    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe    Sumia S
Sumia      Peg Knight 11.18     24    12    6     19    17+2  17    6      8     B Lance              Frederick S
Cordelia   Peg Knight 14.48     31    15    4     13    18+2  12    11     12    B Lance                  Vaike B
Vaike      Fighter    5.41      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia B Sully B
Nowi       Manakete   7.12      23    6+8   3+5   3+3   4+2   9     5+10   4+7   Stoner         Gregor C Lon'qu C
Tharja     Dark Mage  12.91     27    4     13    9     14    6     10     7     D Tome
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   9.15      24    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword           Sully C Nowi C
Gregor     Mercenary  11.06     31    13    0     14    12    8     11     2     C Sword                   C Nowi
Panne      Taguel     12.58     34    9+3   2     11+5  15+5  8+4   11+1   3     Stoner         B Kellam C Ricken
Kellam    Knight     5.54      >______________________________________________________________>
Anna       Trickster  -/1.36    36    12    17    23    22    26    8      10    C Sword D Staff
Edited by Doofina
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Chapter 10
Gregor!Tharja and Lon'qu!Nowi go up the right side. Anna rescues Chrom!Avatar and they head left with Vaike!Cordelia. Fred!Sumia works in the middle part of the map, though she's struggling now with her horrible defense. Could've done the map faster if Cordelia decided to hit the boss, but it got Chrom some EXP so I shouldn't complain too much. Promoted both Cordelia and Avatar to Dark Flier before filling in stats table.
5 turns/78 turns
Chrom      Lord       11.04     29    12    2     13    13    12    10     3     B Sword                 Avatar S
Avatar     Dark Flier 20/10/1   45    22    19    23    31+2  20    18     16    D Lance B Tome           Chrom S
Cordelia   Dark Flier 16/1      36    18    8     15    21+2  12    12     16    B Lance E Tome           Vaike A
Sumia      Peg Knight 12.85     24    12    6     20    18+2  17    6      8     B Lance              Frederick S
Tharja     Dark Mage  14.98     29    5     13    9     15    7     12     7     D Tome                  Gregor C
Nowi       Manakete   7.47      23    6+8   3+5   3+3   4+2   9     5+10   4+7   Stoner         Gregor C Lon'qu C
Frederick  Gr Knight  -/6.95    33    16    3     13    12    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe    Sumia S
Vaike      Fighter    5.41      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia A Sully B     
Gregor     Mercenary  11.06     31    13    0     14    12    8     11     2     C Sword          Nowi C Tharja C
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   9.20      24    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword           Sully C Nowi C
Panne      Taguel     13.24     10+3  2     12+5  16+5  8+4   8+4   11+1   3     Stoner         Kellam B Ricken C
Kellam     Knight     5.60      21    10    0     7     5     3     12+2   2     D Lance                  Panne B
Anna       Trickster  -/2.19    36    13    18    23    22    27    9      11    C Sword D Staff
Chapter 11
Everyone pretty much goes down or left. This map is super straight forward. I only wish I could've stayed around for the speedwing, but I got too careless. Promoted Tharja before stats log and gave her a Goddess Icon from Ch11.
4 turns/82 turns
Chrom      Lord       11.82     29    12    2     13    13    12    10     3     B Sword                 Avatar S
Avatar    Dark Flier 20/10/4   47    24    19    25    34+2  22    19     18    C Lance B Tome           Chrom S
Cordelia   Dark Flier 16/1      36    18    8     15    21+2  12    12     16    B Lance E Tome           Vaike A
Tharja     Dark Kn    16/1      39    11    17    13    19    11    19     9     E Sword C Tome          Gregor C
Sumia      Peg Knight 12.85     24    12    6     20    18+2  17    6      8     B Lance              Frederick S
Frederick  Gr Knight  -/6.95    33    16    3     13    12    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe    Sumia S
Nowi       Manakete   7.59      23    6+8   3+5   3+3   4+2   9     5+10   4+7   Stoner         Gregor C Lon'qu C
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   9.26      24    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword           Sully C Nowi C
Vaike      Fighter    5.62      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia A Sully B
Gregor     Mercenary  11.32     31    13    0     14    12    8     11     2     C Sword          Nowi C Tharja C
Panne      Taguel     13.57     10+3  2     12+5  16+5  8+4   8+4   11+1   3     Stoner         Kellam A Ricken C
Olivia     Dancer     1.68      18    3     1     8     9     5+4   3      2     D Sword


