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4 New Gen6. Pokemon and New Details from Corocoro

Ema Skye

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Kinda thinking that the Fairy-type (or really any new type) is expected at this point given that we still don't know what type Sylveon is. Not to mention that they had someone dress up on Pokemon Smash as a bunch of types (Fighting, Poison and Steel), to which they said "no, Sylveon is not this type".

Rumors are cool but this is the only thing that I really care for because a new type can be revolutionary if executed correctly (look at all of the awesome Steel-types we have, and look at how few good non-Uber Psychics we have).

The benefits it has on the type table are kinda interesting, giving Poison and Steel some buffs to the offense, while having the immunity to Dragon-types. Two of the best and most frequently used offensive types are Dragon and Fighting, both of which are now scared of the little fairies. Fire gets /another/ resistance to help it out (even though it will still forever suck until Stealth Rock goes away) though I don't know why Electric would resist it. So to me, the Fairy type seems a bit like another balancing type in disguise.

I wonder if Fairy type has any resistances. Immunity to Dragon is a big deal, but I wonder if there is anything else?



Image comes from the move site for the Mewtwo vs Genesect movie. As you can see, four hexagons under Genesect for each of its four formes. Two hexagons under Mewtwo for its two supposed formes.

It's not much to work off of but it's at least fun to speculate and discuss it.

Edited by Doofina
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While I do admit that dragon DID need a nerf(after all the overpowered dragons they made), and a much needed one at that, why am I under the impression that this is simply too good to be true?

Speaking of which, the inclusion of the fairy type, if this turns out to not be a hoax, has some parallels to the dark type in Gen II to combat psychics. Like dragon now, Gen I psychic was brutally overpowered(no exploitable weaknesses and almost no resistances), so GF added the dark type in the next gen to balance them(they also added the steel type for likely no other reason than to add a good defensive type). I think GF had this in mind when making the fairy type.

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I guess I'm the only one who likes the thunder lizard. :(

I do as well.

Fairy sounds intriguing. Hopefully their 'balance' doesn't go too far in the other direction and make fairy the dominant type for another three generations, as they (arguably) did with steel.

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Fire gets /another/ resistance to help it out (even though it will still forever suck until Stealth Rock goes away) though I don't know why Electric would resist it.

Electric doesn't resist Fairy, but Psychic does.

I'd be ok about Fairy good against Dragon and Fighting, but Dark isn't exactly that good in offense or defense these days. Plus now Scrafty gets a pretty lame *4 weakness.

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I'm just wondering what kind of attacks we'd be seeing, something light or magic based, I can see it mostly a Sp. Attacking type. Maybe something like "Fairy Wing" as a physical move.

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If this whole Fairy Type thing is true, I wonder if any already existing move will get a re-type. You know, like how Bite became Dark Type in Gen II.

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steel did not dominate in gen 3

the problem was what they did with dragon in gen 4

Metagross, Jirachi, Skarmory, Magneton, Forretress to a lesser extent... Last time I played gen 3 on NetBattle, these five were everywhere, which is a pretty big number in relation to the total number of steels available.

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If the rumors are true and Fairy is super effective against Fighting I'll be very happy.

Fighting is way too OP and over used at the moment.

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I think most of the new Pokemon designs look stupid honesttly. Especially Yayakoma and Elikiteru. They just look so...boring, plain, and even kind of derpy to me.

I've come to understand that they are running out of ideas, but really? They seem so bland compared to previous Pokemon generations imo.

I am excited for a Fairy type, though, because that sounds like it can be very cute.

I like cute.

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Oh boy, I really hope that this means that you can ride other pokemon of similar size types! And hopefully in places other than just a city...

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I think most of the new Pokemon designs look stupid honesttly. Especially Yayakoma and Elikiteru. They just look so...boring, plain, and even kind of derpy to me.

I've come to understand that they are running out of ideas, but really? They seem so bland compared to previous Pokemon generations imo.

