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The Galeforce Thread


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hey heads up someone else responded to you dude

i personally think it's a shame you gloss over his posts in favor of Olwen being Olwen, but whatever i guess it's not my place to comment

I really liked that post actually. I'm basically Switzerland in this debate: the skill's nice and all, but I'm not going to ban Sully, Tharja and Nowi from my team because they can't get Galeforce.

This probably also means I'm a terrible player, right? ._.

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hey heads up someone else responded to you dude

i personally think it's a shame you gloss over his posts in favor of Olwen being Olwen, but whatever i guess it's not my place to comment (or to try to suck up to anyone)


I did read it

I didn't see a point to responding to it since I more or less agree with it

Edited by PK Gaming
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You don't have to ban any of those characters for Galeforce...

I'll admit to reading that GameFAQs article before I responded to this, so some of the information carried over. Sorry if that confused you.

I actually prefer not having it, because I play the game when I'm half-asleep anyway, so if I make a stupid mistake, I have to cross my fingers instead of just relying on Galeforce to get me out of it. Teachs me to make less mistakes.

It IS very helpful on certain DLC maps, like The Future Past and that one with the spikes... I don't remember what it's truly called, yikes.

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The people who are actually good at this game (or rather, the intelligent people) realize how useful it is, but they don't hold it against units who don't have the skill since it's simply not that necessary in regular play.

Wow, you have the same exact viewpoint as I do. You're no different than I am.

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....your viewpoint doesn't change just because you're vocal about it.

Vanity? I said earlier that being better in a game does not make me better than anyone.

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He created this thread. He asked for it.

I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree. I don't think creating a thread is asking for people to follow him around because they don't like him.

It is asking for a debate, but the invisible line is being crossed unjustly so. The magnitude of hate he is getting is that of Osama Bin Laden over an opinion that the best players like a game skill. It's okay to disagree with him, but things are being taken too far.

I am actually quite unsure about this.

Having unpopular opinions and views is not trolling.

Hardly anyone actually disagrees with Galeforce being a great skill, they just think it's hyped up too much. Yes, that is possible.

Fair enough, but that isn't what Olwen is referring to. He was talking about people who think that Galeforce is a bad skill, so I don't see what people who simply think it's overhyped but still good/decent are getting their "pantes in a twist" about, so to say.

Why did he make this thread? Was he expecting to say whatever he wanted to say and get absolutely no one disagreeing with him? Was he expecting to frolic only with people who would stroke his ego?

He made this thread to talk about Galeforce, naturally.

And no, he wasn't expecting anyone to "stroke his ego," but he did expect to find other people who like Galeforce too so he could have someone to discuss it with. In most other topics people complain about Galeforce most of the time, so he was trying to create a place to discuss it in a more positive light. He also expected people to disagree with him, and he more than welcomed a debate or for someone to rationally challenge his opinions.

There is a MAJOR difference in disagreeing with him and creating threads to mock him. Disagreeing with him is posting your opinion that conflicts with his in the thread, and most likely trying to start a debate of sorts or something along that line. Running off to create a thread mocking him on a different part of the forum is not disagreement, it is flamebait. Cold, hard, flamebait, and it is appalling.

If there was "major flamebait," it wasn't reported and we didn't see it otherwise. There have been reports and we've handled certain things, but we've otherwise agreed that the others were overreacting.

There definitely was a report of it. How do I know this? Because I was the one who reported it.

I reported the original thread created for the sole purpose of mocking and making fun of Olwen and his views because that was definitely flamebait.

Yeah, we know what it's good for. Seriously, no one is denying that. The problem is that he (and others like him) loves Galeforce more than his own mother (and you) and he makes sure we know it. Yes, it is good in any context. But we do not need it. Not to have fun, not to be good at the game, not really for anything except the lowest turn counts.

And as has been shown, he has, in fact, stated that he doesn't know ways to play well that don't involve Galeforce.

What are you even talking about? Olwen beat Lunatic mode in 2 hours without using Galeforce at all, so obviously he must know ways to play well that don't involve using Galeforce.

It could be the best skill in the game (not saying it isn't, either) and still be overrated if it's played up too much. If it's worth a 10/10 and people treat it like a 12, it's overrated.

Fair enough.

Are you absolutely positively sure about this? Just from his OP is enough to steer reasonable people from this thread. Who said there aren't better players who doesn't acknowledge Galeforce, such as Red Fox? Plus, if he REALLY isn't trying to insult anyone, then he needs to do a better job at that. He needs to learn how to express himself and talk on the internet. (No, I'm not trying to hurl insults here.)

Then again, some people (like the creator of the thread and some others) probably see me as one of the worse players because I don't play for LTC, lol!

And just so you know, I'm not trying to INSULT anyone at all. If you saw it as that, well.... then I think someone needs to get off the computer and breathe some real air. I'm repeating myself so that you and Olwen is clear that I'm not trying to accumulate warning points.

