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'Fire Emblem on Forums' Sidestory - Game/IC Thread


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One of the punks had gotten a little too attached to the enemy... and was she supposed to know who he was?

"Maybe I did, although I can't say I'd have remembered a boring face like yours. Haha, I can let them bleed out if you want, I really don't care either way."

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Bud7XmY.png"If you ask me, I'm Leo Kesselring. Please, we should return to the inn and mention the innkeeper that his venue is safe. Also, I want to reward you guys for helping us."

Leo looked all over the people he fought with, and gave Grant a special glance, and then he went towards the inn. Dalban quickly followed the mage.

M0IJDsP.png"Wait, Lord Leo, you're not thinking about paying those strangers?"

Bud7XmY.png"Of course I do? They saved my life today."

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Cameron walked over to the others as Grant began to speak. Cameron was reluctant to speak at first. He looked away towards the dead shaman and decided that this attack was probably something greater than just a minor bandit attack. It seemed... too coordinated to be so.

Turning back, Cameron sunk his axe into the ground. He didn't regularly talk to people, as he lived his life mostly as a hermit and survivor in the mountain passes. However, it looked like he was going to have to introduce himself. He had to admit that he was impressed with the group's fighting ability. In any case, the former commander had served as a great teammate in the battle. He may not be alive if he wasn't for him, and the girl that called herself Cassie that alleviated his wounds.

"I'm Cameron. I've been wandering the mountains of Mercia for years now."

He was a man of few words, especially around company as varied as this. He looked back at Grant, and nodded, however:

"Good work you did back there. I appreciate it."

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Kress sighed, relieved. They'd managed to win the battle with no casualties. It seemed the lady had sent her to Leo's side just in time. In fact, the marauders appeared right after she arrived. Had they been following her? That was a grim thought. Perhaps she had, unknowingly, led them to Leo.

She looked around the surrounding area, but their didn't appear to be any of the attackers left. There was no way of knowing if they would return however, so it would probably be safer to return to Kesselring immediately. The group seemed to be getting acquainted with each other, so she should do the same.

"I'm Kressara Moore, although I prefer Kress." she turned to Leo. "Milord, I would advise that we return to Kesselring as soon as possible. There's no telling if and when another group of attackers will appear."

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"Leo Kesselring, huh? That's a name I'm going to have to remember." He quickly corrected himself, there were a couple of names he was going to need to remember.

Warren, the nimble boy. Cassandra, the healer. Kressara, the cavalier. And Cameron, the axe man. Cameron especially was an interesting fellow. There was something about his style of fighting that reminded him a little of his father. He was pleased to hear that Cameron thought well of his battle prowess and returned the comment with a smile. "You didn't do too bad yourself back there."

There were two however, that remained silent. The man who seemed to be under service of Leo, and the mage girl who had been a little less than cooperative during their engagement with the bandits. Still she had proven herself to be useful so Grant was in no position to speak out against her.

He had become acquainted with an interesting band of people and was looking forward to speaking them them more at length. Upon the suggestion of Leo, Grant started making his way to the inn.

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Cassie checks each of the fallen enemies. Each one, as far as she can tell, is dead. Eventually, she notices several of the others heading toward the Inn, and decides to follow.

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"I agree with the fancy boy, no point staying here any longer when we can be more comfortable back at the inn... yawn." The moody dancer retorted, some of her abruptly-ended sleep coming back to her. "My name is... You can call me Lilia... I used to live around Berebia, but lately I've been... Well, around here! The innkeeper took me in because I cheered the place up, or something like that. So I've been working here for a while, you could say! Just business." She chastised herself mentally for almost bringing it up, no point dwelling in it when all ties you had were either cut or gone. "It's a good thing you're all so strong! It's pretty funny how all these combatants were here to defend the inn at once, I think this calls for some drinks!"
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The innkeeper nodded after Lilia and quickly fixed all nine of the 'inn defenders' a drink and some warm vegetable stew.

"On the house!"

kXsXRf7.png"Thank you. Now, let me give you those little pouches..."

Leo handed small, but heavy sacks of money to those who fought alongside him.

