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Can anyone confirm a few things on data transfers?

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Hi all!

I know about the bonus's for hitting level 20 and such, and I 'think' there is a list of the best people to 20/20 for said bonus' (if anyone has it, it would save me the trouble of tracking it down).

I was wondering about supports and coins.

1. Coins as I can tell give 'random' bonus' but I can't seem to find what that means. Are we talking like, a 1% increase to hit hit, or a plus 50% critical rate? Can anyone narrow down what that means?

2. On supports, as I understand it any 'A' support in PoR gives a minor bond boost in RD. I've not played this yet (working on making a PoR file for transfer now) but I've heard RD has you controlling different sides at different points? Assuming that's the case, are there any supports in PoR that would help in RD?

3. Lastly on supports, the site says 'some have an effect on the story." I've read there's an extended scene for the Ike/Soren support (Which is fine as it's one I use a lot). What other changes to the story do supports have? Is there a list somewhere, or examples?

I hope I'm not being a pain. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

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1. This page should help you: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe10/forge_coin.html

When you choose to use up a coin during forging, you will get a random bonus. By the way, it doesn't matter what card you pick or if you reset... you will get the same bonus for the forged weapon if you choose to use a coin... which I recall is determined for each playthrough.

2. A Bond support gives a +5 critical boost when they are in the immediate square next to you. If they have a "default" bond support coded in FE10 itself, they will get boosted to +10 critical.

3. I don't have any examples for that sadly.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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