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Are Paralogues 18 and above canon?

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well walhart is probably like 60 because of his apperance. .why can't we marry cervantes! if we could marry cervantes the kid could be like yosemite sam and have a full grown beard!

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Canon, all the characters are treated as any other story character (ie can support, can talk with other units in Barracks and Scrambles, are given endings, etc). There is no reason to assume they're not canon.

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well walhart is probably like 60 because of his apperance. .why can't we marry cervantes! if we could marry cervantes the kid could be like yosemite sam and have a full grown beard!

It's not about the age, it's about the fact that Walhart looks like a titan and he's so powerful it feels that he's so awesome he can reproduce asexually.

Gangrel- No, just...no. And I think he's awesome.

Also, Walhart is most likely 50 at most. Don't ask me where he got his white hair, tho.

Canon, all the characters are treated as any other story character (ie can support, can talk with other units in Barracks and Scrambles, are given endings, etc). There is no reason to assume they're not canon.

They can also only support The Avatar. =|

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They can also only support The Avatar. =|

Anna can only support Avatar and Tiki, who also comes in a paralogue.

I think of it this way: Ismaire, Selena, etc from Sacred Stones' Creature Campaign are examples of non-canon bonus characters; compared to them, Gangrel, Aversa and so on are clearly meant to be canon. Otherwise, why bother to think up ways for them all to survive?

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Also, Walhart is most likely 50 at most. Don't ask me where he got his white hair, tho.

He probably has it naturally, like Yen'fay. :|
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I'm assuming they're intending to be canon, but I'm definitely ignoring 18 and 19 in my PERSONAL canon because I can't see how Gangrel and Walhart survived. Yes, I know that HP hitting zero doesn't NECESSARILY mean death, but... I don't know. It seemed like you'd make absolutely certain Gangrel and Walhart would die, given their roles in the story. Especially Gangrel.

...Or am I the only one who'd assumed they'd chop off the heads of the tyrants?

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I have no problems whatsoever with Yen'fay and Priam being canon.

Aversa and Emmeryn I just assume as being kept alive by clinging to their faiths in Grima and Naga respectively, maybe with some Valkyrie staff shenanigans thrown in for Emmeryn.

Walhart I figure is just too POWERFUL to let this game end before he dies and Gangrel's a trickster so he probably did something shifty who cares.

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They're roughly the same as the rest of the Paralogues-- in short, is Anna canon? How about Kjelle? What of Donnel? Tiki?

Think of the FESS characters more like the Einherjar. (In fact, that may be exactly what they are)

Gangrel didn't die because Chrom is actually a softie. In fact, Gangrel actually complains about that. Chrom just left Gangrel for dead and walked off after that battle.

Walhart died. He's a Risen. He's just so abhorrently powerful Grima couldn't control him, and in fact he got other Risen to follow him.

Emmeryn possibly survived the fall, or she may have been resurrected with Valkyrie. (Note: Fortify is Valkyrie. You get a Fortify for clearing her Paralogue. All other Holy Weapons were nerfed to the ground due to age... well one way to nerf a rez is for the resurrected character to come back... wrong. Like Emm does.)

Yen'fay's from another timeline.

Aversa: See Gangrel.

Priam: He is what he is.

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Walhart died. He's a Risen. He's just so abhorrently powerful Grima couldn't control him, and in fact he got other Risen to follow him.

I know he said that "his heart beats no more" (or something to that effect), but I'm sure he's speaking in a metaphorical sense, rather than being literal.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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