Yes, I am "absolutely positively sure" about this. He may be outspoken and blunt with his opinions, but he definitely isn't trying to insult anyone.

As far as I'm aware, most of the good players do acknowledge Galeforce, Red Fox of Fire included. They may think it is overrated or might not put it to much use as others, but they still acknowledge it is a good skill. If there are any good players that disagree and think it is a bad skill for a logical reason, then they can easily challenge Olwen to a debate about it.

What are you talking about? Olwen never said that only LTCers are the only people that are good at the game.

For example, I'm not a LTCer and he thinks I'm good at it.

Unlike others, Olwen and I don't feel insulted unless, you know, someone actually does directly insult one of us.

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Is this topic even necessary? There have been plenty of galeforce topics the last couple of days. Anyway I don't think anyone can deny that galeforce is a great skill worthy of praise, but that doesn't stop it from being overrated.

Its one of, if not the best skill in the game, but when people slam everything that can't learn it and dismiss every pairing and unit that can't get it as worthless then it is massively overrated.

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Its one of, if not the best skill in the game, but when people slam everything that can't learn it and dismiss every pairing and unit that can't get it as worthless then it is massively overrated.

who exactly are these people? If you're gonna say GameFAQs users, then your argument is irrelevant since this thread isn't addressed towards GF users.

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Is this topic even necessary? There have been plenty of galeforce topics the last couple of days. Anyway I don't think anyone can deny that galeforce is a great skill worthy of praise, but that doesn't stop it from being overrated.

Its one of, if not the best skill in the game, but when people slam everything that can't learn it and dismiss every pairing and unit that can't get it as worthless then it is massively overrated.

Well, this topic was intended to be the official general Galeforce thread, so I don't see why it would be unnecessary.

Just like there is an official Lunatic thread and a bunch of other threads about Lunatic mode. This thread is pretty much the same purpose as that.

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Just like there is an official Lunatic thread and a bunch of other threads about Lunatic mode. This thread is pretty much the same purpose as that.

If his statement wasn't fashioned in a way that could be taken as literally talking down to everyone else who doesn't have the same view of the skill or playing the game as him, everything would be PEACHY and exactly like those threads.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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If his statement wasn't fashioned in a way that could be taken as literally talking down to everyone else who doesn't have the same view of the skill or playing the game as him, everything would be PEACHY and exactly like those threads.

That's just how you interrupt it.

He started it with "I think" to make it clear it is his personal opinion. He isn't trying to insult anyone or force his ideals onto anyone, and if people didn't immediately pinpoint on the negative they would be able to see that. I don't have the same way of playing the game and he thinks I'm a great player, so I really don't see why people are trying so hard to latch onto anything they can to start a fight or feel insulted.

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I really liked that post actually. I'm basically Switzerland in this debate: the skill's nice and all, but I'm not going to ban Sully, Tharja and Nowi from my team because they can't get Galeforce.

This probably also means I'm a terrible player, right? ._.

I forget where I did the math on this, but I think Sully can actually double the TSON final boss. That's actually pretty impressive! ...Granted Sully dies if said boss looks at her funny and procs Aether, but there's plenty of ways around that. Definitely would be fun to do a First Gen Only TSON run, and most of them don't have Galeforce (although don't get me wrong, Sumia/Cordelia/Lissa/Maribelle are going to be incredibly useful because they have it).

And Nowi... well any Manakete is uber. Field a team of Nowi/Tiki/any Nah and they're going to stomp all over things. Nowi is just the pokiest of the Manaketes (unless you give Nah a SPD penalty).

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I forget where I did the math on this, but I think Sully can actually double the TSON final boss. That's actually pretty impressive! ...Granted Sully dies if said boss looks at her funny and procs Aether, but there's plenty of ways around that. Definitely would be fun to do a First Gen Only TSON run, and most of them don't have Galeforce (although don't get me wrong, Sumia/Cordelia/Lissa/Maribelle are going to be incredibly useful because they have it).

And Nowi... well any Manakete is uber. Field a team of Nowi/Tiki/any Nah and they're going to stomp all over things. Nowi is just the pokiest of the Manaketes (unless you give Nah a SPD penalty).

The healers especially. If both Lissa and Maribelle have Galeforce they can attack twice and heal someone all in one go. Fairly efficient way to deal with enemies, although with their defense, I rarely use them as front-line fighters.

TSON... that's The Strongest One's Name right? I haven't purchased that DLC yet... the next pack I was planning on buying is The Future Past so it might be a bit before I get it. But yeah, that's impressive for Sully. :D

Oh, I know. The Manaketes destroy everything within range - it's a beautiful sight to behold.

Edited by Vashiane
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who exactly are these people? If you're gonna say GameFAQs users, then your argument is irrelevant since this thread isn't addressed towards GF users.

not to mention, as earlier noted, even most GameFAQs users aren't hyping Galeforce anymore and came around to realize that a lot of characters and pairings that don't involve it are still really great

it just seems a bunch of SF teenagers agree that it's overrated even though in reality very few people are hyping it now (and certainly, the number of people bashing the skill is far greater!)