//Cameron, Cassandra, Grant, Lilia, Kelbara and Warren get 250 gold!

kXsXRf7.png"I would also like you to come with me, Dalban and Kress back to my home castle. Or at least accompany me, if you have nowhere else to go. The attack of those mercenary assassins have shown me that I won't be getting anywhere with only two bodyguards."

Dalban glared at his employer.

kXsXRf7.png"Even the most skilled ones."

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"With an employer as... generous as yourself, I would be more than happy to escort you for your journey. You may call me Kelbara."

The boy was interesting, somebody wanted him dead pretty badly... and he was rather loose with his money.

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Thank you for the gold, I would be willing to accompany you, it's been a long time since I've had traveling companions.

Warren glances around the tavern looking for anything of interest

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Grant thanked the inn-keeper for his generosity, and thanked Lilia for bringing up the idea. He had been interrupted from his previous meal and only had time to down his drink. Food was something he needed after that last battle, and the vegetable stew was looking mighty fine at the moment.

As he sipped his stew, Leo presented to him, and the rest of the people a pouch of gold. Grant grabbed it with one hand and made a appreciative grunt, all the while still sipping his stew. "Hmm. He wants us to join him? Well it makes sense that he needs more defending than he currently has, but still..."

He wished to speak so he picked up his bowl and drank all of the stew in a couple massive gulps. Finally satisfied, he began to speak. "Err, sorry about that," he laughed. "Anyway, Leo was it? Thank you for the gold, and the contract. I don't really have anywhere I need to be at the moment, so consider me in."

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The inn is one of the sparsely furnished inns on the road. Wooden tables, wooden chairs, a fireplace at the wall, a counter with pudgy innkeeper. Few of the tables occupied with ever-rushing travelers, all of them relieved they won't be cut to pieces today.

Warren found no merchants others than peddlers in food, tools and other everyday items. And there were no traveling mages either.

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Cassie happily consumes the stew she'd been given, and more happily accepts the money.

"Truthfully, I've been running a bit low on funds, already. I barely took anything with me when I left, and I haven't really had much to eat the last couple days. My only real options are to go home a failure, or find somewhere to work."

She glances toward the others at the table, a small smile on her face.

"I don't think I'll find too many groups as interesting as this one around here. Count me in. I'll be there to heal you all if you get hurt."

With that, she quickly turns to her drink and begins draining it, too.

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It seemed as though Grant as well thought he was a worthy fighter. Well of course; Cameron had dealt with a bandit in one blow immediately!

Cameron grumbled a thanks as Leo handed him a reward. He didn't honestly expect much, it's why he generally kept out of the troubles of others, but it seems like he had been given a decent amount.

He knew himself that work had been relatively scarce for him: honestly, he barely had enough to keep himself alive and with a single axe to fight with. He was also just passing through the area, looking for mercenary work, anyway. When asked if he would be willing to accompany this mage, Leo, he paused briefly. It wasn't really a hard decision. It's not like he had particularly anywhere to go. He shrugged.

"Count me in, as well."

Cameron paused for a second before he directed a question at Leo.

"Though I have to ask, if you think that two bodyguards isn't enough, would there be something important you would be delivering, then?" enquired Cameron.

He turned back to his stew, which didn't look appetizing at all. He ate it anyway, and took a swig of his drink.

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kXsXRf7.png"That's what bothers me. I have no important letters with me, nor I'm exceptionally wealthy. I just recently finished my course at the Magic Academy of Ys, and I've decided to make a tour around Menelea before I return to my mother's fortress."

Dalban rubbed his chin.

O5XwFd9.png"It is funny thing, you know. You're on your way back to Kesselring, and your mother dispatches a bodyguard for you. Well, I have no real proof... but I think the whole matters is more related to Kesselring as whole than just you."

kXsXRf7.png"What are you suggesting?"

O5XwFd9.png"Not going to suggest anything... at the moment. I think I should go and check out things east of here myself... Leo, I will be waiting for you in Lascondes, in two days. Keep yourself out of sight until then."

kXsXRf7.png"Uh... Okay, but-"

O5XwFd9.png"Ha, don't look so panicked out of the sudden. Kress is quite pretty bodyguard and besides, you just bought yourself services of what, six mercenaries of sort. You will be fine."

