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Playing "the game"


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The difference is that I have experience that ranges to as close as last night.

There are two types of people with game. The ones that start early and then believe that they have game for the rest of their lives (they don't) and those that start late but learn correctly. I'm the latter.

That's fine, you can have experiences all you want. In this case, personal experience does sort of factor in, but the way you were holding yourself in teh post I quoted came off as extremely arrogant.

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For fucks sake, a lot of people who open their mouths here have no fucking clue pabout what they're saying.

First of all, the guy who said that people confuse confidence with game is almost correct but also wrong. Confidence is game but game is not confidence. Game is also understanding that a ton of women also go out looking for hook-ups and also have game. No fish is ever easy to catch but she either requires money or effort.

Example: I went out last night with a friend and slightly embaressed a girl at the bar. But because I have game, I was able to erase my asshole status by apologizing, having a general conversation about everything and anything and buying her a beer. I'm not saying that this is how to do it (I also learned Game at a very late age but learned it properly) but the fact remains that she was also looking for a hook-up too.

Being an asshole is not game. Being an asshole is being an asshole. Being a nice guy is not game. Being a nice guy is being a sucker. But self-confidence? That defines game.

Good point right here. Most girls find confidence attractive, but you need more than confidence to get the girl.

There's a difference between being a "nice guy" and being a nice guy. I'll use a personal example. There's this guy who really liked this girl I know for years, and basically did everything he could for her, and then some. He'd take care of her when she was sick, pick her up from the airport, babysit her when she was too drunk, etc. Every year for Valentines Day he'd buy her cards and flowers and chocolates and throw a ton of money at this girl. But she only saw him as a good friend and nothing more. That's the typical "nice guy". I knew this girl in the past but hadn't seen her for a few years until I saw her again somewhere. I got her number, and texted her once in a while, but not all that often. I had some pretty quality texts though, and soon enough this girl would start texting me herself just about every day. Soon enough we'd hang out once in a while, and she fell for me. What took that other guy years I was able to do in a couple weeks. I'm a nice guy (as in I'm not an asshole or anything), but I showed that through my personality and not by doing a ton of over the top actions. Moral of the story? Don't put the pussy on a pedestal, or be a sucker, or whatever you want to call it. Chances are you won't get what you want.

There are two types of people with game. The ones that start early and then believe that they have game for the rest of their lives (they don't) and those that start late but learn correctly. I'm the latter.

This. Also, be patient with this stuff. Chances are you're gonna mess up a ton at first. I know I embarrassed myself in front of girls tons of times in high school, and came off as the weirdest guy ever to them. But I looked back at those rejections, figured out the mistakes I made, and little by little improved. Soon enough, I wasn't getting rejected anymore. So don't fear rejection, be patient, and keep trying to improve, and you'll be alright.

Oh and another thing. There isn't one set way to "play the game" or get a girl to fall for you. You can do what you do, and get a ton of girls, but that doesn't mean you'll get every girl. Each person is different after all, and are attracted to different types of people. So make sure to always keep that in mind. Don't fear rejection!

Edited by Helios
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For fucks sake, a lot of people who open their mouths here have no fucking clue pabout what they're saying.

First of all, the guy who said that people confuse confidence with game is almost correct but also wrong. Confidence is game but game is not confidence. Game is also understanding that a ton of women also go out looking for hook-ups and also have game. No fish is ever easy to catch but she either requires money or effort.

Example: I went out last night with a friend and slightly embaressed a girl at the bar. But because I have game, I was able to erase my asshole status by apologizing, having a general conversation about everything and anything and buying her a beer. I'm not saying that this is how to do it (I also learned Game at a very late age but learned it properly) but the fact remains that she was also looking for a hook-up too.

Being an asshole is not game. Being an asshole is being an asshole. Being a nice guy is not game. Being a nice guy is being a sucker. But self-confidence? That defines game.

I'd call your example "being a decent human being" (apologizing for previous behavior which you felt warranted an apology) and "healthy social interaction" (general conversation and the beer). I have no issues with both of those categories. Leading people on, for example, is something that falls under neither of those, which is part of the reason why I don't like it.

