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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Down B is Nosferatu. It afflicts a Curse Status on the enemy and will recover Robins Health. Hitting them from behind will recover more

Neutral B is Thunder, hold it down for Elthunder and Thoron. Can retain charge if you shield and move, and Robin will resume charging once you hit B again

Up B is Elwind. It sends Robin in the air and fires Elwinds downward. Run out of uses and you cant recover

Side B is Arcfire. If it hits something, itll generate a pillar of Fire that spreads upwards, and damages anyone nearby.

I take it these attacks have a recharge time after the tome breaks, right?

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I wished they'd use the B-Level tomes instead of "Elwind" and "Arcfire".

Rexcalibur and Bolganone sound better to me. Sounds fancy. Still, Robin's moveset looks awesome, I guess I'll have to add another main to my list.

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Guys, we should know for a FACT that Famitsu is wrong. I already said that the live tweet contradicts it completely. If the tweet had been made like a half a year ago, it wouldn't be a big deal, but since it happened JUST over a month ago, it's impossible for Lucina to be a late addition. Sakurai and his team would've only had to spend that little bit of time on both Lucina and the reveal trailer, and I don't think that's possible.

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FYI, according to people who actually translated the scan instead of looking at 2ch discussions, there is no mention of a character being cut. That is pure speculation.

Any ideas about Sakurai swapping Chrom out for Lucina (and/or Robin) to flip off Gematsu are ludicrous. Chrom wasn't in the leak until April, there's no way the switch would happen at that point in development, especially since the intro video was likely already made (and they wouldn't can it and decide to make a new one).

But if we are to believe that Lucina was originally planned as a costume and later decided to have her own roster slot, it could simply be in line with Sakurai giving all unique characters their own slots like ZSS and Sheik, so that even someone originally planned as a clone, but is technically a different character (unlike WFT, Villager, and Robin), gets the treatment as well.

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Well, yes, that's true. I was more referring to tomes like Blizzard, Rexflame, Flux etc. Just different tomes from the ones shown in general. Otherwise I'm not sure what they can do for his custom specials.

I think introducing more tomes would just be complicated specially siege tomes. Tomes such as Bolganone and Tornado would work awesome by affecting nearby areas, Thoron itself is amazing. However, I wonder what will Robin's custom moveset'll be. We can probably find new tomes, I dunno. We might get a surprise.

Guys, we should know for a FACT that Famitsu is wrong. I already said that the live tweet contradicts it completely. If the tweet had been made like a half a year ago, it wouldn't be a big deal, but since it happened JUST over a month ago, it's impossible for Lucina to be a late addition. Sakurai and his team would've only had to spend that little bit of time on both Lucina and the reveal trailer, and I don't think that's possible.

I wouldn't be like 100% sure about Lucina not being a one-second-before addition, specially when these projects that take so many time are wide open to unexpected things to happen and are harder to control, encouraging the need of improvising or making late additions. It is understandable. Though I won't forgive Sakurai if the "cut char" is Shulk no matter how FE fan I am :@. I won't enter the discussion about believing or calling the leak fake. I just enjoy the process/development and wait anxiously for this awesome game to be released :awesome: Edited by Quintessence
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Forward Smash is his/her Levin Sword. If you run out of uses, his/her Forward Smash will be the Bronze Sword

Down B is Nosferatu. It afflicts a Curse Status on the enemy and will recover Robins Health. Hitting them from behind will recover more

Neutral B is Thunder, hold it down for Elthunder and Thoron. Can retain charge if you shield and move, and Robin will resume charging once you hit B again

Up B is Elwind. It sends Robin in the air and fires Elwinds downward. Run out of uses and you cant recover

Side B is Arcfire. If it hits something, itll generate a pillar of Fire that spreads upwards, and damages anyone nearby.

Well, that covers that I guess. Now I wonder what his customs are.

Edited by Konnor97
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I had called it! Nosferatu IS Robin's "Counter"!

