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Some questions about DLC...

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I just want to confirm two aspects.

First, how does it works when you buy the Packs before all the DLC are available. I want to buy the Scramble Pack, but only Harvest is available for now. Will I automatically obtain them when they will be here, or will I have to do something specific ?

Secondly, For the DLC Characters, do I have to pay for all of them, or can I play them separately ? When Lost Bloodlines will be available, I plan to buy Alm and Seliph DLC, but have no interest for Leif's. Can I pay only for those two ?

Thanks in advance !

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#1 - When you buy the pack, the unreleased DLC will show up on your list as purchased and appear in the "play a map" menu; however, if you try right now it'll just say "Please come back when it's out!" and send you back to the menu. All you'll need to do when the DLC is released is go back to the purchase list - the game will inform you that there's an "update for previously downloaded content" - hit yes and it'll download the map automatically and there you go.

#2 - I believe you can pick and choose which maps you want freely. I could, however, be wrong; I always bought the packs on day one so someone else will have to confirm.

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Tormod answered #1 perfectly.

For #2, You recruit the DLC characters after completing their map. When you beat bloodlines 1 you get asked if you want to recruit Lief, bloodlines 2 Alm, and bloodlines 3 Seliph.
So... if you don't purchase the pack and just buy bloodlines 2 and 3 separately then yes, you can not purchase Lief's DLC. But seeing as they are $3 per map and the map pack is $6.50 for all 3, you mind as well splurge the extra 50 cents for all 3.
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Tormod answered #1 perfectly.

For #2, You recruit the DLC characters after completing their map. When you beat bloodlines 1 you get asked if you want to recruit Lief, bloodlines 2 Alm, and bloodlines 3 Seliph.
So... if you don't purchase the pack and just buy bloodlines 2 and 3 separately then yes, you can not purchase Lief's DLC. But seeing as they are $3 per map and the map pack is $6.50 for all 3, you mind as well splurge the extra 50 cents for all 3.

What I asked was if I could play each DLC separately. but apparently, it's the case.

And in the European version, prices will be different... (probably the same as Champions of Yore 5€ the Pack, 6 € all...

Or 7.50 € separatey, 6 € the Pack.. In the second, case, I'll definitely buy the pack.)

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