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The Galeforce Thread


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The challenge in LTC is not execution as such, as the execution in many cases is reasonably simple (with a few noteworthy exceptions in some sticky chapters). LTC should be thought of more as a puzzle than a skill exercise. It's not comparable to winning at a fighting game with underpowered characters. It's more like figuring out the system and determining how many turns are necessary. If the answer is "one," then any strategy that completes the chapter in one turn is basically equally viable provided it doesn't add turns to a later chapter.

A puzzle can have multiple solutions, but if a solution is discovered that is better then so be it. But since in FEA the solution to a great many chapters is "one turn that bitch," the absolute minimum turncount is kind of uninteresting. Shit, I can one-turn chapters in this game without trying and I'm terrible at LTC. The lowest possible turncount is an intellectual exercise that's neat to see though... but to really have any applicability to drafts etc. Awakening needs a fair number of artificial restrictions because it offers so many ways to break itself.

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So if I say "I think" before "all races are inferior to Caucasians", I'm free from criticism. After all, I'm not trying to force that ideal on anyone, right?

1. One doesn't have to take it offensively. I'm caucasian and I can careless if people hate my race or love it.

2. Racial slurs =/= Video game talk

3. I did say that people were free to disagree with him, ergo criticism, so yeah. I don't like to repeat myself, so I won't.

Edited by Sumia
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1) "Well, I don't take offense to it, so no one else should either!"

2) It's the same principle, thinking that putting "I think" in your posts automatically makes it free from having someone call out your bullshit

3) I wasn't talking about criticizing the topic at hand.

Edited by Constable Galeforce
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No one's saying you need the skill to enjoy the game.

All I am claiming is that the people who are better at the game tend to see its various uses. This has nothing to do with LTCing; it just has to do with seeing the opportunities that a skill gives you.

Why do people find this so offensive? Being good at a video game is not a big deal. Why does my opinion of my being good at a video game make me narcissistic?

EVERYONE can see its various uses-- it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how having a second turn after attacking is useful. Anyone who doesn't is just not thinking. Now that we have that cleared up, can we all please agree that this thread has gone on FAR too long?

Edited by Raine
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1) "Well, I don't take offense to it, so no one else should either!"

2) It's the same principle, thinking that putting "I think" in your posts automatically makes it free from having someone call out your bullshit

3) I wasn't talking about criticizing the topic at hand.

1. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth. Even if you do, the fact remains that one does not have to take something offensively. Some people choose to take others opinions offensively and some do not.

2. Sorry, but I don't support that kind of argument, I'm actually against it. It's so easy to take any given logic and twist to around "Well what if a murderer-" or "what if an anti gay--" even though it's quite clear that they are morally different. There are different circumstances in which the same logic that works in one circumstance will not work in the other.

3. Then you really shouldn't be in this thread to begin with if you have nothing to contribute to the topic.

Edited by Sumia
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1) Yes, that is a fact. Another one: some people can choose not to breathe. Now your point, please.

2) Well gee, that's not hypocritical at all

He started it with "I think" to make it clear it is his personal opinion. He isn't trying to insult anyone or force his ideals onto anyone, and if people didn't immediately pinpoint on the negative they would be able to see that.

If it's only your personal opinion, no one should be taking it offensively, right?

3) Then I guess neither should you, since you're not contributing anything relevant to the topic either.

Edited by Constable Galeforce
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1) Yes, that is a fact. Another one: some people can choose not to breathe. Now your point, please.

2) Well gee, that's not hypocritical at all

If it's only your personal opinion, no one should be taking it offensively, right?

3) Then I guess neither should you, since you're not contributing anything relevant to the topic either.

Yes she is. At least she has better things to do than to sit down on the internet for hours a day to insult someone for having views on a video game.

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Sumia, everything you say reeks of bias. I always knew Cordelia was better than you.

However, it is has become clear to me that the anti-Galeforce is too strong for me to bother thinking Galeforce is massively overrated in enough people's eyes to continue.

This thread can end if Olwen is able to agree to something like this: "Galeforce is an amazing skill but not necessary for any kind of play outside of LTC and anyone who doesn't use it for whatever reason can still be considered a plenty good player so long as they know what makes it good."

I'm sure you'll tell me you've already said this, but as has been pointed out, your ways of doing so are less-than-flattering.

