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Features That Could Improve Awakening


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One mechanic I am glad was not included in this game is shoving. It's funny to imagine a bunch of people shoving each other around the battlefield in order to get further quicker.

I suppose the biggest thing to me is the lack of victory conditions. I love the variety of Radiant Dawn.

Yes, Rescue-chaining is so much more dignified than shoving. :P:

I hate Con and Weight and stuff. D8 I don't play a fantasy game for realistic things like weapon weight. It became stupid when it came to tomes. Why are stronger tomes so freakin' heavy? The freedom that comes with using any weapon without worrying about weight is amazing.

Oh my god, yes. Why are Tomes so freaking heavy? it's not like you need to make the most powerful ones with iron pages or anything.

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And the ironic thing is that the more powerful ones have even less pages in them to use, if were going by more pages = more weight....

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The characters have a small description tacked on to the end of their profile (ie: fastest/largest/best "insert characteristic here" in the army)

Many of these aren't represented in the story. If IS went one step further and made these descriptions slightly affect stats to support the individuality theme and made a new mechanic out of it (I'd call the mechanic "Trait"), then they would extend the interest and nuance of the game without having to overhaul the current combat.

The traits would not be inheritable and be specifically for one character (these are not skills and would be more closely related to modifiers).

Here's an example: Chrom's description states that he "breaks the most things during practice", so why not lower his weapon rank by 1 and increase his strength by 4 during the challenge (risen) battles.

Ricken is "the most popular with animals" so maybe his trait would increase his avoid in a mounted class (ie: dark knight)

Gregor is "the slowest to feel muscular pain" so he could start with a +16Def/-16Res modifier which would halve every turn until +1Def/-1Res.

Even someone like Tiki who's "infamous for being a terrible riser" can get +10Atk/-20Hit on her first turn.

Maybe Brady "most likely to be mistaken for a bandit", will not be attacked by the barbarian/warrior/berserker/thief classes on the first enemy turn.

Say'ri "best diver in the army" could gain +10 max HP when fighting in/ above water and -10 max HP when fighting in the desert.

Some traits would be more difficult to correlate to stat changes (such as Cordelia's :-_-: ), but overall it would truly give the characters more... well, character!

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Adding a few things that came to me:

-Weaponfaire (Weapon Expert) skills extra effect-Gives their stat bonus and/or allows units to use that weapon in a class that can't similar to Shadowgift. Dunno, I thought it'd make things more interesting or it allows players to do things like having Falcon Knights use swords like they did in most past games. Or you know, make infantry spear wielders that isn't Brides or Knights.

-More Skills for Special Classes-Aside from the Conqueror and Lodestar classes (both get no skills anyways), it seems like those who have special classes get gipped in the skill department, losing at least 2 possible skills. Taguels and Manakete should get an attacking skill like Rend and Ire from FE 8 & 9. I know Wyrmsbane and Beastbane are great, but still give them another skill. Dancer, well I can't personally think of anything to add, but there has to be something possible. Villager, don't really care for bonus skills since I wouldn't want to keep Donnel or his sons in this class longer than he needs to be. 2 is enough for a trainee class.

-A personal weapon for the Avatar-As one of the main characters of the game I found it strange that we did not receive a special Weapon only for us. I mean Chrom and Lucina is understandable, Walhart is too. Even Owain somehow got one. I know we can just forge a weapon and rename it or take a past regalia, but still, maybe a personal tome would have been excellent.

-Class Color Custom-Well, not that I dislike the color blue, but I wish we could change the color pallet of our non-Tactician/Grandmaster/Dread Fighter/Bride clothing on our Avatars. I'd like to wear a black Swordmaster outfit or a Green Sage outfit. Also to a lesser extent, every character should carry their color palette into their other classes, not just their base class promotions. Even if they don't get specialized clothing as their base class and those promotions do, keeping the same color across classes would be cool.

-Modified Double Duel Multiplayer-Do an Arena-style battle that Double Duel does, but without the Dual System. Do the "pick three characters" and each player sends out one at a time until one of the players completely wipes out the enemy team. The winner gets a good prize, the loser gets nothing or a small prize.

-Blinking/Talking sprites-After 5 games with this feature I found it a little strange that there was no eye or mouth movements outside of their 3D sprites. I know it's a rather minor detail and it's not THAT important, but I kind of miss it, though seeing different sprite expressions is a good exchange for this.

Edited by Naui
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The characters have a small description tacked on to the end of their profile (ie: fastest/largest/best "insert characteristic here" in the army)

Many of these aren't represented in the story. If IS went one step further and made these descriptions slightly affect stats to support the individuality theme and made a new mechanic out of it (I'd call the mechanic "Trait"), then they would extend the interest and nuance of the game without having to overhaul the current combat.

The traits would not be inheritable and be specifically for one character (these are not skills and would be more closely related to modifiers).

Here's an example: Chrom's description states that he "breaks the most things during practice", so why not lower his weapon rank by 1 and increase his strength by 4 during the challenge (risen) battles.

Ricken is "the most popular with animals" so maybe his trait would increase his avoid in a mounted class (ie: dark knight)

Gregor is "the slowest to feel muscular pain" so he could start with a +16Def/-16Res modifier which would halve every turn until +1Def/-1Res.

Even someone like Tiki who's "infamous for being a terrible riser" can get +10Atk/-20Hit on her first turn.

Maybe Brady "most likely to be mistaken for a bandit", will not be attacked by the barbarian/warrior/berserker/thief classes on the first enemy turn.

Say'ri "best diver in the army" could gain +10 max HP when fighting in/ above water and -10 max HP when fighting in the desert.

Some traits would be more difficult to correlate to stat changes (such as Cordelia's :-_-: ), but overall it would truly give the characters more... well, character!

This. You're awesome, Laurent.

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I most definitely do not like stupid Con and stupid weapon weights. I was extremely happy that was removed.

A third tier of classes like Radiant Dawn had would be pretty cool, though then you'd want to make the game longer so that you'd actually get to the third tier without grinding a lot.

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Frederick loves to start a fire

.....Lets give him Galeforce


I doubt that translates to SHIPPUJINRAI, with "AS SWIFT AS THE WINDS AND WITH THE SPEED OF LIGHTNING"... if anything it'll blow out his campfires.

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