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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I was being sarcastic there. ;] Just to give an impersonation of a frequent poster here who seems to bash other people their favourite characters, but can't take any criticism in return.

I figured as much, but I still felt it was a good opportunity to point it out, as it is one of my biggest complaints about the series.

I'm hoping that at the very least, Ike's lines in SSB4 aren't rehashed from Brawl.

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I'm hoping that at the very least, Ike's lines in SSB4 aren't rehashed from Brawl.

Ay, Falcon has always had the same lines ever since Melee, even the "new" ones from Brawl were recorded back in the Melee days (and were unused), so I get the feeling Ike's still gonna fight for his friends and tell the others to prepare themselves.

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Dixie and KRool getting spots would be cool, I don't know how you could differentiate Dixie from Diddy but I'm sure it's totally possible.

I don't know how you would make Dixie similar to Diddy lol. Gonna give her a peanut gun and jet pack? Where's Diddy's super twirly hair?

The DKC games are all legit difficult. I'd argue the Wii and Wii U games are among the hardest of their respective gens.

But the original DKC trilogy is easy. (And the hardest part of DKCR is the awkward Wii controls)
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Speaking of the most annoying things in SSB, does anybody else hate Ike's "Prepare yourself"? I find it to be even more horrible than scratching nails over a chalkboard.

Please say Lyn's "Prepare yourself" is superior than Ike's

Also, if I were to choose 4 FE reps I'd totally go for Lyn, Micaiah, Robin and Lucina. Screw the haters :awesome:

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DKCR was only extra hard for me in those freaking floating barrel levels, either my wiimote didnt work properly for them or I didnt know how to properly control that thing...or both. The rest of the levels were just alright, just how I like my difficulty really. EDIT: I dont remember enough of my original DKC trilogy experiences since it's been awhile but If I was able to beat all 3 back then, I'm pretty sure they can't have been that difficult.

@ Chiki- Marth is one of the better designed Smash characters. Easy to pick up, rewarding for experienced players that space the tipper properly and his moves just flow. He's also one of the 2 characters responsible for the west getting Fire Emblem. A lot of people would've been upset if he had been replaced with Lucina entirely. Even if Lucina is a clone, the fact that she doesn't have a tipper will make her play out completely different already.

Edited by PKL
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I was being sarcastic there. ;] Just to give an impersonation of a frequent poster here who seems to bash other people their favourite characters, but can't take any criticism in return.

See, like I said, you guys can't accept the fact that I don't like Peach at all. You like her, fine, I don't CARE.

I'm not complaining about anyone disliking Ike. I don't care who doesn't like him, as I love him and that's what matters to me.

Ana, how would you feel if Chrom HAD been in?

Because that would have made me very happy.

No seriously.

If Robin was still in as well, I'd actually be even more satisfied because I prefer Chrom over Lucina. As long as Chrom wasn't made an Ike clone, that is. I'd rather have even Lucina than that. >.>

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't know how you would make Dixie similar to Diddy lol. Gonna give her a peanut gun and jet pack? Where's Diddy's super twirly hair?

That's all of two moves Diddy has that Dixie "can't" use. Dixie could easily use her hair in the same way Diddy uses his tail.

Not saying that Dixie couldn't be unique/not a clone. Just that saying that she can't is fallacious.

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If Robin was still in as well, I'd actually be even more satisfied because I prefer Chrom over Lucina. As long as Chrom wasn't made an Ike clone, that is. I'd rather have even Lucina than that. >.>

Realistically, the only thing that could replace Lucina would be another clone, and maybe not even that considering how she apparently was a costume before being separated into a standalone character.

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Realistically, the only thing that could replace Lucina would be another clone, and maybe not even that considering how she apparently was a costume before being separated into a standalone character.

Not if Chrom had been considered at the beginning, which he was.

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Where was that rumor about one of the Mother characters being possibly cut from again? (I think it was around the E3 or something that it appeared?)

It was part of the third Gematsu post.
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See, like I said, you guys can't accept the fact that I don't like Peach at all. You like her, fine, I don't CARE.

I'm not complaining about anyone disliking Ike. I don't care who doesn't like him, as I love him and that's what matters to me.

Nah, it's not that, it's just about trying to word things a little better. I'm sure it's something that you can sort out. Maybe we should change our scumread to Ike?

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Wow, and people think I can't accept others' opinions...

See, like I said, you guys can't accept the fact that I don't like Peach at all. You like her, fine, I don't CARE.

That's different. Some people say "I don't like blah blah..." and then end of story. You just outright insult a character one might like. The difference is that you just insult.

I can find mupltiple instances where you have just insulted ones' thoughts or character ideas.

[spoiler=please don't look Ana, it's just evidence, not argument]

I am a bit disappointed that Sakurai went with stupid Greninja for playable Pokemon newcomer instead. But at least he picked the better mega evo for Charizard. Zard X rocks!

...I hate that Mario still has that stupid FLUDD thing. It sucks and should've been replaced with something else.

I'd say there's a good reason for Miis not being usable online except for with friends. Nobody wants to see offensive and dumb Miis spammed everywhere. Children will play this game too.

But I'd rather Ike be revealed before the game is out so I don't have to worry about him being cut and so Sakurai can shut up the dumb people saying Ike WILL be cut because of the Roy incident.

