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I was wrong about Morgan


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I started off not really liking Morgan (male and female) because I'm not a huge fan of the avatar. But I suppose that isn't really fair to either Morgan, since letting bias get in the way of viewing a character is rather stupid. :P

As I was writing down the supports between Female!Morgan and her mother (Severa in this case), I was rather charmed by her character. I found it funny how she banged her head against a post and was contemplating to do so against a stone wall (quite humorous XD), and found the A support to be rather heartwarming. Makes me feel as if I HAVE to do my best to insure Morgan and the others a good future.

Meh, but this was just some contemplation. But I don't hate Morgan anymore. She's a rather endearing character, and Male!Morgan's kinda cool, too.

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well good! if you do it correctly then morgan can be game breaking

Yes, I know how gamebreaking Morgan can be, since efficiency, LTC, and drafts are my main style of playing. I was talking about Morgan's character.

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As I was writing down the supports between Female!Morgan and her mother (Severa in this case),

But...Severa and Morgan are my daughters...

Morgan's also grown on me, but I'm still not a fan of the Avatar obsession. It's a bit much, especially when I made her into a Sorcerer and she wondered if she looked like her dad ._.

I wish we knew more about their backstory especially after Future Past 1, boo. I haven't seen much on future...Future Past episodes, but I doubt there's anything amazing in tomorrow's and afaik they're not even in the third.

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But...Severa and Morgan are my daughters...

Morgan's also grown on me, but I'm still not a fan of the Avatar obsession. It's a bit much, especially when I made her into a Sorcerer and she wondered if she looked like her dad ._.

I wish we knew more about their backstory especially after Future Past 1, boo. I haven't seen much on future...Future Past episodes, but I doubt there's anything amazing in tomorrow's and afaik they're not even in the third.

Severa es mai waifu

I didn't really mind the Avatar obsession, actually. I just...I don't know what irked me about Morgan. I just really didn't like the character, for some reason. I do now, but wow.

Let's hope.

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Even though they're virtually identical, I really don't like Morgan-F at all. 8U; I adore my Morgan-M, but I can't stand my Morgan-F.

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I think it's her sadism, especially with Yarne. It's not funny at all, it's terribly disturbing. No daughter of mine in real life (if I ever chose to have/adopt children) would torture a bunny for fun. It really rubbed me the wrong way. She seems awfully immature, too, like ruining the manuscripts of Laurent's and Miriel's books because she's bored and wants to play. And her supports with Inigo seems rather mean-natured rather than simple teasing.

It's from her supports that make me really dislike her. 8U; Who knows, maybe my opinion of Morgan M will chance too once I go unlocking his supports. But my impressions of Morgan-F from all her romantic supports make me want to slap her stupid pixelated face. There's also how her sprite has neat, straight hair, while her model has foofy hair. BUGS ME SO MUCH GAH.

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Yarne's a bro, that's really not cool of her to do such a thing. I never really supported her with any of her romantic options, but she seems to be a bit too careless and insecure, when I look at your post. Huh.

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I think it's her sadism, especially with Yarne. It's not funny at all, it's terribly disturbing. No daughter of mine in real life (if I ever chose to have/adopt children) would torture a bunny for fun. It really rubbed me the wrong way. She seems awfully immature, too, like ruining the manuscripts of Laurent's and Miriel's books because she's bored and wants to play. And her supports with Inigo seems rather mean-natured rather than simple teasing.

It's from her supports that make me really dislike her. 8U; Who knows, maybe my opinion of Morgan M will chance too once I go unlocking his supports. But my impressions of Morgan-F from all her romantic supports make me want to slap her stupid pixelated face. There's also how her sprite has neat, straight hair, while her model has foofy hair. BUGS ME SO MUCH GAH.

I guess its actually a boon that I didn't marry her off in my male file; she's the one who's forever alone. The only supports I have with her other than her parents are friendship supports with Nah and Noire; she seemed perfectly normal and likeable in them, but now I shudder to think of what she might be like in ones you mentioned. Since I didn't marry my male morgan to anyone, I have the same opinion for him....

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I love my daughteru and her sadism. She reminds me of myself (irl me) in that way when I was a kid. Not going to get personal on a forum but yeah. I love both Morgan's optimism and cheerful disposition, even when thrown into a strange world without their memories, they still managed to get by.

And going by supports. I find Female Morgan to be hilarious, and I like how she tries to spice up the life of the camp by making her own fun. Male Morgan's supports depict him as much calmer than Female Morgan, and an over all good hearted individual, I can't remember a support where he willingly tries to fuck up someone's day for the fun of it.

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I think it's her sadism, especially with Yarne. It's not funny at all, it's terribly disturbing. No daughter of mine in real life (if I ever chose to have/adopt children) would torture a bunny for fun. It really rubbed me the wrong way. She seems awfully immature, too, like ruining the manuscripts of Laurent's and Miriel's books because she's bored and wants to play. And her supports with Inigo seems rather mean-natured rather than simple teasing.

It's from her supports that make me really dislike her. 8U; Who knows, maybe my opinion of Morgan M will chance too once I go unlocking his supports. But my impressions of Morgan-F from all her romantic supports make me want to slap her stupid pixelated face. There's also how her sprite has neat, straight hair, while her model has foofy hair. BUGS ME SO MUCH GAH.

..........Wow. I haven't gotten that far in my male run (because my Hard mode > the normal ones), but... that is just...wrong. I mean, her C support with her sibling (Inigo for me) seemed kinda normal so far...... I think I'll only like her if she's Olivia's daughter.

I didn't unlock as many supports with Morgan (M) but I think from what I read, he's a lot cooler. At least he's not sadistic.... well... I don't think he'd be. His support with Nah was the sweetest so I can hardly imagine him being anything like his female counterpart.

I guess the only 'generic' conversations between both Morgans would be with their both their parents.

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I think it's her sadism, especially with Yarne. It's not funny at all, it's terribly disturbing. No daughter of mine in real life (if I ever chose to have/adopt children) would torture a bunny for fun. It really rubbed me the wrong way. She seems awfully immature, too, like ruining the manuscripts of Laurent's and Miriel's books because she's bored and wants to play. And her supports with Inigo seems rather mean-natured rather than simple teasing.

It's from her supports that make me really dislike her. 8U; Who knows, maybe my opinion of Morgan M will chance too once I go unlocking his supports. But my impressions of Morgan-F from all her romantic supports make me want to slap her stupid pixelated face. There's also how her sprite has neat, straight hair, while her model has foofy hair. BUGS ME SO MUCH GAH.

What I gathered from Morgan M was that he was more of a goofball, he doesn't have the mischievous streak that Morgan F has.

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Well, my Morgan and Yarne are brother and sister. Their supports are precious.

And I've liked Morgan from the get go. Her ignorant bliss is cute...

Besides, when I play in japanese, she does this little "Yosh~!" sometimes. GHUAHG KAWAII DESU AGFU&HUGHAG>ESTG

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