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Game you'd most like to see remade


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I'm all for getting new games in the series and I hope the next few installments will be new games. Yet still it would be nice to play some of those old Japanese only games with an official translation. The question though is which of them would we like to see remade the most? And what could they do to make them more interesting?

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FE2, actually. It's the one, from what I've seen, that gets the least attention, and with FE13 featuring a world map, a remake of FE2 would maybe show where it all began.

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FE2, actually. It's the one, from what I've seen, that gets the least attention, and with FE13 featuring a world map, a remake of FE2 would maybe show where it all began.

I fully agree. The easiest to get translation of Gaiden is really bad and even with a good translation all the limitations of the early system means it takes a completely different mindset to enjoy playing. Which is a pity since they decided to try some new things with the battle system.

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FE2, actually. It's the one, from what I've seen, that gets the least attention, and with FE13 featuring a world map, a remake of FE2 would maybe show where it all began.

They could even expand on the RPGish towns you visit too. It would be nice with an update.

FE4 I had an odd idea lemme quote myself off skype here

oddly enough if FE4 gets remade. I'd like the castles to get split into their own chapters and have sieges of them after you "seize" them reintroducing the dismount feature from FE3/5 in the process
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As much as I want an FE4 remake, Gaiden needs it the most.

I love FE2, it's just very hard to really get into it with the archaic interface and graphics. An FE2 remake would be great, and yeah, after FE13, it would make complete sense.

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I'd like to see 4 remade more than the others, although 2 would really benefit from a remake. (FE5 while it is my favorite FE aside from Awakening is not in as much need as a remake because IMO it has aged better than any of FEs 1-6.)

Edited by Zelos
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I think after reintroducing the generation mechanic in Awakening, if they were to remake 6 they'd probably bundle it with 7 and have some sort of inheritance system.

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I think after reintroducing the generation mechanic in Awakening, if they were to remake 6 they'd probably bundle it with 7 and have some sort of inheritance system.

My problem with that is that only a few characters in FE6 are related to the characters in FE7.

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Wow I'm getting a lot of responses here. Makes me think of a new question. Would you like to see and Avatar/Tactician just hanging around doing nothing really important like in Fe12?

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Gaiden is pretty inaccessible and was relevant to Awakening, so I'd like it to happen.

Not that I have any bias or anything, no sir.

I don't think an Avatar would work for Gaiden unless they completely revamped it.

Edited by Liquid Snake
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My problem with that is that only a few characters in FE6 are related to the characters in FE7.

When has something that can be fixed with a simple retcon stopped a company from a potentially money-making endeavor?

Anyway, 2 and 6, as people have said. 2's just so dated, and 6 feels oddly dated because it's so similar to 7 and 8, but less refined. Also, 5 would be nice, if for nothing else than having a formation feature.

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The question though is which of them would we like to see remade the most? And what could they do to make them more interesting?

None, there are very few remakes that are worth purchasing if you own the original. Sure, IS could remake FE2, but I'd rather them just make a new game that uses elements from that game (hopefully a heckuva lot better than FE8 did).

They could even expand on the RPGish towns you visit too. It would be nice with an update.

Shining Force did that, it was awesome. I don't think even an FE2 remake could pull it off that well.

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None, there are very few remakes that are worth purchasing if you own the original. Sure, IS could remake FE2, but I'd rather them just make a new game that uses elements from that game (hopefully a heckuva lot better than FE8 did).

There is a point if it's completely unfeasible to actually purchase the original. I for one am very glad they made Shadow Dragon as it allowed me to play a great game that I couldn't since I wasn't ten years older and living in Japan. Likewise there are four more games in the series that haven't been remade and still five that haven't been localized. I'd like to see new games made as well, in fact its my very first post in the thread, But I'd still like a chance experience what the old games were in a way fashion that is much more approachable.

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I said if you own the original; anyone has the opportunity to purchase almost any game ever made, but obviously not all games are feasible to them.

Also I'd wager that FE11 changed things up quite a bit, although since it wasn't the story, a lot of NA fans were mad. I don't think they need to retread on old ground and remake FE2-FE6,FE12, an official localization would be plenty; I guess if a remake's the only way to go, I'd rather have that than nothing...

Edited by Refa
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2 and 6 probably need it most. I don't really see why they could go all FE12 with the avatar and implement it as kind of a background, self insert. Oh, and unlimited support options, to make the other characters have more depth and stuff.

with 6 only being released in Japan and 7 being in both, the US could see it to a sequel to the original fire emblem. Going from the large amount of FE7 fans, that would be a good idea.

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When did Support conversations first turn up? I know characters could talk in castles in Fe4 but that was never translated so I don't know how similar it was to support convos. I think it was only for lovers too. If they were feeling particularly creative they could implement a full support system into one of the old games. It would certainly give a lot more personality to some of those old characters.

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When did Support conversations first turn up? I know characters could talk in castles in Fe4 but that was never translated so I don't know how similar it was to support convos. I think it was only for lovers too. If they were feeling particularly creative they could implement a full support system into one of the old games. It would certainly give a lot more personality to some of those old characters.

Fe5 had a very limited set of supports. FE6 was the one that started the tradition more so

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FE4 had supports for siblings, and FE3 was the first game to implement supports.

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I'm expecting the next remake to be either one of Gaiden (ties to Awakening) or Genealogy of the Holy War (Is still one of the more successful FEs).

I'm not sure which one will come first.

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FE4 had supports for siblings, and FE3 was the first game to implement supports.

Ah yeah. It's been awhile since I played either. Thanks for catching my error

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