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Probably a stupid question, but...


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To the SD card. Probably a good question though, you might want to bring your game over to a friend's house and show them the DLC.. without the actual 3DS. yeah.

Well, you get my point.

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Well to explain it better:

Just reconfirming about DLCs storage:

First, this is hypothetical... And second, I currently have a physical copy.

If say, I get another physical copy of FE13 and play it on the same 3DS, will I be able to play the DLCs without having to buy them again?

And say I get another physical copy of FE13 BUT I play it on another 3DS (with my current 3DS SD card?), can I still access the same DLCs I bought?

Now, say I decide to get a digital copy instead but play on the same 3DS... the same question, can I access the DLCs without buying them again?

I guess the thing is, are they stored on the 3DS system only or the SD card?

I'm asking because I'm extremely curious that I'm almost tempted to get another because of the limited file saves.

I'm sorry if this was asked before. I dunno what keywords to search.



If you mean the one from the first example, yes.

The DLCs are stored on the SD card and it is associated on the system you bought it on to be able to be accessed.

So only the 3DS you bought the DLC on will be the only 3DS the SD card with the DLC content will work on.

It's tied to your eShop account which your 3DS is associated with. So the content on the SD card won't work for any 3DS but yours.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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