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Why is LTC hated?


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I know there's a handful of people who do like this kind of playstyle, but from what I've seen the vast majority of people here are against it. Why is that?

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According to a scientific study conducted by Prof. B.F. Skinner, LTC players live longer lives on average, have higher IQs, and mostly have PhDs

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According to a scientific study conducted by Prof. B.F. Skinner, LTC players live longer lives on average, have higher IQs, and mostly have PhDs

and that's why dem bastards suck!!!

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B.F. Skinner researched LTC?

But according to Adler, LTC is a terrible way to prove your superiority, and is therefore UNACCEPTABRU

Also according to Murray, there is no such needs as Turncounts. Or the Press.

And according to Jung, LTC is a result of the Efficiency Archetype, the positive side being Galeforce, the negative side being Canto


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I don't exactly HATE LTC, but I do find it to be an incredibly boring and dumb way to play the game. What's the point of rushing through chapters like a madman, besides bragging rights?

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I don't exactly HATE LTC, but I do find it to be an incredibly boring and dumb way to play the game. What's the point of rushing through chapters like a madman, besides bragging rights?

I get a lot of pleasure out of it, personally.

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I don't exactly HATE LTC, but I do find it to be an incredibly boring and dumb way to play the game. What's the point of rushing through chapters like a madman, besides bragging rights?

It's generally harder (assuming you're consistent about achieving lowest turns and not just minimalistically moving Seth from one part of the map to another with a Javelin) and keeps you busy thinking, planning and rehearsing strategies, in comparison to taking your time.

Turn counts are also pretty crucial when it comes to deciding which units are better. Exclude turn counts and things get pretty foggy and unclear.

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I'm not a fan of it because 2 or 3 posters (I won't specify) talk about it like it's the best way to play. I wouldn't even mind that but these posters will occasionally seem to assume that because it fits their views, LTC is the best way to play for everyone.

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It seems hard to decide which units are good without turncounts. Can you imagine how high up characters like Donnel would be 5-6 years ago?

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Most people who hate LTC do so because they feel it invalidates their style of playing, or worse, calls it incompetent. This can be seen when people are super upset about their favorite character not being so good after all. Sometimes they need to justify that it's lame, or that the people playing it are lame.

Edited by Refa
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1) Because tier list players tend to talk like LTC is the only way to play and will often insult players who try to tier otherwise.

2) LTC players have a tendency to be VERY elitist.

3) Many of them seem to be incapable of fathoming character-rankings without obsessing over LTC.

4) They tend to be willing to insult other players teams for using non-optimal characters.

5) To them it seems (at least far too often) that there is only people who play for absolute lowest turncounts ('Real players') and people who only play with big-titted girls and do nothing but dally around on maps like idiots. No middle ground at all.

That's why I hate LTC and LTC players and tierers. If LTC was 'just' another style of play I wouldn't have a problem with it. But to many LTCers it's the only style of play and even trying anything else labels you as an incompetent moron. It's like being paired with the guy who obsessively grinds in arena's in WoW in a bout of AV. He is MORE than glad to insult you for every little mis-step and call you a 'n00b' because you died once when you 'shouldn't have' and tell you to leave unless you spent months grinding out the best gear while ignoring his own faults and mistakes (which are, of course, because of you and never because of him or, at best, because the other team is being cheap).

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It seems hard to decide which units are good without turncounts. Can you imagine how high up characters like Donnel would be 5-6 years ago?

...This is one of the reasons I hate tiering LTC.While Donnel is a pretty bad unit tiering LTC makes him completely unusable tier. (if you can't do something in Awakening HM you're doing it wrong).

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...This is one of the reasons I hate tiering LTC.While Donnel is a pretty bad unit tiering LTC makes him completely unusable tier. (if you can't do something in Awakening HM you're doing it wrong).

Wasn't somebody able to turn Donnel into an immediate 1RKO machine with the right partner and tonics?

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Wasn't somebody able to turn Donnel into an immediate 1RKO machine with the right partner and tonics?

I've tried; Donnel's stats are too shit even with forges, Frederick pair up and tonics. It's only true for Sumia and others.

Why does it matter if Donnel is unusable? He is an unusable piece of trash and anyone should be glad not to use him.

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I'm not a fan of it because 2 or 3 posters (I won't specify) talk about it like it's the best way to play. I wouldn't even mind that but these posters will occasionally seem to assume that because it fits their views, LTC is the best way to play for everyone.


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Wasn't somebody able to turn Donnel into an immediate 1RKO machine with the right partner and tonics?

I've done it but it required some work... and renown lots of renown.

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Why does it matter if Donnel is unusable? He is an unusable piece of trash and anyone should be glad not to use him.

Not sure if sarcastic or not.

There are people who do actually say things like this without being sarcastic. Again, I'm not sure if you're one of those people. But it's the main reason why some people hate LTC and anyone who plays by it.

For me, LTC feels like a incomplete experience. It seems that to play LTC, you'll have to miss half the content of the game (mostly story, due to not getting most supports and stuff). It feels like a very limited way to play.

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at least two of the people who have posted so far in this topic are usually elitist assholes to non-LTC players

also it is very american to have the opinion that there is no best way to play the game

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