I am excited for a Fairy type, though, because that sounds like it can be very cute.

I like cute.

More plain than Gen I? Because I can hardly imagine anything plainer than Gen I.

Not that I dislike Gen I. In fact, it's my favorite Gen.

But yeah. I am very much liking this Gen. The more I hear about it, the more excited I get. >_<

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Metagross, Jirachi, Skarmory, Magneton, Forretress to a lesser extent... Last time I played gen 3 on NetBattle, these five were everywhere, which is a pretty big number in relation to the total number of steels available.

the fact that most teams ran a steel type in gen 3 doesn't seem to me that steel "dominated." most teams also ran a water type in gen 3, but i bet you wouldn't admit that they dominated, either.

metagross and jirachi are simply good pokemon and skarmory and forretress had spikes. what was intrinsically amazing about the steel type in gen 3 pales in comparison to what the dragon type had in gen 4. dragon types have universal access to outrage and draco meteor, which complement a pretty good offensive type.

i mean, you couldn't build a team of 4 steel types in gen 3 and expect to do reasonably well with them against players of similar caliber.

Edited by dondon151
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the fact that most teams ran a steel type in gen 3 doesn't seem to me that steel "dominated." most teams also ran a water type in gen 3, but i bet you wouldn't admit that they dominated, either.

metagross and jirachi are simply good pokemon and skarmory and forretress had spikes. what was intrinsically amazing about the steel type in gen 3 pales in comparison to what the dragon type had in gen 4. dragon types have universal access to outrage and draco meteor, which complement a pretty good offensive type.

i mean, you couldn't build a team of 4 steel types in gen 3 and expect to do reasonably well with them against players of similar caliber.

The gen 4 dragon-type domination still mostly relates to Garchomp and Salamence, as you would probably agree, and both were eventually moved to the Uber metagame where their dominance wasn't as pronounced. Dragonite, Flygon and Kingdra are the three you have left and while no doubt threatening, they were nothing game-breaking either.

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The gen 4 dragon-type domination still mostly relates to Garchomp and Salamence, as you would probably agree, and both were eventually moved to the Uber metagame where their dominance wasn't as pronounced. Dragonite, Flygon and Kingdra are the three you have left and while no doubt threatening, they were nothing game-breaking either.

garchomp and salamence got moved to the uber metagame precisely because they dominated. iirc latias w/o soul dew was a suspect several times as well. before gen 4 the criteria for being banned from the metagame was easy, but the stuff they did with dragons in gen 4 prompted the inception of suspect tests.

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Both the Lati are currenly banned from OU in gen 4, I'm almost sure. It's true that the correlation between being a legendary/having highest BST slowly vanished, but then you have to remember things weren't always like this. For example, in gen 1 Mew and Dragonite shared the same BST (and still do after the special split) but one was Uber and the other isn't even OU if we assume Wrap is banned (and it well should be - that shit is so obnoxious). Slaking beat nearly everybody in bases but was OU material enough. Concerning being legendary (not counting legendary birds/dogs), things were pretty clear until gen 4, and in gen 5 you had folks like Mew dropping all the way from Uber to UU and newcomers like original Kyurem also dwelling well below the OU tier with many glaring shortcomings.

And even if we speak of earlier gens, consider the brokenness (and aggravating annoyance) of Wrap-type moves in gen 1, which is banned by the RBY comp community with little discussion. In generation 2, even back at the dawn of gen 2 (circa 2002) things weren't so clear about Celebi being in OU. He was in OU for a while, then banned, then I think got back to OU again (not sure because I lost interest in the game for a good decade). The discussion about gen 2 Snorlax being banned also lingers on, as it's really stupid to build a team lacking Snorlax in gen 2, and every battle revolves around using and countering Lax to a huge extent. Were gen 4 Salamence/Garchomp as dominating as gen 2 Lax? I don't know, honestly.

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