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SSB4 Festivities!!


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So since a Nintendo Direct that just might show SSB4 news tomorrow was announced, I thought I'd get the SSB4 party started just in case the Nintendo Direct beat me to the punch. I even made myself a new avatar and sig for the occasion.

Yes, I know SSB4 news for this particular direct (May 17) is insanely unlikely, but in the freak chance something does get revealed, this thread's body is ready for it (not sure if you get the joke or reference).

So anyways, there's two main events that I'm wanting to run:

1. SSB4 Newcomer Hype Train

Basically, have a sig and avatar promoting your most wanted SSB4 newcomer. Whether it's Toad, Takamaru, Chrom, Mega Man, Non-Specific Action Figure, or even Bill Cosby (wait, the last two don't follow the "originated from a video game and has shown up on a Nintendo console" rule Sakurai implemented, so never mind), have a sig and avatar with a picture of them and show Serenes Forest who you support for Smash Bros!!

Ideally, I'm wanting everyone to use their sets until June 11 or when SSB4 gets shown, but I'm not going to force that rule on anyone.

Keep the sigs and avatars appropriate (I think that goes without saying), and if you want to support multiple characters in your set, go right on ahead. If you aren't really good at making your own sigs or avatars, we could get other people to help you out. I'm not a pro sig maker myself, but I'd be willing to help out.

I'm planning to make a thread where each of us talk about the #1 newcomer we want in Smash Bros, and why we think they're likely. I hope people won't go shooting down and discouraging others too much (I could imagine this happening for newcomers like Bayonetta, even though I'd want to shoot down supporters of her as well).

And, uh, don't get too disappointed if your most wanted newcomers don't show up. Getting that disappointed over a game (SSB4) defeats the purpose of it after all.

And let's not discriminate too much on people's most wanted newcomers, whether it's because of their unlikeliness or because you personally don't like them (though if they don't fit Sakurai's "originated from a video game" and "appeared on a Nintendo console" rule, I suppose it's okay to mention them being in SSB4 is literally impossible to the person, but be nice about it). There's some characters I personally don't want in Smash Bros, but I'll try to restrain myself for this event since this is supposed to be a fun event and not argumentative.

And the second event is...

2. The SSB4 Newcomer Roster Bets

It'll basically be a game of sorts where we bet and see who is the most accurate in guessing all the SSB4 newcomers. I haven't exactly decided the official rules yet (since I want your guys' feedback), but I'm thinking something like this:

- Guessing character cuts will not be for points (so you can guess Zoroark, but if you guess Zoroark is in and Lucario will be cut, and if it does happen in actuality, you're only getting points for correctly guessing Zoroark and not correctly guessing Lucario is cut)

- Everyone starts at 100 Points

- Every correctly guessed newcomer is +10 points

- Every newcomer that is guessed but isn't in the final roster is -10 points

- Every newcomer that does show up that you didn't guess is -5

- A -5 Penalty for each new character revealed for late joiners of the game

- The only placeholder guesses that are allowed is a 6th Generation Pokemon, since barely anything has been revealed for Pokemon and it's one of Nintendo's top three biggest series

So if you're interested in joining either events 1 or 2, tell me in this thread and I'll sign you right up:

1. SSB4 Newcomer Hype Train


2. The SSB4 Newcomer Roster Bets


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Posted · Hidden by Florete, May 17, 2013 - Needlessly rude
Hidden by Florete, May 17, 2013 - Needlessly rude

Who cares? Have a Brawl party like the good old days. Or at least a tournament hint hint

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That guy you want to have in SSB4... I've never heard of or seen him before in my life.

The guy in my sig & avatar is Takamaru from Nazo no Murasame Jo (Mystery of Murasame Castle in English) made by Nintendo. It's a Famicom Disk System Japan Only game that's basically the sister game of The Legend of Zelda, similar to what Kid Icarus is to Metroid. Compared to Zelda, the game focuses much less on exploration and puzzles and much more on combat and fast paced action.

Here's a screenshot of his game:


I know it seems a bit random to be hyping him up, especially since he's not very well known, but he has a lot of factors going for him in terms of a SSB4 inclusion. Sakurai said he's planning to revive retro characters in SSB4 from a Kid Icarus Uprising interview, and Takamaru qualifies for that. As for what makes him more likely than any other retro character, he's shown up in quite a few games after Brawl's release such as Captain Rainbow (a game that focuses on forgotten Nintendo characters), Samurai Warriors 3 (as a guest playable character, like Link in Soul Calibur 2, but unlike Link, Takamaru actually got his own game mode in SW3 that plays similarly to his original game), and Nintendo Land (his game series was one of the 12 to be represented in the Nintendo Land theme park). Sakurai also briefly said back in the Melee era that he wants to add Takamaru if he ever got another game (for link proof, see the 3rd quoted link in this post). Sure, he may not have a fully fledged game, but having rather big appearances in three games should suffice.

As for not being unique because he's a swordsman, tell that to all the fist fighters in Smash Bros. Besides, if Soul Calibur can consist of many sword fighters and make them all unique, so can Smash Bros. (and they also have Soul Calibur's developer Namco helping out for SSB4). He's also got plenty of weapons and attacks to make him diverse from other swordsmen like shurikens, lightning, fireballs, and a magic cloak.

So anyways, whose interested in joining either of the two events? I'd also want some feedback for the Newcomer Roster Bets rules.

Edited by Randoman
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