Also, on the matter of that article and stuff, I think I'm just going to believe Sakurai's own words before I believe a magazine speculation. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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FYI, according to people who actually translated the scan instead of looking at 2ch discussions, there is no mention of a character being cut. That is pure speculation.

I can confirm this. It basically says, "Lucina was originally going to be a 'chara-variation' for Marth, with a different appearance and voice, like the different WFTs and Robins. But then she was tweaked a little bit and made her own character." My Japanese skills are a little rusty right now, but that was the gist of it, and I saw nothing suggesting anyone was cut.

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Uh, Famitsu is a highly respected publication much like Nintendo Power was back in the day. it isn't "speculation", that is a blurb from the developers themselves. Any speculation is from 2ch and other discussion boards, but the fact is Lucina is only her own character because she was planned as a costume until the developers decided she required minor variations beyond the scope of being a costume. That isn't speculation. Famitsu doesn't mention anyone being cut in favour of Lucina being included. THAT is speculation.

Considering her shared animations with Marth, they literally just loaded Marth's rig onto her and called it a day, and tweaked some hitboxes and perhaps some animation frames. It's obvious she's a late addition to the roster, much like Roy lifted animation and frame data wholesale from Marth with minor tweaks. That isn't really a bad thing, and there isn't any evidence that Lucina being on the roster means she "replaced" someone. MAYBE Sakurai had prepped Chrom and Lucina and decided not to pursue Chrom as a main character when he realized the team was going to make Lucina distinct from Marth so we wouldn't have three new FE reps, but we'll never know unless Sakurai comes out and says something (and he probably won't). What we do know is that Lucina is on the roster just so they wouldn't have to scrap the work done on her as a Marth skin.

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Why stop at 5? I'd totally support FE getting 6 reps.


I actually don't like the idea of DLC at all.

idk, it just feels a bit weird to me. New stages, Music, Custom Moves would be fine, I just don't like the idea of having extra characters as DLC. In online play, it just seems kinda awkward, to see a character you didn't even know existed.

He changed his mind about not having no DLC involved. This could effect the same for Chrom getting in. They're likely keeping his secret from the public till release as the star must have a epic coming. Having 5 reps, however, would have to change the series' popularity alot enough to hope that we get the other games on the 3ds store. It's the only way possible that the series were to get five reps. Just saying.

Kirby in the butterfly mask is so cute! I'll definitely play as Kirby just to wear Lucina's mask.

Just like in Snakes'.
Since Koonami isn't mentioned in the title screen in the demo, we won't get him as Koonami didn't authorise for him to be in the game. So...looking forward to Pac Man's mask instead. <3


As much as I hate to admit it, that seems likely. I hope Sakurai brings another surprise, because I'm sure not ready to say goodbye to one of my mains.



It's even worse that we won't be able to use him online again since our Brawl's wifi connection is gone. -.-

That info from Famitsu is interesting.

I'm willing to bet that the cut character is Chrom. He's got a rather detailed model for a final smash and he is a first party character as opposed to the Mega Mans.

To be honest, I'd still believe in Gematsu if we get both Shulk and Chorus Kids.

That is why that he will be in as "playable" upon game's release. ^_^

I think introducing more tomes would just be complicated specially siege tomes. Tomes such as Bolganone and Tornado would work awesome by affecting nearby areas, Thoron itself is amazing. However, I wonder what will Robin's custom moveset'll be. We can probably find new tomes, I dunno. We might get a surprise.

I wouldn't be like 100% sure about Lucina not being a one-second-before addition, specially when these projects that take so many time are wide open to unexpected things to happen and are harder to control, encouraging the need of improvising or making late additions. It is understandable. Though I won't forgive Sakurai if the "cut char" is Shulk no matter how FE fan I am :@. I won't enter the discussion about believing or calling the leak fake. I just enjoy the process/development and wait anxiously for this awesome game to be released :awesome:

Making it most hypeful on purpose to attract more fans for more money for their franchises. Please put in Hyrule Warriors Zelda for the spin-off. We need her to attract the sales upon the future game. ^_^

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Guys, we should know for a FACT that Famitsu is wrong.



