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I've become addicted to Beethoven.


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I've been listening to this from the very start, going on the 4th hour now, so beautiful. Not only that, but I got the sudden urge to get stuff done, like cleaning the house, doing my homework, and making this topic. I don't know if it's placebo, or some psychological effect the music has, but whatever it is, it better not stop. I heard somewhere classical music helps with the brain, that's why I got here in the first place, but I'm impressed by just how much.

Also, on a related not, why do skeletons play pianos?

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Music certainly does have a profound effect on the body.

I could never get into Beethoven to be honest...

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Dawwww...<3 Nevermind

Are you developing an interest in the old ultra-violence by any chance?

No, but I am feeling slightly more homicidal.

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