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FE13 CG Movies with Subtitles [Japanese and English]

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Japanese is first, followed by English.

Example: "Lovebirds"

Playlist Link:

Individual Video links:

(lololololol, Europe changed it to "The Rescue" because of the fangirls raging)

The Japanese "END" one was pretty controversial among fans, due to a lot of girls marrying Chrom and him calling their Female MU/Avatar "friend". I'm guessing that AND the lip synch is why they changed it in English?

Liz/Lissa even calls him out on it on a manga on pixiv:

Page 14

Page 15

Chrom: You'll catch a cold if you sleep in a place like this. Can you stand?

Chrom: Welcome home, my friend.

Liz: Hey wait... I didn't want to be in the way of your reunion, but why did you say "friend"?

Isn't she your wife?

Rufure: Excuse me...

Chrom: I'm not wrong am I? Before she's my wife, she was a dear friend that fought beside us in battles...

Rufure: Ummm...

Liz: What kind of logic is that!?

Rufure: Do I know you two?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I can't seem to see the manga pages as there is an error on Photobucket. Do you think you could re-post them somewhere?

Links fixed. It seems this forum likes breaking huge links whenever I edit a post. Kind of like the Bonds DLC Music thread.

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