New pic of the day is a Punch Out trophy. But he looks like some dumb Little Mac fanboy. Why not one of the, you know, actual boxers? XP

Can you please stop calling Robin "Bella Fucking Swan"? I don't want a character I like being compared to something from TWILIGHT of all things, which looks lame and stupid as hell (and this is coming from a romance lover). Not to mention Bella seems nothing like Robin in the first place, other than having Mary Sue traits (which she has way more of according to what I've heard). And even then, I feel that Robin's only Sue traits are being a sort of self-insert and a little overpraised at times.

Ghirahim does use a sword, but you still miss the fact that he's ACTUALLY A FIGHTER. Unlike Tingle. He just takes rupees and does stupid dances. He's also a coward, as shown in Four Swords Adventures.

But I don't think Pokémon are chosen based on popularity alone. Greninja was chosen before X/Y even came out. Sakurai only picked him because he looked fitting for Smash and all. It's only coincidence that the stupid frog got popular. I never liked him though, and still don't. Not because he got in instead of Keldeo, I disliked him way before that. I just don't like his design or anything.

Strange, I heard a lot of people hated gen 3, mostly because of the lack of backwards compatibility with gen 2. But whatever, I still think gen 3 remakes is a stupid idea and that no Hoenn Pokemon is popular, unique, or significant enough to get into SSB4, not even Blaziken due to Charizard staying.

"Lame and stupid as hell." I understand it's your opinion... but don't you think it's a little blunt?

If a Mother character is cut, it'll be Lucas, I'm pretty sure. Hasn't Ness always been in Smash, like since the first game?

Yeah. I guess I'll have to use Ness from now on. :(

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Don't remember if this was posted or not, but:


Nintendos SDCC tourney/show will be using the E3 build of the game. That's...dissapointing. I was hoping we'd get to see if Sakurai listened to feedback, or see some newer characters in action.

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I still can't (possibly don't want to) understand how he was unable to come up with a way to make Chrom/Lucina unique: a simple "weapon change" mechanic, and/or switch in/out ability would have gone a long way--unless he wanted the former ability to be exclusive to freaking Palutena.

Ah whatever, I'm not a developer--what do I know?

Edited by Mugen Wing
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I'm still having trouble understanding how he was unable to come up with a way to make Chrom/Lucina unique: a simple "weapon change" mechanic, and/or switch in/out ability would have gone a long way--unless he wanted the former to be exclusive to freaking Palutena.

Palutena doesn't have a "weapon change" mechanic. She just has a shitload of custom move options.

As for why he doesn't want to implement a weapon change, I don't know. Perhaps he feels FE characters should stick to using their iconic/signature weapons in Smash?

Although, Robin sort of has a weapon change thing going on.

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Palutena doesn't have a "weapon change" mechanic. She just has a shitload of custom move options.

As for why he doesn't want to implement a weapon change, I don't know. Perhaps he feels FE characters should stick to using their iconic/signature weapons in Smash?

Although, Robin sort of has a weapon change thing going on.

I forgot, has it been confirmed that her moveset is indeed customizable? It seems to be way too optional, in comparison to someone like Mario, who is merely given options to change how fludd shoots.

Then again, I'm under the impression that Palutena is one of his favorites.

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That's different. Some people say "I don't like blah blah..." and then end of story. You just outright insult a character one might like. The difference is that you just insult.

I can find mupltiple instances where you have just insulted ones' thoughts or character ideas.

[spoiler=please don't look Ana, it's just evidence, not argument]

"Lame and stupid as hell." I understand it's your opinion... but don't you think it's a little blunt?

Maybe, but I'm blunt sometimes. I fully admit it. xP But so what? I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm calling some game data dumb or whatever, not a person. But maybe I have been a bit excessive, as I was getting ticked with ClevelandSteve repeatedly saying that Robin was "Bella Fucking Swan." It wasn't so much the insult itself, it was him using it over and over. So in return, I'll refrain from expressing my dislike for certain characters repeatedly.

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I forgot, has it been confirmed that her moveset is indeed customizable? It seems to be way too optional, in comparison to someone like Mario, who is merely given options to change how fludd shoots.

I think he mentioned it during E3, or sometime around E3.

Then again, I'm under the impression that Palutena is one of his favorites.

You don't say.

Just goes to show that Sakurai "not wanting to prefer his own games/franchises" is pretty much nonsense at this point.

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To be fair, given the immense equippable abilities present in KI:U, which are the goddess's powers at work, its only natural that she'd be able to use them all. I mean, think about it for a sec. How would you even be able to modify such powers?

I see nothing wrong with Palutena's arsenal

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I think he mentioned it during E3, or sometime around E3.

You don't say.

Just goes to show that Sakurai "not wanting to prefer his own games/franchises" is pretty much nonsense at this point.

Not only that we have gotten 5 new items from Kid Icarus Uprising. I'd much prefer a diverse set of items from different series.

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To be fair, given the immense equippable abilities present in KI:U, which are the goddess's powers at work, its only natural that she'd be able to use them all. I mean, think about it for a sec. How would you even be able to modify such powers?

I see nothing wrong with Palutena's arsenal

I guess so, but I just feel it seems a little too excessive.

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Not only that we have gotten 5 new items from Kid Icarus Uprising. I'd much prefer a diverse set of items from different series.


Where's my Devil Axe in Smash, Sakurai

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