Dalban then stood up and turned toward Grant and others.

O5XwFd9.png"You guys keep an eye on him. If something happens to him - remember, I know your faces."

With a grin, Dalban slurped the stew from his bowl and then left the inn. Leo, on other hand, turned a little pale.

//NPC: Dalban leaves the group!

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"He wants you to lay low? How exactly are you supposed to do that when you've got six mercenaries tailing you?" Grant said rather incredulously.

Well regardless, what's the plan Leo?"

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Leo scratched the back of his head.

kXsXRf7.png"Uh, well... it's more or less whole day of travel on foot from here to Lascondes, I guess. We can rest for today, and start our trip tomorrow's morning. As for staying low... well, I guess that I won't be showing off my emblem shirt to anyone from now on."

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"Finest vegetable stew, and all in the house~"

Lilia looked around, just finishing making sure everyone had been served, when she was struck by the currency pouch and the deal for being a bodyguard. "Huh, I can understand you want these mighty capable people there to guard you-- and heal you, they all have these capabilities with weapons or magic that I lack. You're sure about hiring me along?" Lilia questioned, she enjoyed the thrill, but the dilemma of hiring someone who's usually considered better off as entertainment for combat nagged her some. "Not to say I don't want it, no. I think it's an interesting deal, but I'll let you think some more."

She stood whilst Dalban started his speech, and took a bit to get every fact she heard straight, seeing himself off with no words. "... Not to be a nag about it, but is he always like that?"

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"In any case, we'd better rest up. It looks like we're going to have a whole lot of fun walking tomorrow, and I don't want to have to start dragging people because they're 'too tired'. So I think I'll be the first to head off."

Grant was eager to go and rest, but a thought hit him. He looked at his newly received coin pouch, and then at the inn-keeper. He looked once more at the pouch, and then again at the inn-keeper.

"So uhhhh..." he said to no one in particular. "I guess we have to pay for our rooms...?"

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"No one is paying fer yer rooms!"

The pudgy innkeeper clapped his hands together.

"The common room, in the back, has eight beds and no bugs. It's all yours for tonight."

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"Sounds good enough to me," said Cameron, responding to Grant.

Cameron decided to at least try to get a decent rest, considering the stew and drink did little to rejuvenate him. Then again, what could you expect from an inn in the middle of the woods? He hoped that their next location would be a bit more... populated. Or at least with less opportunistic bandits. At least they would be getting a free stay here.

And their new employer, Leo Kesselring. He supposed that he was a noble of some kind, seeing as he described his destination as his mothers "fortress" and already had a bodyguard before hiring this group. Cameron knew little of nobles and the name Kesselring was lost on him. He sighed. For now, he would stay out of the forefront of the group for now.

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"Odd... when I left Kesselring to escort you back, I had no reason to believe you would actually be in danger. This is worrying..."

Kress was deeply confused. She probably should've known something that suggested that this wasn't just going to be a simple escort job, but she couldn't remember anything that could have foreshadowed this. Either this was a spur of the moment attack (which seemed unlikely based on the coordination of the attackers), or there were something that Lady Prixima hadn't told her. Either way, this escort mission seemed to have gotten a whole lot more dangerous, especially with Dalban's sudden departure.

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I'll be turning in soon, but first I need to get some fresh air.

Warren leaves the table and walks outside.

I don't like this, someone must want Leo dead pretty bad, I need to know why. I can't trust him, though he does pay well. Everyone else seems like they might be ok, not sure though. I think I saw the Mage Girl, Kelbara once or twice while I was in Ys, she doesn't much like being part of a team, I wonder why?

After sitting in thought for a bit longer Warren returns to the inn and goes to sleep.

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kXsXRf7.png"Hopefully Dalban will have some answers when we get to his hometown. As for me, I will be going to sleep."

Leo stood up and moved to the common inn, laying down on the closest unoccupied bed.

//The game will progress when everyone puts their chararcters to sleep.

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