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Least Favorite Pairing(s)

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This can only end well.

Vaike x Olivia:


Vaike: Stop apologizing!

Olivia: I'm sorry!


Vaike: Stop apologizing!

Olivia: I'm really sorry!


Vaike: Stop apologizing!

Olivia: Please forgive me!


Vaike: Will you marry me!?

Olivia: Yes!


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I honestly only really dislike a few pairings in this game. FrederickxSumia (it's boring, and I loathe the idea of my favorite Great Knight being with such an annoying and stupid girl) and FrederickxLissa (it's just plain gross and creepy to me. Lissa has to be like 15 while Frederick is at least 25!) are the most obvious ones. I also don't find FrederickxMaribelle appealing for the same reason as FrederickxLissa. And ChromxSumia is hardly appealing to me as well. The pie thing is funny, but stupid. I'd rather see Chrom fall in love with a woman for a way better reason. He lost points as a good character to me because of that. :/

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uh-oh; now look what you've done

If you've been paying attention to my previous rants, you know what my answer is...

Tharja x anyone. Especially Avatar.

I just don't understand how anyone could put up with such abuse, not to mention a completely depressing personality. And don't get me started on the way she treats Noire. Rare moments of "kindness", "caring", or even "heartwarming" in no way make up for the way she treats everyone 95% of the time, even especially her family.

I have a straw support prepared and everything, but nobody needs that.

Compared to this, I'm fine with ANY other pairing. Even Avatar x Grima.

I'll try to hold back on the hate, but this thread seems like the perfect place for it.


As a general question, do you mean only in-game pairings, or also pairings like Kjelle x Severa?

Also, favorite in terms of gameplay or relationships?

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Frederick with:

Tharja - Oh look, Frederick is hexed by her(which does NOT work because Frederick is that awesome), and force her to train while trying to protect her or something. Yeah...... sure

MU - I say it before, it has the same problem as it was with Cordelia's support in which FE-MU accepted the offer out of nowhere. As it is, I would like it better if they have one more supports with the semi-final supports being Fred stating his anxiety for not being able to spend more time with Fe-MU

Lissa - more for lazing around in their supports. I liked the prospect of Lissa already knowing Freddy like a book. Of course theres also the factor where I perceived Fred as her and Chrom's father/old brother figure and shipping Fred with Emmeryn

.....Surprisingly I don't see a problem with Miriel here. Funny I know

Sumia: good C supports, stupid anything else

Maribelle: Short and awkward to its maximum level

Why did I only post Frederick? Because I only have all of his supports unlocked of course >_>

Okay I kid

Fe-MU + Chrom; Yeah right. SOOOOO Romantic. Lets throw stuff on each other like a stupid cliched scene. Nope, go away. Male MU >>>>> Female MU for romantic supports and im being serious here

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Tharja x anyone

uh-oh; now look what you've done

If you've been paying attention to my previous rants, you know what my answer is...

Tharja x anyone. Especially Avatar.

I just don't understand how anyone could put up with such abuse, not to mention a completely depressing personality. And don't get me started on the way she treats Noire. Rare moments of "kindness", "caring", or even "heartwarming" in no way make up for the way she treats everyone 95% of the time, even especially her family.

I have a straw support prepared and everything, but nobody needs that.

Compared to this, I'm fine with ANY other pairing. Even Avatar x Grima.

I'll try to hold back on the hate, but this thread seems like the perfect place for it.


As a general question, do you mean only in-game pairings, or also pairings like Kjelle x Severa?

Also, favorite in terms of gameplay or relationships?

This guy. He knows what's up.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Hmm... I don't think I actually dislike any pairing the game has. There were a few supports that underwhelmed me, but nothing that I outright hated or anything.

Ah! I have to say though. The worst proposal I ever saw was Henry-Tharja. That S support was just really bad. In general, Henry has some pretty strange proposals!

His proposal to Nowi and Miriel both revolved around the premise that he was using marriage as a medium to procreation and the respective girls were just, "Kk Henry. That sounds fun. Let's do it."

