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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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As much as I love Goombella, I really don't expect her or Toadette or anyone else to get playable in Smash from Mario; way too many Mario characters as it is.

Gosh, this wait is killing me; the worst part is that since we just had a direct recently, its gonna be a long while before we get big news again... :(

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In all honesty I don't even want anymore Mario characters. Heck I don't even want more pokemon characters at this point and I love both series.

Mario, Zelda and Pokémon need no more then their current characters (we know Dorf and Jiggly are back let's not fool ourselves)

Why are people still wanting more of any of those three instead of more obscure or lesser known series eh?

I'm in complete agreement with these two. ^ These series have enough characters even without Jigglypuff and Mewtwo returning, let's let some other characters have a spot on the roster.

Sorry, but I am in full force for Toadette. She was really important in Paper Mario: Thousand Year Old Door as well. If she didn't explain the controls to Mario about the curses, he'd be forever stuck in the chest.

I think a petition is in order.

HAHAHAHAHAHA no. I'm sorry, no.

It's okay to want characters that you like, but let's be realistic about it here: Toadette has utterly minimal importance and has zero chance of being playable. Hell, Waluigi is more prominently known than Toadette, and he's an Assist Trophy; what does that say about her chances?

No voice acting had been done in any of the videos for any character

Yeah, I noticed this too, actually. Charizard had some new roars and stuff, but did you guys not find it odd that characters like Samus and Greninja had no voicework...? (I mean maybe this makes sense for Greninja what with him being a stealthy mofo and all but I'm skeptical that the final version won't have some of the standard Pokemon voicework)

Edited by BANRYU
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Sonics new voice can be heard in his trailer. Its clearly Roger Craig Smith and not Jason Griffith

What's sad is I can tell that from just grunts. Then again I am the Sonic nerd of this forum

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The absolute best case scenario for Samus and voice acting imo would be that she be precisely as silent as ZSS as she is as Samus

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I wouldn't mind if Zelda got one more rep, but Mario definitely doesn't need anyone else. Which is sad, because I'd still love to play as Daisy, and not Peach dyed in Daisy's colors.

I don't really pay much attention to the voice acting, but if NoA can't get Jason Adkins back for Ike, they better damn well get someone who can make him sound just as awesome.

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Mario, Zelda and Pokémon need no more then their current characters (we know Dorf and Jiggly are back let's not fool ourselves)

Why are people still wanting more of any of those three instead of more obscure or lesser known series eh?

because Mewtwo

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because Mewtwo

Think of Mewtwo. *points to your signature*

Now follow Elsa's example. *pat pat* it's okay. Mewty will live on in our memories (and Melee).

The absolute best case scenario for Samus and voice acting imo would be that she be precisely as silent as ZSS as she is as Samus

She had a cool voice in Brawl.... >3> (Hell I always wondered why they didn't get that chick back for Other M)

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HAHAHAHAHAHA no. I'm sorry, no.

It's okay to want characters that you like, but let's be realistic about it here: Toadette has utterly minimal importance and has zero chance of being playable. Hell, Waluigi is more prominently known than Toadette, and he's an Assist Trophy; what does that say about her chances?

If you took that seriously, there's something you should know...

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If you took that seriously, there's something you should know...

I'm sorry. @___@ Shit like that flies over my head all the time lol. TwT

EDIT: TO BE FAIR, Slippery DID say he was serious about Toadette.... ~___~ Just throwing that out there...

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Here's a huge compilation of new screenshots of the 5 characters revealed in the direct.

Whoa, you're right, Rando. These rumors are just looking more true over time. o.o

Yeah, I know. What's also strange is how much the various rumours aren't contradicting each other, and in fact connect with each other quite well. If the "48 characters and 4 cuts" rumour is true, then we're getting 35 veterans (since Brawl had 39 taking ZSS, Sheik, and Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon into account as separate characters), which leaves us with 13 characters as newcomers.

Also, if we throw in that "Pac-Man, Mii, Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and Chorus Men" rumour (already accounting for Little Mac, the first 3 newcomers, and Greninja being revealed) into the "48 characters and 4 cuts" rumour, that potentially means that the leaker is right about 11 of the 13 newcomers. Rosalina is the only newcomer currently that the leaker didn't know about, so that potentially leaves us with one more newcomer.

...yeah, I know most of you would say "you're putting way too much weight into the rumours," though since we likely won't be getting any major Smash news until E3 and the rumours have been holding some truth in them, I can't help but think they're our best bet as to figuring out what Sakurai hasn't shown yet (especially since no one would've guessed someone like Wii Fit Trainer being in).

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Yeah, you're right. Though Smashboards's list of rumors do have some contradicting ones. For example, a couple rumors on the list say Ike is staying while another says he won't be. So obviously some of them will still be false.

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The rumor goes against my most wanted newcomer but supports my 2 other most wanted (Shulk and Palutena)

Dno how to feel about that

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Ohhh that photoset reminds me of Charizard's new moves. So far we've seen his F-air is different (it's that claw swipe now instead of the heat wave-esque attack, which looks pretty beast), and we also saw him do a charging fire move in the trailer (looks like it could have been his dash attack, but it went quite far so I'd say it's a safe bet that it's a new side-special).

Ehhh, I'm just kind of maintaining the standpoint of 'we can't know until we REALLY know'.

Besides, I'd rather be kept in suspense and surprised at the last second ~3~ I haven't experienced the sense of child-like joy that I got from the Greninja trailer in quite a long time.

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The rumor goes against my most wanted newcomer but supports my 2 other most wanted (Shulk and Palutena)

Dno how to feel about that

Don't worry, just because one of your wanted newcomers wasn't listed doesn't mean he/she won't be in. Rosalina isn't on that list and she got in. :P

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^ which in retrospect is weird, because I feel like a lot of people were suggesting Rosalina. She certainly seems like the kind of secondary character that a fan might pick... (along the lines with characters like Zoroark and... *cough* Toadette... ...though granted to a much lesser extent)

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But if that's the case, what was Sakurai so upset about? He publicaly trolled about it on Miiverse.

He never mentioned the leak himself. I think fans just read too much into Sakurai's actions(like they always do)

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Oh, I thought he did mention it. Oops.

Well, I just realized that Ike's birthday is around the corner! Cause it's on Easter this year! I know we just had a big info dump in the direct, but what better time to reveal him than tomorrow or Monday? I'm praying for him regardless. I mean, not only is it his birthday, but also the birthday of the entire series. And if Sakurai loves FE, I can't see him ignoring that.

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I'd say it's probable that we can expect to see another returning vet soon. The long lull recently was probably just because they were compiling information for the developer direct, so I think chances are good that we can expect to see regular character updates again soon.

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Funny, guys. :P

PoR's anniversary + FE1's anniversary totally equals Ike. Pweeez, Sakurai, this would be the BEST EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVERRRR!! (my own birthday is less than three weeks away!)

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