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Most/least attractive female/male Lord

What are the most and the least attractives Lords  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. Most attractive male lord

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leaf
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Default FE12 Male Avatar
    • Chrom
    • Default FE13 Male Avatar
    • I'll skip this one
  2. 2. Least attractive male Lord

    • I'll skip this one
    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leaf
    • Roy
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Default FE12 Male Avatar
    • Chrom
    • Default FE13 Male Avatar
  3. 3. Most attractive female Lord

    • Celica
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Micaiah
    • Default FE12 Female Avatar
    • Lucina
    • Default FE13 Female Avatar
    • I'll skip this one
  4. 4. Least attractive female Lord

    • I'll skip this one
    • Celica
    • Lyn
    • Eirika
    • Micaiah
    • Default FE12 Female Avatar
    • Lucina
    • Default FE13 Female Avatar

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Sigurd (16 MT Steel Lance), Celice (12 MT Hero Sword + Ridiculous Crit), Leaf (12 MT Magic Damage Light Sword/15 MT Hero Sword/12 MT King Sword), Roy (15 MT Rapier), Lyndis (16 MT Manni Katti), Hector (20 MT Wolf Beil), Eirika (21 MT Rapier), Ephraim (30 MT Regenlief), Micaiah (24 MT Thany).

Wow Marth beats Eliwood and Ike. So impressive.

15 MT Rapier all the way throughout the game after chapter 8

In a game where 80% of the enemies are Cavalier

Thats actually pretty crazy

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I think Lyn is the least attractive not because of her looks, but because her personality is... eh... maybe? I dunno. I'm speculating! Personally I like how she looks (I am a sucker for those pointy eyes) but her utterance of "What?" gets very repetitive and her prologue chapters are a yawn fest.

But onto my actual picks:

Most attractive male: Chrom. I like pretty much all the blue-haired lords but lately the DLC has made me have no regrets about picking out Chrom as a husband. He's a little bit more thoughtful than Hector, Ephraim, or Ike, and he's just outright more handsome than Marth. While I love SSB Marth, Marth in his own series always tends to have weird, derpy faces.

Least attractive male: Alm. Easily. FE2's art is terrible, and from reading the script I hate that he ends up being the one to rescue Celica, when Celica is the smart and thoughtful one. SIGH. New Mystery default Chris (and New Mystery characters in general) really doesn't do it for me either.

Most attractive female: Lucina. She's modest but not annoyingly so, and has a lot of strength of will. She's comparable to Elincia, who is also among my favourite lords, but doesn't go through the "helpless princess" phase which PoR Elincia was stuffed through. Honestly the artist's love of Lucina shines through on things like her official maskless art, the Knights of Iris cover and the OST. She's gorgeous. I don't care that she's not curvy; She's a teenager and spends a lot of time actively training and running around. With the amount of acrobatics that she does, she's great the way she is. It's design that absolutely makes sense for the character and I love that.

Least attractive female: I was tempted to say Celica for the same reason I picked Alm, but I just don't like New Mystery's art so FE12 female MU will have to take the hit here.

Edit: Also I'm disappointed that Elincia is not an option on the female side! As much as it wouldn't change my answers, I think she's one of the best female lords in the series anyway. And she does spend at least a few chapters in FE10 as a commander (okay, 2 chapters, but whatever). I know characters like Caeda/Nyna/Lilina/etc are absent but Elincia literally has a Princess Crimea/Queen class and cannot die.

Edited by Samias
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- Most => Sigurd

- Least => Skipped (Marth would certainly be my choice but he's not consistent in his figure, and his bulkier incarnations aren't bad)


- Most => Extremely close call between Eirika and Micaiah, but Miccy's silver hairs win barely. If only Seliph was female, I'm pretty sure he would have been a hell of a babe.

- Least => Lyn. I never found her attractive.

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Most attractive female: Lucina. She's modest but not annoyingly so, and has a lot of strength of will. She's comparable to Elincia, who is also among my favourite lords, but doesn't go through the "helpless princess" phase which PoR Elincia was stuffed through. Honestly the artist's love of Lucina shines through on things like her official maskless art, the Knights of Iris cover and the OST. She's gorgeous. I don't care that she's not curvy; She's a teenager and spends a lot of time actively training and running around. With the amount of acrobatics that she does, she's great the way she is. It's design that absolutely makes sense for the character and I love that.

