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The Friendship Thread


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I'll admit, I was a fool. When I first played Fire Emblem, I thought that characters couldn't top Cordelia. Her red hair, no sense of love, and her sudden appearance in the game appealed to me. Well, forget that, Cordelia is a moron. Because there's someone even better. Her name is Sumia. Don't laugh at her name. Sumia is a cooler name than yours. Anyways, Sumia is the best knight in all of Ylisse. Lol, that's a lie. Sumia is the best knight in all of Awakening. Dammit, I can't stop lying. Sumia is the best knight in any game, ever. Seriously, no one can top her red hair as it flows in the breeze. The way she rides her Chrom into battle, chopping people in half sending their blood into the air.... That's Sumia. Sumia could probably win the entire game by herself- sorry, I'm doubting the awesome powers of Sumia. Sumia could win the game by herself, and she did. Just now. In the time it took you to read "Sumia could win the game" Sumia did win the game. See, Sumia is like God. If you think about Sumia winning the game, she will. And she did it again, just now. Now, granted Frederick is pretty close to being equal to Sumia's sovereign power, but everybody know Frederick has a hawt wife. This automatically means that Sumia has backstabbed her several times. Remember how I said Sumia did whatever you thought? Well, Frederick has just called the Ylissean police, because Cordelia is on the floor, her Nosferatu burst wide open by Sumia's all permeating Silver Lance. And she liked it, even though Sumia is like 9 times better than her. Sumia is simply the most supreme power in the universe.

And is better than Manakete

Come at me, Pedoclaw

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I'll admit, I was a fool. When I first played Fire Emblem, I thought that characters couldn't top Cordelia. Her red hair, no sense of love, and her sudden appearance in the game appealed to me. Well, forget that, Cordelia is a moron. Because there's someone even better. Her name is Sumia. Don't laugh at her name. Sumia is a cooler name than yours. Anyways, Sumia is the best knight in all of Ylisse. Lol, that's a lie. Sumia is the best knight in all of Awakening. Dammit, I can't stop lying. Sumia is the best knight in any game, ever. Seriously, no one can top her red hair as it flows in the breeze. The way she rides her Chrom into battle, chopping people in half sending their blood into the air.... That's Sumia. Sumia could probably win the entire game by herself- sorry, I'm doubting the awesome powers of Sumia. Sumia could win the game by herself, and she did. Just now. In the time it took you to read "Sumia could win the game" Sumia did win the game. See, Sumia is like God. If you think about Sumia winning the game, she will. And she did it again, just now. Now, granted Frederick is pretty close to being equal to Sumia's sovereign power, but everybody know Frederick has a hawt wife. This automatically means that Sumia has backstabbed her several times. Remember how I said Sumia did whatever you thought? Well, Frederick has just called the Ylissean police, because Cordelia is on the floor, her Nosferatu burst wide open by Sumia's all permeating Silver Lance. And she liked it, even though Sumia is like 9 times better than her. Sumia is simply the most supreme power in the universe.

And is better than Manakete

Come at me, Pedoclaw

Funny because I could swear Sumia is gettign 1-2HKOed by archers her entire existence and always has pretty mediocre attack.

I have the sudden urge to do a Nowi vs. Sumia debate.

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While I don't really care for Vaike's conversation with Chrom too much, his support with Lon'qu is hilarious. Despite the fact that Lon'qu brushes him off, you can tell that deep down inside, he still holds a grudging sort-of respect for Vaike and his antics and takes a few, random moments to show this. Their A-support, Lon'qu's lines with him in battle, and of course, Harvest Scramble. HS was particularly funny one time I played it when I had Vaike married to Maribelle and Lon'qu was stubbornly stuck at A support with Cherche and therefore, unmarried. XD

Three-way Justice Cabal'ing with Owain, Morgan and Cynthia.

Ricken and Henry. First off, it takes a C-support conversation of Ricken's and expands on it a bit - his support with Lissa reveals how panicky and stressed he is over the fact he has to kill other people to survive. If you unlocked this support before the Ricken/Henry one, it seems like he then got over it... until their B-support, when he's reminded of it once again. The humanity behind the people you're killing is suddenly there, not just for Ricken but for the player. Granted, it takes you a bit less time to recover from that because in all respects, they're just coding, but for Ricken it's a serious blow to his self-esteem and morality at first... which is then restored beautifully by the guys who claims he's "not one for moods". Lies, Henry. Lies.

That's of course, not mentioning Harvest Scramble. That was beautiful.

Frederick and Henry as well, with their A-support displaying an excellent show of manly tears.

And I also, also, make sure I three-way support Stahl, Donnel and Kellam.

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I really like M Morgan and Owain! They are funny together in the justice cabal; it makes me happy that Owain has someone else who understands and to share his eccentric personality with.

It also helps that they are brothers-in-law and cousins in my game...

By the bolded parts, it means Owain married Lucina (and Morgan is Chrom's son, but that's a given for us)?

Hmm... I'm not sure if I have any, because I kinda ship/pair/whatever the word is these.... brotps. I guess Male Morgan and Owain can be one.

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Henry/Ricken are my favorite bromance in this game. It's so sweet how Henry said he'd care immensely if Ricken died, that he'd track down the man who killed him and make him pay in blood. And their Harvest of Bonds convo was nice, too. They held hands, uwaaaaa, that is too cute~

Frederick/Chrom is another favorite bromance of mine. Fred's borderline mancrush on Chrom is just too cute.

Cynthia/Severa is another friendship pairing I like. I found their sniping at each other to be a good example of Vitriolic Best Buds, and I enjoyed their goofy supports where they engage in all sorts of goofy contests to "prove" who's better.

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I don't particularly adore any of the friendship supports (except Fred and Chrom, nobody could not love that)... That is, unless we're counting scramble conversations. In that case, Tharja+Nowi, Aversa+Tiki, Gangrel+Aversa

Gangrel makes the (likely to be) first Yo Mama joke of all time in their Hot Spring conversation :3

Also, Sumia+Miriel, but not for the supports, for the Harvest Scramble convos. I'll admit, I hated Sumia. Then I saw that conversation. It made me hate her even more, and feel bad for Frederick, my second favorite male in the game, to whom I married her to. But, I came up with some respect for her. 'twas an enjoyable conversation, though.

Edited by Saint
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