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Series 3 DLC Possibilities

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So in one of the interviews with the devs of Fire Emblem Awakening they mentioned the possibility of a Series 3 DLC if there was enough fan demand.

Let's say IS makes a Series 3 DLC, what would you guys like to have in it? More Einherjar warfare? Conversations? A brand new and interesting plot like The Future Past/Future of Despair?

For me, I'd like a pack that explains where the hell our Morgan came from. And maybe some actual post storyline episodes (Before it came out, I always assumed The Future Past happened after our heroes defeated Grima in the current timeline, but it turns out its not the case).

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I would totally love another episodic side-story like Future Past. The Morgan idea is cool, I was really bummed they didn't figure much into FP though I have my own headcanon. I probably wouldn't pay for more lords but getting new art for them would be nice.

Also, a return to the beach and spa for more boingy bits and muscles.

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needs Anna the Conqueror*with 99 in every stat, with Dragonskin/Aegis+/Pavise+/Ignis/Hawkeye skillset

*not actually in Conqueror class

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I mentioned this before, but All Star Characters. Somehow make some of their other properties fit into Fire Emblem classes. Like Link being a Bow Knight, Ganondorf being a Dark Knight, and Princess Zelda being a Sage, that kind of thing. Hell, make Mario and Luigi fighters for all I care. Oh, and release a patch giving DLC units their own models.

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I mentioned this before, but All Star Characters. Somehow make some of their other properties fit into Fire Emblem classes. Like Link being a Bow Knight, Ganondorf being a Dark Knight, and Princess Zelda being a Sage, that kind of thing. Hell, make Mario and Luigi fighters for all I care. Oh, and release a patch giving DLC units their own models.

Mario's the all-exclusive plumber boss, who makes God Anna weep with his 1-5 range, 25 might brave weapon that can't be affected by a breaker skill

and of course Luigi's class is Ghostbuster


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perhaps they could stand to do something akin to the BS Fire Emblem episodes: a small pre-set cast of units in new scenarios, with episodes using either the FE13 cast or legacy characters. honestly, i'm surprised they didn't do this in the first place; as far as incorporating legacy characters goes, taking a BSFE route with DLC strikes me as a natural fit, especially since a lot of the DLC character art (mostly thinking Marth, Roy, Seliph, Katarina and Ephraim) looks aged-up from their original games in the first place, as if they're screaming "miniature sequel adventure where (lord) does awesome shit a few years later"

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I hope they do some kind of patch where DLC characters get their own models. Otherwise the waste of money isn't worth it. >n> Sigh...

I'd love to see a story that centers around Morgan. Maybe you could recruit the Morgan that's the opposite gender if your current Morgan. Ooh, just imagine that. Two god children!

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I'd love to see a story that centers around Morgan. Maybe you could recruit the Morgan that's the opposite gender if your current Morgan.

I agree. It'd be cool, especially if the other Morgan was properly fleshed out.

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I agree. It'd be cool, especially if the other Morgan was properly fleshed out.

I would love to see Morgan (M) talking to the male avatar and Morgan (F) talking to the female avatar. :3

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perhaps they could stand to do something akin to the BS Fire Emblem episodes: a small pre-set cast of units in new scenarios

oh my god

i didn't even know i wanted this

i want this so hard

I'm imagining an 'escape' mission centered around Virion and Cherche, a mission where you (as the Pegasus fleet) have to protect Cordelia while she escapes... maybe even a battle from the previous war that explains why Gangrel and Validar are so messed up.

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Just my own wishful thinking, but maybe they could have the final chapters of previous games, where Chrom and his army takes the place of the army that assisted the main lord of the previous game, and they relive the fight, with unique models for the bosses and old main lord.

For example, the final chapter of Rekka no Ken, Chrom and his army are under Eliwood's command fighting against Nergal and his Morphs. Eliwood has a unique class heavily resembling his Knight Lord class, and Nergal is the same, resembling a Dark Druid. Hector has a Great Lord class and Lyn has a Blade Lord class.

Other DLC chapters would be the final bosses of other games, with their main lords being the commander of Chrom's army.

Rewards could be an item similar to Dread Scroll and Wedding Bouquet, in that it allows specific characters to promote to a new class. Different items would be released for each chapter, granting the DLC/Spotpass Lords of that chapter the chance to promote to their old promoted Lord design, with matching attack animations and such, but all of these items would also work for Chrom and Lucina, because they're both Lords too. Also, the villain of the chapter (In this case, Nergal) can also use the item to promote to their old class as well.

I just think something like this would be nice because it allows players to understand the main trial older generations in the Fire Emblem world had to face.