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Good point right here. Most girls find confidence attractive, but you need more than confidence to get the girl.

There's a difference between being a "nice guy" and being a nice guy. I'll use a personal example. There's this guy who really liked this girl I know for years, and basically did everything he could for her, and then some. He'd take care of her when she was sick, pick her up from the airport, babysit her when she was too drunk, etc. Every year for Valentines Day he'd buy her cards and flowers and chocolates and throw a ton of money at this girl. But she only saw him as a good friend and nothing more. That's the typical "nice guy". I knew this girl in the past but hadn't seen her for a few years until I saw her again somewhere. I got her number, and texted her once in a while, but not all that often. I had some pretty quality texts though, and soon enough this girl would start texting me herself just about every day. Soon enough we'd hang out once in a while, and she fell for me. What took that other guy years I was able to do in a couple weeks. I'm a nice guy (as in I'm not an asshole or anything), but I showed that through my personality and not by doing a ton of over the top actions. Moral of the story? Don't put the pussy on a pedestal, or be a sucker, or whatever you want to call it. Chances are you won't get what you want.

This. Also, be patient with this stuff. Chances are you're gonna mess up a ton at first. I know I embarrassed myself in front of girls tons of times in high school, and came off as the weirdest guy ever to them. But I looked back at those rejections, figured out the mistakes I made, and little by little improved. Soon enough, I wasn't getting rejected anymore. So don't fear rejection, be patient, and keep trying to improve, and you'll be alright.

Oh and another thing. There isn't one set way to "play the game" or get a girl to fall for you. You can do what you do, and get a ton of girls, but that doesn't mean you'll get every girl. Each person is different after all, and are attracted to different types of people. So make sure to always keep that in mind. Don't fear rejection!

your post wins

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Good point right here. Most girls find confidence attractive, but you need more than confidence to get the girl.

There's a difference between being a "nice guy" and being a nice guy. I'll use a personal example. There's this guy who really liked this girl I know for years, and basically did everything he could for her, and then some. He'd take care of her when she was sick, pick her up from the airport, babysit her when she was too drunk, etc. Every year for Valentines Day he'd buy her cards and flowers and chocolates and throw a ton of money at this girl. But she only saw him as a good friend and nothing more. That's the typical "nice guy". I knew this girl in the past but hadn't seen her for a few years until I saw her again somewhere. I got her number, and texted her once in a while, but not all that often. I had some pretty quality texts though, and soon enough this girl would start texting me herself just about every day. Soon enough we'd hang out once in a while, and she fell for me. What took that other guy years I was able to do in a couple weeks. I'm a nice guy (as in I'm not an asshole or anything), but I showed that through my personality and not by doing a ton of over the top actions. Moral of the story? Don't put the pussy on a pedestal, or be a sucker, or whatever you want to call it. Chances are you won't get what you want.

This. Also, be patient with this stuff. Chances are you're gonna mess up a ton at first. I know I embarrassed myself in front of girls tons of times in high school, and came off as the weirdest guy ever to them. But I looked back at those rejections, figured out the mistakes I made, and little by little improved. Soon enough, I wasn't getting rejected anymore. So don't fear rejection, be patient, and keep trying to improve, and you'll be alright.

Oh and another thing. There isn't one set way to "play the game" or get a girl to fall for you. You can do what you do, and get a ton of girls, but that doesn't mean you'll get every girl. Each person is different after all, and are attracted to different types of people. So make sure to always keep that in mind. Don't fear rejection!

This. This so much. You took the words right outta my mouth.

If I could add one thing, it's this: Make your intentions known from the get-go. If you want a relationship, and you know you want a relationship, make it clear. Simply asking someone out on a date is enough. Maybe you'll get rejected right away, but you're far more likely to spark a romance if you start your interaction with another human being on the pretense of romance. Then just be yourself after that. No game, no bull. And like Helios said, don't fear the rejection! If one person doesn't like you for you, there are literally thousands upon thousands of people you will meet in your lifetime who will.

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