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Anna's mercenary agency !

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So, I was thinking for some times of doing a character's evaluation by Anna, but I had to find a good way to do it.

..And I think I have find something good. Here's the scenario :

"After defeating Grima, Anna finds her sisters and they discuss of a way to diversify their activities. Suddenly, Anna has a great idea. She met a lot of interresting people during her travel with Chrom. She may find some of them to start a mercenary agency. She start to review all of them to see who will makes a good mercenary."

The evaluation will be separated in 4 parts. Combat ability : Based on their stats, and partially character (for example, Gregor once beated Basilio...), if possible.

Personnality : How is personnality will works as a mercenary. Socialability, loyalty, what can s/he adds besides their fighting prowess...

Value : That's where I may need help... How much willit cost to eploy him. I think I won't use sums, but approximation.

Final opinion : A resume of the character, followed by a note.

Also, they are 2 types of character : mercenary, and employer (Chrom, or other royalty). I need some helps to know who is reigning at the end of the game...

I also try to imitate Anna's tone . The goal is mainly fun here, even if I try to limit errors.

So, let's begin with our Lord, Chrom

"Combat ability :

He is really a great fighter. He doesn't need to much protection on the battlefield, and he has his own shiny super legendary sword.

He proved his abilities on the precedent fight many time. Don't go underestimate him !

Personnality :

He insists to be friendly with everyone who works for him, and refuses to let other fights in his place. He may be a little to reckless, so keep an eye on him. He doen't like flattery too much, but don't be too familiar with him. Don't forget he's a royalty.

Value :

Ylisse went through many issues, amongst them the loss of the former queen, but they still are the empire in the better state right now. It's definitely one of the main employer on the continent.

Final opinion :

He's a great employer, but he will consistently be behind your back. It allows his troops to give the best of themselves, but that mean no slacking off ! You will have to deserve your pay !."

Next one will be the Avatar.

Edited by TendaSlime
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Final opinion :

He's a great employer, but he will consistently be behind your back. It allows his troups to give the best of themselves, but that mean no slacking off ! You will have to deserve yoyr pay !."

Next one will be the Avatar.

Sorry to be a spelling Nazi, but I think you mean 'his troops' ...and 'your' pay.

But this looks interesting. Like a not-too-serious eval?

Are you gonna do both female/male Avatar?

Edited by Cordelia
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Sorry to be a spelling Nazi, but I think you mean 'his troops' ...and 'your' pay.

But this looks interesting. Like a not-too-serious eval?

Are you gonna do both female/male Avatar?

Ah, thanks ! I forgot how "troops" was written. The writing may be strange and seems unnatural, so feels free to correct or ask for clarification.

It's basically a non-serious evaluation with a specific point of view. I don't know if I ahve good enough writing ability, but we'll see... I have some idea I think can be funny/interresting for others (notably Lissa), so we'll see how it'll go...

Hmm... I don't think there are too many different things to say for both Avatars. I also wonder if I will makes both Morgan. It'll depends.

Well, let's check the Avatar then :

"Combat ability :

S/He is a great fighter, who is good in both magic and weapons mastery. S/He is also a great strategist and have an innate sense of the battle. He is really versatile and will know how to adapt at every situation. I couldn't hope for a better mercenary !

Personnality :

Hmm... We talked together from time to time, but I don't remember a lot of things concerning him/her.... I'm not even sure if s/he was a girl or a boy, because he always kept his hood on his face. Well, I remember he was a great strategist. S/He was also really close to Chrom. Well, his/her help would be appreciated to write this guide.

You can find more information in the famous book buy yours truly, Anna : "The Secrets of the Grimean war : A Merchant's Tale". What is his/her true relation with Chrom ? What is really his/her links with Grima and much, much more !

"The Secret of the Grimean war : A Merchant's Tale". Ask your local Anna for more information !

And for our 25 first buyer, for only 200 more Gold, you can have our exclusive Chrom's Poster who was used to boost the morals of the Ylissian's troops on their darkest hours. You too can have an intimate relation with the Prince of Ylisse !

Value :

It would be really high if we could find it. I'm sure we'll make a great team together. Me and all my sisters are searching the whole continent to find him, but there's no results for now !

Dear reader, if you want to find, don't hesitate to donate to our great operation : "Find the legendary Tactician" ! Buy the book buy yours truly : "The Secrets of the Grimean war : A Merchant's Tale". All the saucy details about Chrom, his mysterious tactician's "friend", and all the other actors of this war that changed the face of our world.

We swear that, all the money you give for our books are spent to looks for him.

Final opinion :

As you can see, he would make an amazing mercenary if only we couild find him. Also, he seems really close to Chrom (How much ? check our book "The Secrets of the Grimean war : A Merchant's Tale" for more details.), so we will need more money to convince hm to help us.

(Now to cleverly distribute this paper to the approprate persons. I can already here the sound of pieces in our bags. Music to my hear !)"

Edited by TendaSlime
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