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Even if Cordelia is not cheating on her husband, the fact remains that she can flirt with Chrom when he is married.

I again think that was negligence on IS's part. It IS odd.

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I've only played Awakening and Sacred Stones but damn ever since I first saw Lute I've HATED HER GUTS.


UGH! I just hate how cocky she is. Go away Lute, you haven't ever been of any use to me.

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I again think that was negligence on IS's part. It IS odd.

Blaming the game designers for something you don't like isn't an argument.

The fact remains that it is canon, it was obviously ment to be canon, and it is a solid reason for people to dislike the character.

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Blaming the game designers for something you don't like isn't an argument.

The fact remains that it is canon, it was obviously ment to be canon, and it is a solid reason for people to dislike the character.

Yes, but I still think they should've only made the conversation accessible if BOTH Chrom and Cordelia are single.

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I've only played Awakening and Sacred Stones but damn ever since I first saw Lute I've HATED HER GUTS.


UGH! I just hate how cocky she is. Go away Lute, you haven't ever been of any use to me.

"You look powerful. Maybe you'll stand a chance against me."

I have a 41 magic stat, a 37 Resistance stat and a Thoron tome. Come at me, bitch.

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Blaming the game designers for something you don't like isn't an argument.

The fact remains that it is canon, it was obviously ment to be canon, and it is a solid reason for people to dislike the character.

To be fair, game designers, especially including writers, can and have made mistakes before. It might indeed be a statement about Cordelia's character that she's able to flirt with a married person and yet won't when she's married herself, or it could have been poor oversight that let that scenario slip into the game. Without word or patch from the developer, either could be rightly the case.

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I find it pretty amusing how characters like Tharja and Cordelia are the ones most argued over due to what they're like yet they scored the highest in the fanbases and polls

Then again that happens with just about any other game that implies pairings

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I find it pretty amusing how characters like Tharja and Cordelia are the ones most argued over due to what they're like yet they scored the highest in the fanbases and polls

Then again that happens with just about any other game that implies pairings

I completely forgot about those polls... ha. That's quite ironic, isn't it?

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Cordelia's little outburst reads more like someone who is fantasizing out loud than someone who is actively courting a married man: she immediately berates herself for said outburst rather than using it to tempt Chrom. The DLC complaints are dismissed. Without appealing to Matthew 5:28, the only other valid reason I see for criticizing Cordelia is her unchanged six-stat-up line, but that phenomenon is explained equally well both by the emotional infidelity argument and the negligence argument.

Edited by Redwall
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I could go to my cousin's wife and scream out loud that I wanted to touch her full, voluptuous bosom, but I assure you that it wouldn't get dismissed as mere fantasizing. There's a difference between fantasizing internally and letting it be known externally. The latter carries consequences with it; the former does not.

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If Cordelia's spazzing was a deliberate attempt to tempt Chrom, then I would say that her motives are bad; however, if her spazzing is a result of her just being a goof, then while her actions may have unintended consequences, I can no longer say she has bad motives.

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It seems hard for me to believe that Cordelia had absolutely no control over her outburst. If she could have prevented it and did not do so, I still see that as wrong.

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If she could have prevented it and did not do so, I still see that as wrong.

I agree, but the issue is that it's not made concrete whether or not she could have prevented it. Based on how the rest of the convo plays out, and based on the fact that she immediately berates herself upon realizing that she has indeed uttered out loud her fantasy, I'm inclined to think that it was just her being a spaz.

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I think the fact that she was even able to scold herself for fantasizing out loud is proof of the fact that she at least has some control over herself. She then continues, however, and fantasizes about touching Chrom's "muscular forearm." I think that is pretty shameless.

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Touching somebody's arm is also not the same as touching somebody's breast

I may not be a chick who likes dudes but I am fairly confident in asserting that stroking Chrom's chest would be significantly more lewd

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It's pretty much the same on the level of Cordelia's morals. Cordelia, who is romantically attracted to Chrom, obviously is sexually attracted to him as well. By touching his arm, Cordelia is acting on her sexual attraction.

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This isn't Matthew 5:28. Fantasizing /=/ letting your fantasies be known.

Just because one is too stupid to pick up on the flirting doesn't mean that it isn't flirting. Flirting has nothing to do with the other side's ignorance.

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I think the fact that she was even able to scold herself for fantasizing out loud is proof of the fact that she at least has some control over herself. She then continues, however, and fantasizes about touching Chrom's "muscular forearm." I think that is pretty shameless.

In Cordelia's defense, Chrom does have pretty sexy forearms.

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You still wouldn't be making anywhere near as much of a scene if you touched somebody's arm, after they told you to do so, than you would if you touched somebody's chest when nobody told you to do so. The former could easily be interpreted to be hero worship, the latter is unmistakably sexual assault. It might have been an emotional infidelity on Cordelia's part regardless, but saying she'd be just as much of a scumbag as somebody who groped their cousin*'s wife is laughable.

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Again, I don't disagree. If Cordelia uttered her fantasies in a deliberate attempt to court Chrom, then it would absolutely have been wrong whether or not Chrom was aware of her intentions.

However, I do not think that is the issue here. That she immediately berates herself for uttering her fantasy suggests that Cordelia has a nonzero amount of self-awareness (not the word I'm looking for, but I don't think self-control is the appropriate term), but it doesn't suggest that her self-awareness was necessarily active when she began speaking to Chrom. What it does suggest is that she doesn't have the intention of leading him on. None of the conversation involves any unambiguous attempt at courtship on her part.

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