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Finishing Current Pairings and preparing Parings for Lunatic

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So Currently I'm just playing the game through on Normal Classic because I want to get the storyline out of the way but I'd still rather use an actual team rather than just ChromxFeMU breeze the game.

I have the following Pairings already done up so far, and would like to finish them off with at least the most optimal people I can get.










This leaves Cherche, Nowi, and Olivia without a husband. Thoughts for those 3 would be appreciated, as I find the final 4 Males I currently have... less than optimal. I was thinking Nowi!Kellam and Cherche!Stahl but I'm still not sure!

This then leads into my second Playthrough on Lunatic Classic, Where I know I will need the best of the 2nd Gen as I can get. Units like Donnel probably wont be available to be used unless abuse DLC. I'm only looking to pick up 12 Units in the end max for Lunatic to hopefully max out. I'm trying to NOT use a ton of Second Seals during the first Gen, as I'll need them for 2nd Gen characters to max out. And I'm well aware that I'll need a bunch of the Breaker Skills to help during the game, so which parents would be best to pass this down as well as Galeforce(since it'd be better to pass it down and have them learn Breakers for the male kids ect). I will be picking up Limit Breaker as one of the few DLC maps to use. I'm not so worried about the strategies as I am the min/maxing which I haven't been really able to do effectively since the reclassing was introduced in FE:SD

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