You must be confusing it with Gematsu, because Famitsu is direct from the devolopers.

*cracks knuckles* Okay time to write an ess--

Uh, Famitsu is a highly respected publication much like Nintendo Power was back in the day. it isn't "speculation", that is a blurb from the developers themselves. Any speculation is from 2ch and other discussion boards, but the fact is Lucina is only her own character because she was planned as a costume until the developers decided she required minor variations beyond the scope of being a costume. That isn't speculation. Famitsu doesn't mention anyone being cut in favour of Lucina being included. THAT is speculation.

Dammit Samias.

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i'm excited. for the sake of aesthetics, i feel like they could have chosen a better looking sword than bronze, haha. and unfortunately still no axe lord hunk in the game, either. not that i was expecting it.

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Uh, Famitsu is a highly respected publication much like Nintendo Power was back in the day. it isn't "speculation", that is a blurb from the developers themselves. Any speculation is from 2ch and other discussion boards, but the fact is Lucina is only her own character because she was planned as a costume until the developers decided she required minor variations beyond the scope of being a costume. That isn't speculation. Famitsu doesn't mention anyone being cut in favour of Lucina being included. THAT is speculation.

I'm the only one who mentioned speculation, so I assume this is a response to my post. And my post said exactly this, that a character being cut for Lucina is mere speculation. So yeah.
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The only reason why FE has four reps at the moment is due to bringing success of the series upon future titles, so that the series doesn't die. They are putting fourth effort into increasing it's sales after all. :)

Edited by Bimbo
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This would be the ideal approach. Nintendo has proven to be really cool in regards to DLC, it just frustrates me that Sakurai and other developers shy away from using it.

@shinpichu Why stop at 5? I'd totally support FE getting 6 reps.

I'd totally support Fire Emblem getting it's own spin off fighting game.

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I'd totally support Fire Emblem getting it's own spin off fighting game.

There's already Fire EmblemxShin Megami Tensei(Persona).

Apporved that we should. That way, we can put in our favorites, like Micaiah, Lyn, Elincia, Raquesis, etc.

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The reason that a fighting FE game should exist is so that we can know each and every FE character that is in the game their actual voices as only FE Awakening, 9 and 10 has ever had that.

Edited by Bimbo
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PoR and RD had voice acting too. Only in cutscenes, but still.

But this is getting off topic. I heard awhile back that Sakurai wants to do one more Smash Direct before the game's release? If he's doing that, he needs to talk about the stage builder already!

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I believe you made two errors here Ana so I'm going to go ahead and correct you.

Except SMT x FE is going to be an RPG, not a fighting game. An FE spinoff fighting title would be awesome though.

I believe she meant we already have Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem so why not? A Fire Emblem fighting game wouldn't be that far out in comparison.

PoR and RD had voice acting too. Only in cutscenes, but still.

But this is getting off topic. I heard awhile back that Sakurai wants to do one more Smash Direct before the game's release? If he's doing that, he needs to talk about the stage builder already

She did in fact say the only ones who had voice acting were Awakening, 9 and 10.

And on an entirely separate note,

An improved stage builder would be appreciated, especially to make custom Final Destination to the stages that don't have FD mode.

Aren't all stages getting Final Destination mode?

Edited by Jotari
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I'd totally support Fire Emblem getting it's own spin off fighting game.

I knorite?! A 2D (3D ala SoulCal would be cool too) Fire Emblem fighting game would be the shit!

(of course, I'd take the SMT-FE game too)

Edited by Mugen Wing
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I knorite?! A 2D Fire Emblem fighting game would be the shit!

(of course, I'd take the SMT-FE game too)

It'd be hilarious if SMT x FE was a fighting game like Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold.

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