MorganxKjelle S was also really embarrassing to read. I just felt so much second-hand embarrassment for Morgan ;;

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Donnel/Cordelia- And this isn't my typical *EVIL GLARE* Donnel hate. Not only do I really hate the Severa you get from this pairing (Sev is like the Larcei of this game (gameplay wise), yet Donnel actually manages to screw her over.) but it also manages to be the single most boring support set in the game, save for maybe MU/Say'ri (Say'ri, are you... really... that... ****ing... boring?). There's no redeeming feature to this pairing!

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Chrom x anyone who isn't Sumia.

Sumia x anyone who isn't Chrom

Tharja x Avatar

Gregor x Nowi

Sully x anyone

Edited by Sumia
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Chrom x anyone who IS Sumia

Sumia x anyone who IS Chrom

Henry x Olivia (I don't hate it, but I'm annoyed at the hype)

Stahl x Cordelia (see above)

.....and I guess I don't really hate any other pairing; I'm neutral to anything, so long as its not being blatantly and embarrassingly pushed.....

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Chrom X Sumia

She makes him loads of pies and he decides to marry her to get more pies. How romantic.

I hear it's better in the japanese version.

If you like bento boxes more, then why not.

Pies may not be romantic (don't get me wrong, I didn't like their supports either), but it seems to me that... no one mentions the confession scene you get with Chrom/Sumia after Chapter 11. That's a lot sweeter. I don't know Chrom's other confession scenes there except Sumia's and female Avatar's, but THOSE were definitely sweeter. And I just block out Chrom/Sully out of my own personal bias. So I'm not actually gonna list Chrom/Sumia as least favorite or anything... It'd just be.... a last resort (and his other candidates, such as Sully/Maribelle, are nonexistent to me). But their supports still blow.

Anyway, let's see... there's probably a few, but I'd have to say whatever isn't on my pairings list. To list one, I can't say I particularly like Frederick/Cordelia but only because I felt so bad marrying them. But I did it for Severa, as I said a million times. (And Lon'qu was getting married to Olivia already.)

Ohhhhhh.... Sully x anyone who's not Stahl. I'm sorry, it might be unfair to Stahl but... well, I don't see any reasons to pity Stahl here either so... and definitely not Chrom/Sully.

InigoxNah. I regretted marrying them on my Normal file because... man, poor Inigo. Pretty much captured like a poor bird from misunderstanding or something. I forgot now.

I can't recall the others.

Edited by Shirley
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I can't see Ricken with anyone that isn't Nowi. For kind of obvious reasons. I can't see Donnel with anyone except Nowi, Lissa, or Maribelle for again, obvious reasons.

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I honestly only really dislike a few pairings in this game. FrederickxSumia (it's boring, and I loathe the idea of my favorite Great Knight being with such an annoying and stupid girl) and FrederickxLissa (it's just plain gross and creepy to me. Lissa has to be like 15 while Frederick is at least 25!) are the most obvious ones. I also don't find FrederickxMaribelle appealing for the same reason as FrederickxLissa. And ChromxSumia is hardly appealing to me as well. The pie thing is funny, but stupid. I'd rather see Chrom fall in love with a woman for a way better reason. He lost points as a good character to me because of that. :/

Considering the time period they're in, this was actually extremely common. The age difference is only 10 years (compared to some of the more ludicrous differences you can see nowadays), and back then it wasn't nearly as looked down upon, because you were considered an adult by the fifteen-sixteen range. So personally I have no problem with that here.

Same with Lucina x Owain. Normally, I'm against it, but here I can make an exception for it because that's how things worked back then, and I being a history nut, will make exceptions for historical accuracy.

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Considering the time period they're in, this was actually extremely common. The age difference is only 10 years (compared to some of the more ludicrous differences you can see nowadays), and back then it wasn't nearly as looked down upon, because you were considered an adult by the fifteen-sixteen range. So personally I have no problem with that here.

Same with Lucina x Owain. Normally, I'm against it, but here I can make an exception for it because that's how things worked back then, and I being a history nut, will make exceptions for historical accuracy.