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Holy fucking shit! Obviously galeforce is a good skill. One of, if not the best, skills in the game. Why does everyone need to get their panties in a bunch over it? Quit judging the way other people play a game!

@ Olwen - Being good at a game =/= Using only the best characters and skills in said game. Good players, whether in real life sports or in Videogames tend to give themselves a disadvantage on purpose to CHALLANGE themselves.
A certain MvC2 tournament player known as VDO, plays the game and doesnt use any Top or GOD tier characters, and he WINS because he is good at the game. He wins (makes it to the top 8 or top 4 consistently) despite using an extremely inferior team, because he is a more skilled player.
And LOL at thinking Awakening takes "skill" to LTC on Hard mode. Placing your over-powered Avatar in a specific spot and watching them kill all enemies on EP with 0% chance of dieing takes NO skill whatsoever. Just saying...
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And LOL at thinking Awakening takes "skill" to LTC on Hard mode. Placing your over-powered Avatar in a specific spot and watching them kill all enemies on EP with 0% chance of dieing takes NO skill whatsoever. Just saying...

We might also say that pushing Seth towards the boss in FE8 takes no skill whatsoever. Yet if we wanted to beat Horace's FE8 turn count record for example, we'd need to bust our asses quite a bit, so clearly achieving the lowest turn count isn't something anybody could do.

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And LOL at thinking Awakening takes "skill" to LTC on Hard mode. Placing your over-powered Avatar in a specific spot and watching them kill all enemies on EP with 0% chance of dieing takes NO skill whatsoever. Just saying...

You don't know what you're talking about when it comes to this. That's only true for Chapter 1 and 10.

Prologue: Both Frederick and the Avatar are needed here.

Chapter 1: Yep, I grant this one.

Chapter 2: Frederick and Stahl are both needed here.

Okay, I grant these first 3 chapters aren't tough at all with an overpowered Avatar.

Chapter 3: This is a really tough chapter because you can't use your overpowered Avatar at all here. It's up to Frederick to kill the boss.

Chapter 4: Another tough chapter because while the units are few, you have to train Sumia, which is tough even with Tonics. It is not enough to solo with the Avatar here.

Chapter 5: This chapter is nasty as hell, and the Avatar is stuck to a Bronze Lance here, so you have to rely on Sumia's 2 range a lot. Avatar isn't soloing anything here in less than 7 turns.

Chapter 6: This chapter is HUGE. You can't LTC this with just the Avatar and a partner.

Chapter 7: You'd get gangbanged by the multiple archers here and killed with a solo.

Chapter 8: ...this map is gigantic. Soloing this with the Avatar would take 10 turns.

Chapter 9: This map is difficult to 2 turn, and it requires 3 fliers if you want to get Libra.

Chapter 10: Yep, Avatar here.

Chapter 11: This map is crazy too, because some enemies are promoted and quite accurate. The Avatar would get killed here.

An Avatar solo would probably take over 70 turns. I've taken 29 turns on all those chapters combined.

LTCing itself is a disadvantage, because you're going as fast as possible. That's the purpose of an LTC--to restrict yourself to the very lowest turns possible. That is in itself a challenge.

Edited by Olwen
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Haha, you're right. Those are the only possible strategies for those maps.

I never said anything about soloing, but my point obviously went right over your inflated LTC obsessed head...
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Placing your over-powered Avatar in a specific spot and watching them kill all enemies on EP with 0% chance of dieing takes NO skill whatsoever.

Sure sounds like a solo!

I never said anything about them being the only possible strategies. All I was trying to show was that it is far more complicated than you make it seem.

Edited by Olwen
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I dont know, it doesnt seem that complicated to me. Especially when CromXAvatar produces 2 more over-powered units for us to use midway through the game. After Chapter 14, the game is a walk in the park.

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The reason it's so complicated is because rout maps are the worst things you can come across on LTC maps. You have to worry about:

1. Your units being strong enough

2. Weapon levels (Javelins, etc.)

3. Killing Archers when you can't afford to face them

4. Finding rout magic spots (places where you can kill a lot of enemies)

5. Being able to survive enemy attacks when you can't afford to use Vulneraries

Lucina is pretty useless in an LTC since it seems impossible to get to level 15. And Morgan wastes turns, so...

Edited by Olwen
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That's just how you interrupt it.

He started it with "I think" to make it clear it is his personal opinion. He isn't trying to insult anyone or force his ideals onto anyone, and if people didn't immediately pinpoint on the negative they would be able to see that. I don't have the same way of playing the game and he thinks I'm a great player, so I really don't see why people are trying so hard to latch onto anything they can to start a fight or feel insulted.

So if I say "I think" before "all races are inferior to Caucasians", I'm free from criticism. After all, I'm not trying to force that ideal on anyone, right?

By the way, gems like this do not help.

Edited by Constable Galeforce
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