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No Promotion Run - Difficulty? Help?

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I'm planning on doing a no seal run, not for the challenge, I'm just a little crazy and struggle to enjoy the game with the characters outside of their base classes (currently on chapter 15 hard/classic with Chrom as a great lord, Lissa as a war cleric, MU as a swordmaster etc and just can't live with it, going to have to start again.)

Just looking for some advice as to what difficulty to go with, so to give you some reference hard has been fine on my current run, enough of a challenge so that I may have to restart a level a few times to keep everyone (besides Miriel) alive , but never frustrating. Havn't been using any second seals besides on MU to go through the swordmaster line and Sumia to pass down galeforce, everyone else has just been promoting, havn't done any grinding, just a fairly regular playthrough I suppose. Shamed to admit it but this is also my first FE.

Thinking hard might be a bit much without seals, (excessive) grinding, dlc, just going for a regular playthrough, but normal seems like it may be too easy, especially at the start, hoping it would balance out later and become something resembling to a regular hard playthrough?

Any other potential pitfalls of a playthrough like this? Thanks.

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You made this topic in GFAQS already, so I'm giving the same answer:

There you go!


Yeah eager to start and didn't think I'd get many replies so made a duplicate. Thanks twice? Sounds like he had to jump through quite a few hoops on hard. I won't be second sealing to other classes like him but will promote and immediately demote to get around the level cap. Sounds like hes a lot better than me too so looks like normal is the way to go, just hope it's not too easy.

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