I also think the reward would be nice because my nostalgia! It was something I felt awkward about when the DLC was first released. I mean, I understand that they wanted to help players feel more comfortable with the old characters/new class design by having special artwork done for some of them, but it still just isn't the same. Some characters didn't even get this treatment... I remember Hector for being a badass swinging axes around single-handedly, not for the extreme amount of armour he had, struggling to run at the enemy. I remember Ike for being a mercenary being made to command the army of Begnion, not for being Mr. Roboto. As for class abilities, they could easily throw existing abilities to those classes. Aether, Aptitude... Knight Lord could even get a redesigned Wyrmsbane that works for that class too, instead of just Manaketes, because of how Eliwood had to fight the Fire Dragon at the end. On top of this, why not give Ike's Hero Lord class the unique Aether animation he once had?

Finally, I understand certain animations, mainly Lyn's Blade Lord animations, might not work so well in the Awakening world, because the disappearing ninjutsu stuff is completely out of place. But I still think small adjustments could be made to resemble what her old animation was like. If we made Lyn's critical animation look like Astra from Path of Radiance for example... Lots of blinding speed, but without the disappearing blurs and stuff.

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Gigantic six man conversations between couples, their children, their children's husband/wife and their in laws.

I want to see crazy family shenanigans.

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The BS Fire Emblem style could allows us to have access to Philein, Raimi, Cervantes, and the like. A map where you controled the villains that gaves you Valldaror Excellus would be cool too.

Personnally, if they add Character DLCs, I'd prefer to see some characters that doesn't already appears in Spotpass. It would be the perfect occasion for Joshua DLC. I would also love too see Galzus.

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I've mentioned it a couple times, but a "Historical Battles Pack" with the likes of a playable Battle of Belhalla. (5 star difficulty in terms of Enemy strength, but the enemy moves first.) and other notable battles in FE History. (A Scouring battle against Full Power Fire Dragons (not "EXTREMELY WEAK" things with 120HP and 37 Defense ignoring Damage)?)

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Gigantic six man conversations between couples, their children, their children's husband/wife and their in laws.

I want to see crazy family shenanigans.

Haha, I want this too, family conversations

More DLC characters... Like, Hector and Eliwood... And I wanted Haar actually... And the DLC with Morgan story sounds pretty cool too

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I want the butler class for males and the slayer class for females.

Butlers get support skills, slayers get skills that give them a bonus against risen.

Classical battles would be nice!

And also custom heads and bodies for the DLC and at least custim heads for the spotpass characters.

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It'd be nice to see a DLC similar to Dragon Age's "The Darkspawn's Chronicles". Where you control the Risen in order to kill the 1st generation parents in Lucina's timeline. It could be used as a Reflection of sorts, where our Chrom and the army don't get to participate, but they all get to know how things went to hell. This DLC could be accessed only after Lucina joins the party.

A second DLC pack would involve seeing how our Lucina and her group got to escape Grima. Only the second gen children can be used. And Chrom and our army would get to know how their children managed to get to the past.

Those two series would serve as challenge maps. Where you don't get to use your super units to brute your way through, only your wit and blood offerings to Anna get to help you

A third Scrable Pack could be nice too. They could have a ball-themed one for the popular1st gen characters (Tiki, Cherche and Olivia and Henry, Virion and Lon'Qu) A academy training grounds/school-themed map for the second gen characters (Cynthia, Noire and Gerome and Brady) would be nice too. Since both Morgan would be there but due to obvious restrictions they can't get mentioned twice, they would get a special mention apart of the other 4 children. Both Morgan here should get a personalized convo with their non-Avatar parents and special convos with the other children if they are siblings. (They could pull personal convos in Future Past, they can do that again here). Finally A third scramble pack could be used as a big party for the families in the army, where the children get to bond with the parents beyond what's seen in the supports

A fourth pack can use Einherjars again, but this time as full-time allies as you and the phantoms of past FE heroes get to cleanse the Outrealms of Risen. Each map should give as reward Sigurd, Hector and Eliwood.

I have more ideas, but this should suffice for a third DLC series I think.

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The Black Knight in Dlc, with his own unique class and with custom animations, voice, map..:) The dream *-* And yeah, more intersting dlc or characters :p

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More mariages pack!

Like your favorites, Chrom x Cordelia and Gangrel x Emm

The weird, Chrom x Anna, Aversa x Ricken and Yenfay x Tiki

Last but not least the homopack, Severa x Noire, Nowi x Tiki, Chrom x Avatar and Avatar x Lissa

Next month dlc include Lissa x Chrom and Yenfay x Sayri (vomiting*)

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More mariages pack!

Like your favorites, Chrom x Cordelia and Gangrel x Emm

The weird, Chrom x Anna, Aversa x Ricken and Yenfay x Tiki

Last but not least the homopack, Severa x Noire, Nowi x Tiki, Chrom x Avatar and Avatar x Lissa

Next month dlc include Lissa x Chrom and Yenfay x Sayri (vomiting*)

Gives us Chrom X Frederick already ! And how could you forgot Nowi X Tharja.

Though DLC/Spotpass, special support would be pretty awesome...

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Gives us Chrom X Frederick already ! And how could you forgot Nowi X Tharja.

Though DLC/Spotpass, special support would be pretty awesome...

Marth x Lucina and Priarm supports with Ike

Crossgeneration mariages

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