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'Fire Emblem on Forums' Sidestory - Game/IC Thread


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"I'll sleep in a little while, I have some... things to take care of."

Kelbara steps outside for a bit, enjoying some time away from the others. There was only so much she could tolerate their presence. If she were to spend the entire night in a room with them, she needed her "me time" now.

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Grant was ready to call it a day, he'd had his fill of food, and the exaustion from the previous battle was getting to him. Fighting on an empty stomach was hard work. He laid his lance by the bedside next to him and brought a glass of water to put on top of it.

"All right guys, I'll see you in the morning," he said, before closing his eyes and drifting away.

Grant is asleep.

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Cassie sits at the table, watching as everyone walks in, out, and away. She visibly seems content and relaxed, though she doesn't say much. Soon after the others start heading to their beds, she follows suit. Despite the bloody events from earlier that day, she manages to fall asleep quickly, and her dreams are peaceful.

Cassandra is asleep.

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Cameron glanced at Kelbara as she left. She seemed the most unwilling to co-operate with the group. Cameron didn't particularly care, as long as she could keep throwing pillars of dark magic in combat, that was fine. He himself didn't really feel comfortable in the forefront of the group. Regardless, he thought he should get some rest before the inevitably long day tomorrow.

Cameron hits the bed and snores hard.

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Lilia just stood there, letting things unfold as her gaze kept getting more distant. For some reason, as time went by and the feel of battle was no longer present, she got bored pretty quickly. I guess I'll have to bid farewell to the innkeeper tomorrow morning... ah, well. Traveling dancers can only stay in one place for so long, I'll make him understand. Lilia thought to herself, slowly standing up to gather the dishes from those who finished and end her services for the night.

Lilia noticed the shamanic woman going outside, but didn't give chase. Some alone time was always enough of an envy to the dancer by trade. In the end, she looked at the general direction through the windows, mostly out of wishful thinking and petty curiosity.

Before she knew it, Lilia was already done with the chore she brought onto herself. Seeing nothing else to deter her sleep, she carried along her few belongings and, with the noticed surprise of someone's snoring, covered her head with a pillow, and hummed some slow folk songs in an attempt to sleep.

Lilia falls asleep... somewhat.

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Whatever was happening, it could wait till morning, she supposed. Her falling asleep while they were on the move would do them no good, at any rate, regardless of if it was an easy ride or not.

Kress heads to bed and goes to sleep.

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The very next day Leo woke up faster than usually and was ready to go before the sun even went up.

kXsXRf7.png"Hey people, wake up. Breakfast is ready. Eat up, because I don't want to make many stops until we reach Lascondes."

With that spoken, he went outside and took a deep breath of fresh, morning air.

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Good morning, said Warren, already quite awake, he was used to working hard long into the night and waking in the early hours of the morning it was something he had grown accustomed to during his time as a slave. What, are we having to eat? Warren asked as he walked out to get breakfast.

Edited by Cyron
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The fat innkeeper made a bunch of scrambled eggs and fried sausages and some bread served with all that. That all was served at one table with six seats.

"Well, have a nice meal, and thanks for yesterday." The innkeeper spoke, not even notcing from the kitchen that barely anyoen was awake at the moment.

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"Food...food...food???" Grant's mind was drawing a blank. He wasn't sure if he had heard someone say food, or if he was hearing some otherworldly apparition whispering into his ear. Teetering on the brink of mental awareness and total darkness, he took the plunge back into the dark abyss. Pulling the covers up onto his head, Grant turned to the side and continued to sleep. "ZzzzZzzzzzzzZZZzz"

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Kelbara awoke not much after breakfast was served. It didn't look particularly appetising, and she was never really one for a morning meal anyway.

"I think I'll pass on breakfast. Call me when it's time to go."

She leaves, finding a nice quiet spot outside to read one of her books.

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Lilia had relatively no issue rising up, grumpy after a pretty catastrophic rest. She felt as exhausted as when she went to sleep, easily disturbed by people's noises.

She didn't say a word as she reached for the breakfast table, figuring it might as well be the one thing that'll improve her disposition right now.

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Cassandra, upon discovering the food at the table, loses any feelings of drowsiness she'd had. She quickly scarfs down her portion and heads outside to enjoy the morning air.

She spots the shaman, Kelbara, reading something. She sits down a bit away from her, relaxing. She takes occasional glances toward the woman, watching as she progresses through her book, but doesn't say anything.

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Warren ate his share, then walked back in to see if anyone was still in bed saw Grant, Your there soldier, your name, said it was grant? correct. regardless you looked pretty hungry last night, get up now before the foods all gone. Warren then walks over to Grant and for emphasis shakes him till he wakes up.

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Cameron sits down at the table to eat after waking up. He had arrived late, so he noticed that food was already present. He had a good nights rest and was fairly itching to go, though he didn't really greet any of the others when he sat down at the edge of the table.

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Startled, Grant pulled the covers off of himself, only to find Warren staring down at him. "What the hell is his prob-" In a more upright position, Grant could see what looked to be breakfast, and people who had begun eating without him. He shot up out of bed and brushed straight passed Warren and grabbed a seat where one looked available. He grabbed whatever food was available and immediately started to scarf it all down.

Evidently he had chosen a seat next to Lilia, and realized that his brusque mannerisms were probably discomforting to the dancer. He slowed down his eating pace and looked over at her. "Uhh..sorry," he managed to say with his mouth still bursting with food. His own foolish behavior caused him to start laughing and the food that was still in his mouth started to escape at varying intervals.

It was a while before his laughing fit finally ended and after he calmed down, he apologized in proper: "Ahem. I'm so sorry man, I'm usually not like this. Haha...Won't happen again! Hehe...Ahem. Right then. Back to my food."

Man? Clearly, he still needed some more sleep.

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Leo was standing near the road, eyeing the way east, and only once he glanced at Cassandra and Kelbara.

Bud7XmY.png"You're not really talkative with me. That's allright, tell me though, is everyone done with eating? I want to get on the way as soon as possible."

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Her employer had called out to her, apparently upset that she'd kept so quiet. Figuring he at least deserved acknowledgement, Kelbara replies;

"I didn't realise I was hired to talk to you, but I suppose I could make time if it really mattered that much... the others are still eating. They may be a while."

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Lilia didn't really pay attention to the soldier guy much over her bad mood, almost completely ignoring him until he addressed her, which did cause her to raise an eyebrow back at him. "I don't know about you, but I don't know any men that would dress like this normally." She led her hand down to her hips, striking a confident stance, provoked and unafraid of being showy as a result.

Losing interest soon, she turns her attention back to her breakfast and finishes her drink, being officially done with food for the morning."You should wash your face with cold water if you're still sleepy right now, I think we'll be leaving soon." Lilia stood up, taking her dishes to the kitchen and giving a final remark to the innkeeper. She then took a pack with her few important belongings and walked outside, waiting the others as well.

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After checking that her horse was fed and watered, Kress turned to her breakfast, and ate it in a hurry, not wishing to delay the group. Once she'd finished, Kress returned outside and readied her horse for the road ahead.

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Leo rubbed his chin.

Bud7XmY.png"Considering we will be staying on the road, I think that we will be able to get more than enough food from inns and villages on the way to Lascondes. Why, you have hunger issues?"

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Cameron ate quickly and silently, noting that Leo was already desiring to leave. After he was finished, he returned to get his weapon from the side of his bed and returned outside to stand beside Leo and the group. He was ready to go, but it looked like there was still some that were not finished. He looked at Leo and decided to ask:

CameronMug.png "I don't know this area very well. What kind of place is Lascondes?"

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