And that's one thing I actually DON'T like about the medieval ages. So I still don't like the idea of pairing a 15 year old girl with a 25+ year old man.

Also, Awakening takes place hundreds of years after the other FE games. You can tell technology has advanced some. I see no reason why IS couldn't make such creepy pairings impossible as well.

Edited by Anacybele
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And that's one thing I actually DON'T like about the medieval ages. So I still don't like the idea of pairing a 15 year old girl with a 25+ year old man.

Also, Awakening takes place hundreds of years after the other FE games. You can tell technology has advanced some. I see no reason why IS couldn't make such creepy pairings impossible.

I feel you, but the history nerd in me is super happy.

Mentioning Axel/Roxas to me elicits the same response. I'm just... not going to go into that. We'll be here a while.

Because said pairings are not impossible... back in those times and even now. We don't know Lissa's canon age, she could be sixteen, seventeen, maybe even eighteen and just appear young. If you translate that to common times, seventeen is the age of consent, and in some states you can get married at the age of sixteen.

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And that's one thing I actually DON'T like about the medieval ages. So I still don't like the idea of pairing a 15 year old girl with a 25+ year old man.

Also, Awakening takes place hundreds of years after the other FE games. You can tell technology has advanced some. I see no reason why IS couldn't make such creepy pairings impossible as well.

Only advanced some, but I think it still has some historical references... and honestly, I don't think a 10-year-gap is too uncommon even in this day and age. Granted you won't see that in the US, but you might in other countries like Asia! Or maybe not just Asia.

If it's that advanced, why not go ahead with the FE on Mars idea? lol.

I feel you, but the history nerd in me is super happy.

Mentioning Axel/Roxas to me elicits the same response. I'm just... not going to go into that. We'll be here a while.

Because said pairings are not impossible... back in those times and even now. We don't know Lissa's canon age, she could be sixteen, seventeen, maybe even eighteen and just appear young. If you translate that to common times, seventeen is the age of consent, and in some states you can get married at the age of sixteen.

Huh, but I thought we sorta established that in the other thread? It was for the exalted family's canon ages...

I personally... feel bad to pair Donny up with anyone... Same to Ricken... but... I just do it for whatever else reason. (read as: skill and class inheritance.)

Edited by Shirley
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Only advanced some, but I think it still has some historical references... and honestly, I don't think a 10-year-gap is too uncommon even in this day and age. Granted you won't see that in the US, but you might in other countries like Asia! Or maybe not just Asia.

Huh, but I thought we sorta established that in the other thread? It was for the exalted family's canon ages...

I personally... feel bad to pair Donny up with anyone... Same to Ricken... but... I just do it for whatever else reason. (read as: skill and class inheritance.)

Oh? I haven't looked in that thread yet, I'll go do that!

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Olivia/Henry. I hate that pairing with an intense fashion. There's NOTHING heartwarming about the pairing at all. If Olivia was cursed from the beginning of their A support, instead of it coming out of nowhere, it might have been believable. I especially hate how people use this support (ENG and JP) to claim Henry is a Stepford Smiler, which I find to be utter BS. People can have hard lives and still turn out cheerful and happy with their lot in life. It really bugged me how Olivia claimed she knew him better, trying to force Henry to be someone else. I just...GRR. Makes me so annoyed.

Sumia x Henry/Gaius/Chrom: For me, Sumia's only true love is Frederick, a man who is kind and gentle and patient with her, and is willing to look past her ditziness to the woman trying her best on the inside.

Cordelia x anyone but Kellam. I hate how 90% of Cordelia's S supports are so hard to read. These men all love her so much, and she can claim she's over Chrom all she wants, but she'll still do all this and more to be with him, and wonder if he's noticed her performing better than usual. With Kellam's supports, her stupid Chrom obsession doesn't come up at ALL until you recruit Severa. I think it's worse with Cordelia/Frederick.

Cherche/Stahl: It bugged me terribly when Stahl was like "forget Ylisse I'mma help you out instead". What the fuck, no loyal knight should go around saying things like that.

Maribelle/Ricken: Words cannot describe how much I detest this pairing. There are very few Rescue Romances that I like, because they're a terrible cliche. Grr.

