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StreetPass Team

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Howdy everyone, hope you're all having a good day, just thought I'd share with you my (Almost complete) StreetPass team, and see what all you FE vets think of it, and I tried to make them all reference someone from the 'real' world, but probably didn't do a good job of it, but enjoy nonetheless! :D

(As general rules, all units are MU's brought over from multiple save files, they have capped stats, and forged weapons unless they are 'special' weapons e.g. Hautclere.) :

-Genghis/Great Knight

-Aegis/Pavise/Armsthrift/Limit Breaker/Galeforce


-Xena/Dark Flier


-Thoron/Rexcalibur/Brave Lance



-Ragnell/Double Bow

-Tenzin/War Cleric


-Killer Axe/Brave Axe/Psychic






-Valflame/Brave Sword


-Pavise/Aegis/Luna/Sol/Movement +1


-Hiccup/Wyvern Lord

-Ignis/Vengeance/Iote's Shield/Prescience/Patience


-Legolas/Bow Knight


-Astra/Brave Sword


-Axefaire/Limit Breaker/Counter/Renewal/Aegis

-Killer Axe/Armads

*phew* There we go, all 10 of them, d'ya like the line-up? Anything you'd change? Let me know, and a decent argument in your case would be nice, I think I've got this set up pretty well, but you guys might know better (I'm guessing a lot of you do...).

Anyway, thanks for reading, and good day!

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