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Last update for the day

Chapter 12
Panne!Tharja goes left and up. Sumia!Frederick goes right and around. Gregor!Cherche and Lon'qu!Nowi stay around the middle. Chrom!Avatar heads up towards the boat with Vaike!Cordelia. Promo'd Chrom, Sumia to Falcon Knight and Gregor to Bow Knight.
3 turns/85 turns
Chrom      Great Lord 12/1      35    17    2     16    15    13    14     6     A Sword E Lance         Avatar S
Avatar     Dark Flier 20/10/7   49    27    21    27    34    23    21     19    C Lance A Tome           Chrom S
Cordelia   Dark Flier 16/3      37    18    8     17    23    14    12     16    B Lance E Tome           Vaike S
Vaike      Fighter    5.68      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia A Sully B
Tharja     Dark Kn    16/3      41    12    18    14    19    11    19     10    E Sword B Tome          Gregor C
Cherche    Wyv Rider  12.91     31    15    1     13    12    9     16     2     C Axe
Gregor     Bow Knight 11/1      37    16    0     16    15    8     12     4     C Sword E Bow    Nowi C Tharja C
Nowi       Manakete   9.55      25    8+8   3+5   4+3   6+2   11+4  6+10   5+7   Stoner         Lon'qu B Gregor C
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   9.68      24    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword           Sully C Nowi C
Frederick  Gr Knight  -/7.30    34    16    3     14    13    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe    Sumia S
Sumia      Falco Kn   12/1      28    14    7     23    21+2  17    8      11    B Lance E Staff      Frederick S
Chapter 13
Anna rescues Chrom!Avatar to go kill boss. No reason to stick around any longer.
1 turn/86 turns
Chrom      Great Lord 12/1      35    17    2     16    15    13    14     6     A Sword E Lance         Avatar S
Avatar     Dark Flier 20/10/8   50    27    22    27    35    23    21     19    C Lance A Tome           Chrom S
Lucina    Lord       10.00     34    16    7     18    19    16    13     6     C Sword
Cordelia   Dark Flier 16/3      37    18    8     17    23    14    12     16    B Lance E Tome           Vaike S
Vaike      Fighter    5.68      31    11    0     8     8     4     5      0     D Axe         Cordelia A Sully B
Tharja     Dark Kn    16/3      41    12    18    14    19    11    19     10    E Sword B Tome          Gregor C
Cherche    Wyv Rider  13.34     32    15    1     14    13    10    17     2     C Axe
Gregor     Bow Knight 11/1      37    16    0     16    15    8     12     4     C Sword E Bow    Nowi C Tharja C
Nowi       Manakete   9.67      25    8+8   3+5   4+3   6+2   11+4  6+10   5+7   Stoner         Lon'qu B Gregor C
Lon'qu     Myrmidon   9.68      24    7     1     16    17    10    9      3     C Sword           Sully C Nowi C
Frederick  Gr Knight  -/7.44    34    16    3     14    13    6     19     5     C Sword A Lance D Axe    Sumia S
Sumia      Falco Kn   12/1      28    14    7     23    21+2  17    8      11    B Lance E Staff      Frederick S
Anna       Trickster  -/4.01    38    13    19    23    23    29    9      12    C Sword D Staff
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Paralogue 1

Least favorite map in the game right here. Spent at least three turns feeding kills to Donnel to recruit him only to have him rot on the bench forever.
10 turns/26 turns

It's funny because the Donnel recruitment clause makes it my favorite.

Also I notice it's not better than my run..

Edited by bearclaw13
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Paralogue 12

Avatar recruits Morgan and heads up to the boss. Lucina grabs a couple of levels. Reclassed Lucina to Cavalier. Promoted Henry to Dark Knight. Gave Cherche Naga's Tear under the advice of Horace. Gave Cordelia one of my Robes as well as an Energy Drop and a Draco. Tharja got a Secret Book, Goddess Icon and Talisman. Gave the other Seraph Robe to Fred and Avatar got the Ch.11 Spirit Dust.

3 turns/89 turns

Chapter 14

Decided to stay around a bit for the EXP. Tharja got boss kill. Promoted Lucina to Paladin and Cherche to Wyvern Lord.

2 turns/91 turns

Chapter 15

Big old rout map. Cordelia takes the beach and everyone else takes the rest of the map. Was able to visit the houses for the Second Seal, Physic and Arms Scroll. Really simple map before the long chain of defeat boss maps.

3 turns/94 turns

Chapter 16

Head up the tree with Chrom!Avatar, Vaike!Cordelia and Gregor!Cherche. Tharja and Lucina get EXP on the left side. Nowi tries to handle the right side, but she 2RKOs generic tier 1s and doubles them, while not doubling any of the promoted enemies and is 2HKOed by them.

Chapter 17

Avatar heads up the middle, learns Galefart and reclasses to Dark Knight. Lucina, Cherche and Nowi take the left side. Tharja, Anna and Cordelia work on the right side. Worst part of the map was when Avatar tinked Pheros >_> Lon'qu promos to Assassin

5 turns/99 turnd

Chapter 18

Wow, this is where things start getting tough! Avatar and Lucina go down the middle. Nowi and Tharja take the right. Cordelia and Cherche take the left.

4 turns/103 turns

Stats because I kinda forgot about them tee hee. Only stats for combat and support units are listed (read as: no pair up bots)

Chrom Gr Lord 12/3.90 37 19 2 16 15 14 14 6 A Swrd E Lnc Avatar S Lucina B
Avatar Dark Kn 20/10/15/3 63 30 25 29 35+2 27 30 18 E Swrd A Tome Chrom S Morgan B
Cordelia Dark Flier 15/11 50 23 9 22 26+2 18 20 17 A Lnc A Tome Vaike S
Tharja Dark Kn 16/11 49 15 24 18 24 18 24 13 E Swrd A Tome Henry B
Nowi Manekete 17.89 34 14+8 6+5 7+3 13+2 19 9+10 9+7 Stoner Lon'qu S
Cherche Wyv Lord 16/7 50 29+2 6 22 21 15 27 10 E Lnc A Axe Gregor S
Lucina Paladin 10/10/7 54 28 12 26 28 26 24 17 B Swrd B Lnc Chrom B Avatar C
Anna Trickster -/7 40 15 21 24 25 32 10 13 C Swd D Stf
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