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Your Top 5 favorite Skills in the game


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5. -faire skills - +5 Str/Mag is always welcome for me. Anything to attain more power.

4. Veteran/Paragon - Makes grinding much easier. Too bad I didn't have DLC for Paragon so I could only stick for Veteran

3. Ignis/Luna - More damage is always welcome. I personally prefer Ignis atm but Luna really helps for enemies with high Def

2. Sol/Renewal - Self-healing is great. Plus Heroes usually have high Skl to proc Sol.

1. Armsthrift - I like infinite uses. Sure Infinite Regalia exists but for some people without the DLC(like me) have to rely on Hammernes or this.

HM: Astra/Aether/Lethality(neat skill w/low procs), Aegis/Pavise(can be a lifesaver), Rightful King(higher procs? Yes please), -breakers/Iote's Shield/Conquest(covering weakness is always nice)

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No order....


Unlimited uses of forges and divine weapons are always nice! =D

-The Faires

Your attacks pierce through even Dragonskin alot more.

-The plus skills

Pairing up with rallies, forges, faires, supports, tonics, and Ignis/Luna hits makes these skills dying to have. Ignis does twice the amount of dmg making with the plus skills do like up to 18 more dmg with Faire, All Stats+2, +2 in Str or Mag. Just like with Luna, it pierces through their defenses even more making these skills great to have.





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One of the skills I would have listed is in the "Do Not Mention" section, but no matter. Veteran. List time!

NOTE: For some reason my computer posted this while I was trying to delete something. No worries, it's finished.

5. Astra

  • First off, 2.5x more damage, in other words 5 attacks, for only ONE expended weapon use is lovely. Second, a lot of characters can get a hold of it (Avatars, Lon'qu, Stahl, Sully, Olivia, Gaius, Gregor, Owain etc.) and in turn a lot of children can get a hold of it. Astra pretty much became the family skill one playthrough for Chrom's family: Olivia, Lucina, Inigo and Owain all had Astra - not to mention a few others. Stats aside, it's insane to look at. It's nice with magic sure, lots of spinning, but props go to bows and lances.

4. Armsthrift

  • On a character with low luck like Gregor, this skill is nice, but it's on a certain few characters with a high enough luck stat for its effects to be truly appreciated. Three of the very best are a +Luck Avatar, Inigo and Donnel, but I'll use Donnel has an example. If I'm not mistaken, his luck caps at 48. Armsthrift has a Luck x 2 activation rate... this is a 96% chance of not expending a weapon usage. I distinctly remember my Bow Knight Donnel from my first playthough going through a total of 18 skirmishes - as one of the front-line fighters - before his Astra bow wore down once. Add a certain other skill to his arsenal and his luck now caps at 50. I don't think I have to spell out what that means.

3. Sol/Renewal/Lifetaker

  • Any skill that returns your health to you is good in my book. The differences of course, shall be mentioned: Sol lets you attack and recover for half the damage dealt, Renewal restores 30% of your health and Lifetaker gives you back 50% of your health if you defeat someone on the player's turn. Of course, Morgan and the Avatar can learn all of these, and certain children characters can as well.

2. Ignis

  • This skill... is freaking badass, despite the very few people that can use it (Morgan and the Avatar at the least, and at the most Lucina or their other sibling). Depending on what weapon you're using - whether a tome or a physical weapon - it takes the offensive stat you're NOT using - strength for tomes, magic for anything else - divides it in half and adds it to your other stat, increasing the amount of damage you do. Nothing like having your enemies explode in a flurry of fiery sakura petals to the tune of extra damage. Hell yes.

1. Luna

  • Generals, Great Knights and defense-blessed Avatars, prepare to quake before the might that is Luna. Sakura blossoms are beautiful, but there's nothing more satisfying then twirling/spinning/slicing your way through your enemies' defenses in a burst of bright sparkles, and hear that scream as they try to recollect themselves, stunned that their most precious stat caved underneath Luna's majesty. Granted, in Normal mode, Luna doesn't do much... it's in Hard and the Lunatics that Luna truly shines, brighter than Sol itself, and hackslashes you into a swift and well-deserved victory.
Edited by Vashiane
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5: Ignis. Adding half your magic or strength to an attack is nice, especially in combination with limit breaker.

4: Luna. Cutting your enemies defense in half is good, especially for the later DLCs.

3: Astra. Doing 2.5x damage is useful, but you can critical while you use it which makes it even better.

2: Sol. Healing half damage is cool, and critting when this skill activates is can be a huge relief.

1: Armsthrift. Potential infinite use on any weapon is great, and I like the novelty of being able to equip my team with Regalia (Such as Jugdral's holy weapons) and not have to worry about them ever breaking.

Edited by Zelos
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Eh, banned or not, it really doesn't matter. You can't 'stop' people from posting it so it's best to not even worry. *shrugs*

Anyway, my top five.

5. Aegis;; a skill not many people have mentioned and here's why I enjoy it... when it comes to damage, it's always optimal to take as little of it as possible. While on this route, mages are typically the ones who do the most damage to PCs and are tricky with their 1-2 range.

4. Dual Support+;; another skill not many people have mentioned. People say it isn't as strong as galeforce and shouldn't be passed in its place. I disagree. Dual Support+ makes for an amazing skill to pass because it allows fully supported characters to get up to +20 to all modifiers every battle while paired. I typically put Anathema on the supporting character and then focus the rest on damaging skills. In all, I couldn't think of a more useful skill for a supporting unit to have.

3. Luna;; An easy skill to explain. High proc rate + half opponent's res/def = consistently more damage. skills like this are one of the better skills in the game because it's open to most units and allows them to benefit no matter what class they wind up in.

