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Yet another question

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When you do the "add reply" thing. There's a BBC help button to click on (or something like that).

Do: <url="http://theactualurlgoes%20here"> what you want to say here </url>

But instead of the greater than and less than signs, use brackets

Alright I'll try it now I'm a FE gangsta!

Sweet I did it :D

Alright so it's basically <url="http://the%20link"> then what I want to say then </url>? EASY

Edited by FEFL
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[*url=www.abxy.com]Here type your message[/*url]

Works also, and seems easier than going for the >;< symbols :/ Just remove the asterisks (*) and it'll show

Here type your message

Alternatively, just a [*url]http://lanzenritter.com[/*url] will reprint the website as the url


On some boards, a web address will automatically change the words into a hyperlink :o


I actually memorized that last link... best place there ever was

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