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Galeforce is a shitty skill because it gives me headaches due to too many people arguing over it

Seriously though. P sure most recognise Galeforce is a p great skill

A lot of us also don't like it being shoved down our throats and this goes both ways on the overrated/underrated end

I mean fuck it's one goddamn skill why is there like 25918501769187 threads on it give it a rest already

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Sumia, everything you say reeks of bias. I always knew Cordelia was better than you.

However, it is has become clear to me that the anti-Galeforce is too strong for me to bother thinking Galeforce is massively overrated in enough people's eyes to continue.

This thread can end if Olwen is able to agree to something like this: "Galeforce is an amazing skill but not necessary for any kind of play outside of LTC and anyone who doesn't use it for whatever reason can still be considered a plenty good player so long as they know what makes it good."

I'm sure you'll tell me you've already said this, but as has been pointed out, your ways of doing so are less-than-flattering.

Forgive me, but I feel the need to point something out. It's a little ironic to hear you speak about bias, because as far as I can see you yourself have a slight bias against Olwen.

I'm also not being bias. When Olwen is wrong I tell him when he is wrong and I have done exactly that before in the past. I personally think he is in the right, but perhaps a little too blunt about it, and that the gangbanging against him is unnecessary.

I also don't understand why you have to resort to being rude to people. I haven't been rude to you once, so I honestly don't think I deserve it.

As for ths actual topic: I don't see why this thread would have to be closed? That's exactly what he thinks, but he personally doesn't want it closed, he wants it to stay open as the official Galeforce thread. It has some slight off-topic posts, but that can easily be changed once the current conversation dies down or if a mod just posts for people to stay on the topic at hand.

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Forgive me, but I feel the need to point something out. It's a little ironic to hear you speak about bias, because as far as I can see you yourself have a slight bias against Olwen.

I'm also not being bias. When Olwen is wrong I tell him when he is wrong and I have done exactly that before in the past. I personally think he is in the right, but perhaps a little too blunt about it, and that the gangbanging against him is unnecessary.

I also don't understand why you have to resort to being rude to people. I haven't been rude to you once, so I honestly don't think I deserve it.

As for ths actual topic: I don't see why this thread would have to be closed? That's exactly what he thinks, but he personally doesn't want it closed, he wants it to stay open as the official Galeforce thread. It has some slight off-topic posts, but that can easily be changed once the current conversation dies down or if a mod just posts for people to stay on the topic at hand.

I have no bias against Olwen, I just don't agree with a lot of what he says and find that he can be (apparently unintentionally) offensive with his opinions.

I'm sure you do, but that's not what I'm seeing here.

Being rude? By calling you biased? Get some thicker skin, because this isn't even scratching the surface. And if you're talking about the Cordelia comment, it was slashed because it was a joke. Honestly, if you think I've been rude, actually read Olwen's posts.

I didn't mean that I would close it, just that the discussion that's been going on since the beginning could be ended.

EDIT: Constable, you do need to tone this Galeforce shtick down a bit.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I have no bias against Olwen, I just don't agree with a lot of what he says and find that he can be (apparently unintentionally) offensive with his opinions.

I'm sure you do, but that's not what I'm seeing here.

Being rude? By calling you biased? Get some thicker skin, because this isn't even scratching the surface. And if you're talking about the Cordelia comment, it was slashed because it was a joke. Honestly, if you think I've been rude, actually read Olwen's posts.

I didn't mean that I would close it, just that the discussion that's been going on since the beginning could be ended.

EDIT: Constable, you do need to tone this Galeforce shtick down a bit.

I don't think I'm being biased because I do agree, but I'll take your word for it.

It was more of everything combined. "your ways of doing so are less-than-flattering," "everything you say reeks of bias," and the joke.

I didn't know that was a joke, though, because I'm not good at detecting jokes when I'm being serious. It was basically just that all of that stacked up on top of each other in a small post came across as a bit rude to me. And the first time I talked to you the conversation wasn't very pleasant, so I kind of half expect you to be rude to me by default.

I'm also quite aware Olwen can be rude/insensitive sometimes, and he has me on his case about it quite often.

So basically he just has to post something like that to get the topic to move on?

