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New Killer Instinct (and Rare Ltd. Franchise Discussion)


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Okay, I'll admit I'm not that big of a Killer Instinct fan (it took me long enough to get into other traditional fighters like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, so give me some time), but I'm glad to see that Microsoft hasn't completely ditched Rare's franchises. I always found it weird that Microsoft bought Rare and hardly ever utilized their rich library of franchises (Banjo, Conker, Perfect Dark, Battletoads,). Hopefully a new Battletoads will eventually come out later on.

So what do you think of the new Killer Instinct? (outside of not being able to play it since you're not planning to get an XBox One) Also, do you guys also agree with me that Microsoft should use Rare Ltd.'s franchises more? I mean, Microsoft's main franchises, Halo and Gears of War are both FPS, and throwing in Rare's franchises in there would add quite a lot more game genre variety. I personally don't have a problem with game companies "milking franchises" (as many people call it) if the games they're releasing encompass a big variety of game genres and they don't release yearly versions of games (I don't see why people think one release on every console is bad. It's pretty much a given for series like Mario Kart).

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I'm not big on 1 on 1 2D fighters, I've never really liked combo memory and all the over complicated mechanics that go into most of them nowadays. I've never played Killer Instinct, so I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy this. I'm all for the rebirth of 3D platformers, such as Banjo and Conker, but I wish they were on a console that I plan on buying. I never played Perfect Dark, but if its in the same style as Golden Eye, and not like other modern shooters, I'd be all for it because James Bon is one of the only multiplayer shooters I really enjoy (the other being Halo.)

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Poor poor rare. They're not even allowed to touch their own stuff anymore.

As for killer instinct.....uh I believe I played a few matches when I was very little, but I can't remember much at all so i'm not exactly leaping from joy.

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I've heard some bad news that you'll actually have to pay for individual characters and only a few characters come free with the purchase of the game.

Has anyone found any links supporting this? I really hope this isn't true...

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I've heard the same, specifically that only one character actually comes with the game, though the game is technically free to play. 2D fighters are great, combos are great, nothing against Killer Instinct etc, but it would still be generous to call this underwhelming.

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To be fair I believe the whole free-to-play only and buying each character is a mistake from IGN journalism (surprise) that everyone else pretty much copied.


"Willette says players will be able to purchase and download the game in three ways. First, they can download the base — which includes Jago, online play, a training mode and the basics — for free, then choose to purchase other characters and features piecemeal. Second, they can purchase the equivalent of a season pass and pay up-front to get all the characters and content for the game as they are released. Or third, they can pay for a special edition of the season pass that also includes bonus content."

Regardless, this is a game that I'm not too interested in despite of really liking Killer Instinct because it's being made by Double Helix, not Rare. And XBAX WAN.

Edited by Kelsper
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Ah, thanks for the correction. Still feels like an almost satirical form of DLC run amok, though I'll at least be interested to see how it actually turns out for them.

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Ah, thanks for the correction. Still feels like an almost satirical form of DLC run amok, though I'll at least be interested to see how it actually turns out for them.

You're right. It's still a strange model, especially for Double Helix that have never made a fighting game and have only released poor movie games. Even if Rare is helping to develop it, most of the people who worked on KI are now gone.

And it's not really that surprising with all the misinformation going around. I had to dig that up myself after looking through 10-15 articles that said the same thing.

I don't really have high hopes for this one. That said, I haven't played it yet. And I probably never will.

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Combos were just motion comands in the original games and Cinder was AMAZINGLY broken. gloobglabba muthafuckers

but yeah

This KI doesn't seem like it will survive very long. Especially since it's not a Capcom fighting game.

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