Tharja x anyone except Libra: Tharja is just bleh, I started out liking her, but the summer DLC really emphasized her stupid yandere obsession with My Unit, and it is severely annoying. Libra is the only man I can imagine putting up with her purely out of love.

Inigo/Severa. The flirtatious philanderer with the tsundere? How boring. "OTL I like them as friends better.

Nowi/Ricken: People say they do this pairing because "it's the only one that doesn't look wrong". They forget that Nowi is over a thousand years old. 8U How does pairing the youngest unit in the army with the oldest supposed to be an anti-pedo method? Nowi marrying Ricken is cradle-robbing shotacon to the mayfly-est degree.

Walmart/My Unit: Walmart is the worst father ever, and I don't know why HE of all people is marriageable.

I got more, but I think I'll stop now. 8U

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Olivia/Henry. I hate that pairing with an intense fashion. There's NOTHING heartwarming about the pairing at all. If Olivia was cursed from the beginning of their A support, instead of it coming out of nowhere, it might have been believable. I especially hate how people use this support (ENG and JP) to claim Henry is a Stepford Smiler, which I find to be utter BS. People can have hard lives and still turn out cheerful and happy with their lot in life. It really bugged me how Olivia claimed she knew him better, trying to force Henry to be someone else. I just...GRR. Makes me so annoyed.

Sumia x Henry/Gaius/Chrom: For me, Sumia's only true love is Frederick, a man who is kind and gentle and patient with her, and is willing to look past her ditziness to the woman trying her best on the inside.

Cordelia x anyone but Kellam. I hate how 90% of Cordelia's S supports are so hard to read. These men all love her so much, and she can claim she's over Chrom all she wants, but she'll still do all this and more to be with him, and wonder if he's noticed her performing better than usual. With Kellam's supports, her stupid Chrom obsession doesn't come up at ALL until you recruit Severa. I think it's worse with Cordelia/Frederick.

Cherche/Stahl: It bugged me terribly when Stahl was like "forget Ylisse I'mma help you out instead". What the fuck, no loyal knight should go around saying things like that.

Maribelle/Ricken: Words cannot describe how much I detest this pairing. There are very few Rescue Romances that I like, because they're a terrible cliche. Grr.

Tharja x anyone except Libra: Tharja is just bleh, I started out liking her, but the summer DLC really emphasized her stupid yandere obsession with My Unit, and it is severely annoying. Libra is the only man I can imagine putting up with her purely out of love.

Inigo/Severa. The flirtatious philanderer with the tsundere? How boring. "OTL I like them as friends better.

Nowi/Ricken: People say they do this pairing because "it's the only one that doesn't look wrong". They forget that Nowi is over a thousand years old. 8U How does pairing the youngest unit in the army with the oldest supposed to be an anti-pedo method? Nowi marrying Ricken is cradle-robbing shotacon to the mayfly-est degree.

Walmart/My Unit: Walmart is the worst father ever, and I don't know why HE of all people is marriageable.

I got more, but I think I'll stop now. 8U

Really? She STILL prefer MU than him(she blatantly said that at their S support). Good luck with that.

And in Cordy's supports, she already gets rid of Chrom(even she blatantly said that in her supports with Lon'qu and Stahl). And in her support with MU, she even doesn't mention Chrom at all!

you tipped my scales

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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Olivia/Henry. I hate that pairing with an intense fashion. There's NOTHING heartwarming about the pairing at all. If Olivia was cursed from the beginning of their A support, instead of it coming out of nowhere, it might have been believable. I especially hate how people use this support (ENG and JP) to claim Henry is a Stepford Smiler, which I find to be utter BS. People can have hard lives and still turn out cheerful and happy with their lot in life. It really bugged me how Olivia claimed she knew him better, trying to force Henry to be someone else. I just...GRR. Makes me so annoyed.

Sumia x Henry/Gaius/Chrom: For me, Sumia's only true love is Frederick, a man who is kind and gentle and patient with her, and is willing to look past her ditziness to the woman trying her best on the inside.