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I think this topic was created for the purpose of sharing and respecting people's opinions of the skill Galeforce and perhaps maybe inquire as to why somebody might have "this" opinion on it and then have a sensible discussion on it

Except that never ever happens

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posting in this topic at all isn't helping to move this conversation on. From the get-go, It's been a circular argument that reiterates the same facts over and over again by many different people. The very fact, however, that this has reached seven eight pages of reiteration and retaliation because people misinterpret previous posts, get into arguments about subliminal topics interwoven in the idea that 'only pros use galeforce', and say that whoever doesn't use galeforce doesn't see its value.

1. if we're getting so heated, we shouldn't be posting in this thread to begin with-- we have five more just like it and none of them are any better.

2. this has been answered already and I think everyone can understand the flip to each statement. At this point, let's all just agree to disagree.

3. as my previous post stated, it doesn't take a genius to realize the uses of this skill-- aka, why most people believe this skill to be broken. The difference is that some people would RATHER see the value in other skills than use a skill that's been tried and proven in ANY country to be more than effective.

With this three point analysis, I say we can move on. Anything beyond this bashing other people for their beliefs or instigating argument through tactless wording is pointless.

EDITED: Seven pages to Eight.

Edited by Raine
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I think this topic was created for the purpose of sharing and respecting people's opinions of the skill Galeforce and perhaps maybe inquire as to why somebody might have "this" opinion on it and then have a sensible discussion on it

Except that never ever happens

Thank you for your reasonable post!

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So let's like, actually talk about Galeforce now, and not Olwen and his way of wording things.

Why does everyone either like or dislike Galeforce personally?

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So basically he just has to post something like that to get the topic to move on?

The way I'm seeing this, Olwen's opinion of Galeforce in itself isn't offensive, but his wording has been really bad. Quotes like these:

whereas the people who aren't good just think it's an overrated skill

Why should we care about people playing for fun, though? That sets no standards to measure any skill or character.

It's fun to see Tharja half-naked when she fights, but why does that matter?

They can choose to ignore the tier list if they wish. People just like to complain.

What other way is there to be good at the game?

exemplify such. He really does at times sound like he's insulting people who don't use Galeforce, as if they're not good or that playing for fun is meaningless. That's what caused this charade, and people reacted in kind.

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I did read it

I didn't see a point to responding to it since I more or less agree with it

just for the record i remember last week or so you made an anti-Galeforce circlejerk thread where you basically said HEY LOOK AT ALL THESE DUMBSHIT GALEFORCE FANBOYS WHO DON'T GET THAT THEY'RE GRINDING FOR THE SKILL HUR HUR HUR HUR

i called you out on it because you are (or were, maybe) exactly the "SF teenager trying to be cool and funny by bashing Galeforce" poster that the post i quoted at you was referring to

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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just for the record i remember last week or so you made an anti-Galeforce circlejerk thread where you basically said HEY LOOK AT ALL THESE DUMBSHIT GALEFORCE FANBOYS WHO DON'T GET THAT THEY'RE GRINDING FOR THE SKILL HUR HUR HUR HUR

i called you out on it because you are (or were, maybe) exactly the "SF teenager trying to be cool and funny by bashing Galeforce" poster that the post i quoted at you was referring to


I'm laughing because i think you’re trying to upset me, but im so tired that a car could smash through my wall and i wouldn’t be upset i’d be like “nah bro its fine” hahaha be gone i have no time for you.

I truly and honestly don't care what you think.

Edited by PK Gaming
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okay buddy

i'm totally sure you didn't care about what i said because you took the time to write all of that and tell us all

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Is it really necessary to have five Galeforce threads within two weeks?

Galeforce is a great skill. I don't see anyone claiming otherwise. Some believes there are better skill setups, other believes Galeforce is uninteresting. I personally fall into the latter. I'm personally a Defense skill junkie, so I prefer having characters with Breaker skills and Pavise/Aegis and surviving hordes of enemies on the EP, since I feel like I'm rewarded for time invested of setting up that skillset.

I've only found major value in Galeforce with the FoD series, since it's not my units on the line, but weak NPCs that you have to immediately take action to save. If I'm doing that series, I have heavy reliance on Galeforce. Otherwise, it's not necessary to me.

As for this thread in general, this has gotten way out of hand. Can anyone tell me why there's so much talk about Galeforce? Better yet, why does anyone care? It's just a skill in the game.

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As for this thread in general, this has gotten way out of hand. Can anyone tell me why there's so much talk about Galeforce? Better yet, why does anyone care? It's just a skill in the game.

apparently people like arguing and calling each other stupid for not agreeing with their views. go figure.

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