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FE1's Arran and Samson


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Um yeah, another issue has come up, I was wondering if anyone knew how to deal with it.

I wanted to recruit both Arran and Samson, so I got Arran and then got him killed. Because of how FE1 works you can visit the second village, which will usually say "the gates are shut" or something but with Arran dead you can get Samson to appear and can recruit him. I was obviously planning to use Aum to resurrect Arran later.

The trouble started in the next chapter. Samson was now called Riff (when I tried it again, he was called Maji). When I deployed both of them, SamsonRiff couldn't be selected (game treated his sprite as an empty map tile) and the original Riff (who was now a Hero with Samson's HP, but not his sprite) was in the top left of the screen, just outside the map.

This is kind of funny but I'm just wondering if anybody knows a reason why this is happening and if I can change the game's code to stop it happening. If not I guess I'll just get Samson killed in his join chapter's arena and continue without him.

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Yeah, I did. Actually I played on to the end having killed Alan and Samson, was able to Aum Alan but in the epilogue it treated Maji as if he'd died, even though I could still use him with his stats (although it said on the unit select screen he had Samson's HP, he didn't). Samson wasn't in the epilogue at all.

I would guess there's only enough space in the game for 51 recruited characters and if you go over that it shuffles their code along and creates weird glitches.

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