Cordelia x anyone but Kellam. I hate how 90% of Cordelia's S supports are so hard to read. These men all love her so much, and she can claim she's over Chrom all she wants, but she'll still do all this and more to be with him, and wonder if he's noticed her performing better than usual. With Kellam's supports, her stupid Chrom obsession doesn't come up at ALL until you recruit Severa. I think it's worse with Cordelia/Frederick.

Cherche/Stahl: It bugged me terribly when Stahl was like "forget Ylisse I'mma help you out instead". What the fuck, no loyal knight should go around saying things like that.

Maribelle/Ricken: Words cannot describe how much I detest this pairing. There are very few Rescue Romances that I like, because they're a terrible cliche. Grr.

Tharja x anyone except Libra: Tharja is just bleh, I started out liking her, but the summer DLC really emphasized her stupid yandere obsession with My Unit, and it is severely annoying. Libra is the only man I can imagine putting up with her purely out of love.

Inigo/Severa. The flirtatious philanderer with the tsundere? How boring. "OTL I like them as friends better.

Nowi/Ricken: People say they do this pairing because "it's the only one that doesn't look wrong". They forget that Nowi is over a thousand years old. 8U How does pairing the youngest unit in the army with the oldest supposed to be an anti-pedo method? Nowi marrying Ricken is cradle-robbing shotacon to the mayfly-est degree.

Walmart/My Unit: Walmart is the worst father ever, and I don't know why HE of all people is marriageable.

I got more, but I think I'll stop now. 8U

Responding to the bolded sections, go:

First, thank you, finally. I cannot stand this trend of labeling characters as Stepford Smilers because they have a tragic past and aren't angsting about it 24/7. That's why I love Henry so much - he took his awful past and worked around it, basically abandoning it and focusing on the present. He's a bit messed up in the head because of it, yes, but that's far healthier than obsessing over something you cannot change and have no control over. He's happy, regardless of the past, and he just keeps going forward - I adore that in him. Not to sound like I'm promoting myself or anything, but I actually have a character in my original character arsenal who uses that labeling process as a cover - the second people find out about her past, they no longer hold her accountable for her actions. And she uses that as an advantage. Naturally, she's a pretty sick human being for this, but it's much better than rolling with that stereotype. So much better. ._.

Agreed, so much. The way Frederick tenderly reassures her for her mistakes speaks volumes about his character. He may be a bit cold and sarcastic, but he is a very gentle person underneath that. And unlike some characters, it doesn't take much effort to see that. Just look at his support with Henry! He's so happy about Henry's progress, he cries. Cries! Real man can cry, and screw anyone who says otherwise! And the way she listens and respects his dedication is just touching. He sounds so grateful that someone actually appreciates his hard work that I feel kind of heartbroken.

So Kellam is the other one? Sweet. There's another support that doesn't have that happen in the S support - Gregor. And that support is a critical hit to the feels, especially the A support. Oh my God. I don't think I can pair Cordelia with anyone else.

That's interesting. I know a few people who can't stand that pairing, and it's nice seeing your take on it. She's seen the very darkest parts of his heart, and being with her he wants her to see the brightest. This is one of those very few supports that doesn't mention the Avatar, and shows that she does have a good side to her - it's just very, very well hidden. Plus, I can SEE him growing sick of Tharja's hexes and standing up to her for Noire's sake. It just fits so much.

Cradle-robbing shotacon to the mayfly-est degree. It's too much right in one sentence. That makes some sense. I'll have to reconsider my options for Nowi, then, huh? :)

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Only advanced some, but I think it still has some historical references... and honestly, I don't think a 10-year-gap is too uncommon even in this day and age. Granted you won't see that in the US, but you might in other countries like Asia! Or maybe not just Asia.

A ten year gap is fine if you're like 28 and your partner is 38. Age matters less and less as you get older. But otherwise, I just don't like such age gaps in couples.

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Just a thought, but if Sumia's non-Frederick options can marry her, wouldn't they be looking past her flaws too?

EDIT: Oops, double post, my bad. I meant to hit the edit button. >_<

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