And yet then Mia exists. :mellow:

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Edit: Also I'm disappointed that Elincia is not an option on the female side! As much as it wouldn't change my answers, I think she's one of the best female lords in the series anyway. And she does spend at least a few chapters in FE10 as a commander (okay, 2 chapters, but whatever). I know characters like Caeda/Nyna/Lilina/etc are absent but Elincia literally has a Princess Crimea/Queen class and cannot die.

Elincia isn't in the poll because she's not a lord. xP

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I don't think Lyndis has a very pretty face...I mean, it's pretty at least, but it pales in comarison to other female Lords'. Also, I'm not a fan of ponytails and that "sexy" look they apparently wanted to go for.

Comparing her looks to Lucina, I can understand. But other female lords aside from Lucy? I'm not seeing it.

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Haha poor Lyn and Roy.

I'm glad Lucy won the Female Lord poll though, clearly this board has good taste.

Miccy's clearly 2nd too, this board has really good taste

Edited by shadykid
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FEA character's are only high because it's a new game. Every body in that game looks ugly as sin. Except Aversa, obviously

On a mildly related note, if Lucina replaces Marth in SSB4, I'll lose all hope in humanity.

Aversa is the only character I hate more than Lucina...

Agreed on the second one though.

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ITT: Whining. About art.

I voted for Micaiah 'cause she looked really stylish. I'd love to wear her third-tier skirt. . .but I don't have the legs to pull it off! :cry:

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Most attractive male: This was kinda hard. FE10!Ike and Hector were neck and neck. In the end Hector won out because FE9 Ike brought FE10 Ike down to an average that's below Hector. If it were just FE10 Ike he probably would have won, but since FE9 Ike exists I have to evaluate both appearances. Runner up is Eliwood, he's cute.

Least attractive: Marth is too pretty boy for my taste...

Runner up is Sigurd,Celice, and Roy. Sigurd looks weird and he passed down his weird looks to his son. Roy looks too young. /randomnote I demand a male lord with facial hair! And not Hector's santa beard please xP

Most attractive female: Hmmm...Eirika is a cutie. I also find Cellica pretty in a strange way. Eirika won out because of nostalgia though. Micaiah gets runner up for this category.

Least attractive: Lyn. There's something masculine about her face that I can't quite put my finger on.

Other than Lyn I can't find any female lords with glaring faults, so no runner up in this one.

I've not played FE12 so I can't say anything about those avatars.

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I honestly don't find many Awakening characters to be unattractive.


ITT: Whining. About art.

ITT: Your condescending bullshit. That no one asked for.

Least attractive: Lyn. There's something masculine about her face that I can't quite put my finger on.

I think it's just how dull, plain, and stiff she looks. Ponytails are awesome but...meh.

Edited by Boney
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I hate her every aspect and the ground she walks on.



Shes the kindest and best of ladies. Shes replacing Eirika as my favorite lady Lord. Yer just mean. :P:

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Comparing her looks to Lucina, I can understand. But other female lords aside from Lucy? I'm not seeing it.

I really just think Lucina is liek, really cute. She stands out in that. If I had to judge her body and style, I wouldn't give her the cake. I mean, she's not sexy or anything.

Also Micaiah would like a word with you. She's also really beautiful, but I don't like her nowhere as much as I used to.

I think most people are giving Lucy the votes for her actual character rather than raw appearance?

FEA character's are only high because it's a new game. Every body in that game looks ugly as sin. Except Aversa, obviously

Really? I thought everybody looked prettier, lol. Liek, even the guys look amazing to me- a straight guy.

Stahl is such a cutie.

I voted for Micaiah 'cause she looked really stylish. I'd love to wear her third-tier skirt. . .but I don't have the legs to pull it off! :cry:

Yeah, Micaiah has the best clothes. But I give credit to her fashion designer. I'm sure it's Kyza.

Edited by Juliet
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