2. Sol;; More useful than luna only for the fact that your units turn into self-sustaining units of terror and destruction. Halving defenses are good, healing yourself for half the damage you deal is better.

1. Ignis;; A very circumstantial skill, yes, but one that makes Grandmaster the best class in the game (aside from manakete). Grandmasters in and of themselves become the king-of-all damage types and easily start throwing around attacks at 100 attack both magical and physical. All that and you strike with cherry blossoms scattering upon impact! I think Cynthia had her say with MU after all.

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5. Tomebreaker - Magic rocks in this game. Make sure it rocks only for YOU.

4. Vantage - If you're running a non-sustain build, this skill is absolutely hilarious.

3. Rally Spectrum - Since when is +4 stats a bad thing?

2. Vengeance - This skill wins out because of its proc rate. Combine with Vantage for sheer hilarity.

1. Lucky Seven - Free hit and dodge for non-turtlers! This skill has saved more than one run!

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5: Lucky Seven, for being an excellent filler skill.

4: Luna for being the prettiest little proc. I like it more than the blossoms, at least.

3: Vantage, because a 100% chance to strike first 100% of the time has its uses. Requiring half health may have its limitations, but I value its consistency all the same.

2: DualGuard+, saver of resets.

1: Hex/Anathema/DualSupport+/Solidarity, because they can be dumped on the pair up unit and still be effective. Solidarity less so because tacticians will usually want to be on the frontline.

0: I'd add Iote's shield if it was actually available in Europe, dammit!

-1: Shadowgif-oh wait I can't get this one yet either! ):<

I'd also put resolve on the list for not being in the game, but being in the game is a pretty clear requirement in this thread.

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5. Tomebreaker - Magic rocks in this game. Make sure it rocks only for YOU.

4. Vantage - If you're running a non-sustain build, this skill is absolutely hilarious.

3. Rally Spectrum - Since when is +4 stats a bad thing?

2. Vengeance - This skill wins out because of its proc rate. Combine with Vantage for sheer hilarity.

1. Lucky Seven - Free hit and dodge for non-turtlers! This skill has saved more than one run!

Props to you for utilising the VengeanceVantage combo

I absolutely love that thing

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5. Tomebreaker - Magic rocks in this game. Make sure it rocks only for YOU.

4. Vantage - If you're running a non-sustain build, this skill is absolutely hilarious.

3. Rally Spectrum - Since when is +4 stats a bad thing?

2. Vengeance - This skill wins out because of its proc rate. Combine with Vantage for sheer hilarity.

1. Lucky Seven - Free hit and dodge for non-turtlers! This skill has saved more than one run!

The Vengeance/Vantage combo, huh? I'd actually like Vengeance were it not for the fact that this is a Fire Emblem game. As it is, the concept of Vengeance just plain reeks of being counterintuitive, and thus Vengeance/Vantage is little more than a gimmick.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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exactly my issue with it. i'd just rather my units not get close to death in the first place. saves me the hassle of being worried about restarting.

Indeed - the only thing it's good for is causing you grief.

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5. Vantage: Helps with those who have low defense and allows them to focus on damage.

4. Tomebreaker: Low resistance? No problem

3. Counter: A berserker hit you and you are at half health? Ah, that's too bad... For the berserker, that is.

2. Pass: Enemies are blocking your rally bot's path? Have no fear! Pass is here!

1. Shadowgift: I love using Sages. so this just allows Morgan to use dark magic in addition to staves.

Honorable mentions: Wrath, Vengeance, Resistance +10, Aggressor, Lethality, Sol

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Vantage+Vengeance is not just a gimmick (see: Death's Embrace).

Okay, it works there. But still, I'd rather not pin my hopes on something that will have me restarting if something goes wrong.

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Okay, it works there. But still, I'd rather not pin my hopes on something that will have me restarting if something goes wrong.

If you're willing to burn a Limit Break or two, it's suddenly not stupid (seriously, go look at Vengeance's proc rate).

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Don't like the ban on skills in the OP- of they're someone's favorite they should be able to list them. I would've put down Galeforce and Limit Breaker for sure...

1. Sol. Free healing while you kill stuff is always welcome.

2. Despoil. DOSH

3. Aggressor. +10 Atk on PP is cool. Not spectacular, but still. Would be cool if it was whenever you attack first for fun with Vantage.

4. Conqueror. Not a particularly useful skill, but one I enjoy anyway.

5. Res+10. Actually kinda helpful because of so many magic users.

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Well, here's my list:

1. Luna: Pretty much the best proc skill, halving Defense or Resistance is pretty boss.

2. Aggressor: Great player phase skill, +10 attack is nothing to not write home about.

3. Lucky Seven: +20 Hit and Avoid for 7 whole turns is pretty good, especially considering that that's how many turns it usually takes you to finish a map. Even better is that my favorite units: Gangrel and Henry, can use this skill, and Gangrel comes with it.

4. Armsthrift: Nothing quite like saving resources on weapon usage.

5. Aether: Sol and Luna in one skill, I've found it to activate frequently enough to give it 5th place.

Honorable mentions go to -breaker skills (especially Tomebreaker), Aegis, Pavise, Sol, Ignis, and the 'faire skills.

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If you're willing to burn a Limit Break or two, it's suddenly not stupid (seriously, go look at Vengeance's proc rate).

Correction: It's not stupid to you. I, on the other hand, still refuse to give such a gimmick the time of day even with Limit Breaker. Admittedly, though, Vengeance's proc rate is good - too bad that's the only good thing about it.

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