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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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We now how six Mario reps. Six. And while I love Rosalina to pieces, she HAS only been featured in ONE mainstream Mario title (she was barely in SMG2 and the rest are party games, and as we've seen with Waluigi, party games don't guarantee you getting it). But now we already have the possibility of Boswer Jr, and honestly, I'm really thinking that might be pushing it.

Super Mario 3D World says hi. Hell, Rosalina is playable in it.

I like Bowser Jr., but it IS kinda weird seeing Mario with so many reps all of a sudden, even if it IS Nintendo's flagship franchise.

We've also seen the starting roster and that has me REALLY confused. Marth and Robin are both VERY technical characters (Marth with his sword tip gimmick and Robin... well, damn.) and yet Lucina, who got her own slot because she was simplifed to be a good character for beginners is unlockable. Those two aren't. You'd think you'd have to unlock the more complicated/rewarding characters to play as, wouldn't you?

Whoever said that that screen was the starting roster?

Edited by Anacybele
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Okay, I am way way way late to this, but yay Shulk is confirmed! And it looks like Ganondorf is officially confirmed, too! Shulk, along with Palutena and Little Mac, was one of the characters on my wishlist. So if Duck Hunt Dog really is in, that will mean four of the characters on my wishlist are in! And with Greninja, Robin, and the Mii Fighters, there are three more that I didn't even know I wanted, but as soon as I saw them...I wanted them! Now if only Lyn was playable and not an Assist Trophy.

And the Amiibo (I'm fairly certain I spelled that right?) figures? Awesome. Marth will definitely be the first one I get. Normally it'd be Bowser, but since he won't be released until later and I just can't wait...Marth is first!

Still super bummed that Wolf, Lucas, and the Ice Climbers are most likely cut...

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Super Mario 3D World says hi. Hell, Rosalina is playable in it.

I like Bowser Jr., but it IS kinda weird seeing Mario with so many reps all of a sudden, even if it IS Nintendo's flagship franchise.

[/smacks forehead repeatedly] I totally forgot. Thanks doll.

Jigglypuff is on the leaked roster.

Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, and Lucina are alt costume upgrades with slight changes.

... Wait, seriously? I didn't see them at all.

And the key word there is slight.

Like I honestly do not feel it's enough to justify them being their own slots, especially Lucina, because in her game she doesn't even have a fighting style that's REMOTELY CLOSE TO MARTH'S.

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This is again a bad argument. I want to play the newer, upgraded games with the characters I love to play as. If "go play the old games" was the solution, PM would not have added Mewtwo and Roy and people wouldn't strongly advocate for their return in future titles.

Clearly the jovial spirit of the comment was lost upon you! Go chill and dilute that saline!

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[/smacks forehead repeatedly] I totally forgot. Thanks doll.

... Wait, seriously? I didn't see them at all.

And the key word there is slight.

Like I honestly do not feel it's enough to justify them being their own slots, especially Lucina, because in her game she doesn't even have a fighting style that's REMOTELY CLOSE TO MARTH'S.

but she literally pretends to be marth in her game
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  1. We now how six Mario reps. Six. And while I love Rosalina to pieces, she HAS only been featured in ONE mainstream Mario title (she was barely in SMG2 and the rest are party games, and as we've seen with Waluigi, party games don't guarantee you getting it). But now we already have the possibility of Boswer Jr, and honestly, I'm really thinking that might be pushing it.


I think Rosalina's there to add to the female count. (That is not my only reason). She's likable, big fanbase (I assume this about every character unless I am told otherwise, is she well-liked?), purty, interesting concept and unique gameplay style.

She's a great addition to Smash, and I don't think adding Rosalina is pushing it (though I agree with you that Bowser Jr. MIGHT be).

I just get annoyed when I see so many newcomers were added with completely different movesets and then Sakurai says "time constraints", when some of that time could've gone to past Smash veterans.

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Wanting Ice Climbers back had nothing to do with Shulk until Shulk fans made it happen. I am not blaming Shulk for the lack of Ice Climbers, nor am I preventing Shulk fans from being excited for him.

But some people apparently can't handle others not being COMPLETELY SATISFIED with everything.

This is again a bad argument.

Bolded, fucking lol. Yeah actually that is what you are doing. Pouring salt all over the fucking place and then getting all uppity when called out on it. Like always.

Completely satisfied? I dont want Dr. Mario either, but do you see me throwing a tantrum?

Your whole argument is bad.

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but she literally pretends to be marth in her game

Remember the cutscene before Chapter 4 of Awakening? Where Chrom goes up against Lucina?

Now, we see Chrom's fighting style several times before hand, and he's not Marth at all. Chrom uses a broadsword vs a rapier, which require entirely different fighting styles for one, not to mention that Chrom is more... abrasive in battle, for lack of a better word.

Now in that cutscene, it's shown VERY EXPILICITLY that Lucina has the exact same fighting style as Chrom, and that she learned her skills from her father. Her father, as we know, is Chrom.

She fights like Chrom.

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The PSP Vita is a thing that exists.

So yes. It does fail to impress.

The Vita being a thing doesn't really change how impressive it is. We've come a long way since the 1990s were they could only throw five levels on to the gameboy or further than that were LCD style Game & Watch games were all a handheld could handle. Xenoblade is a hugely expansive and frankly beautiful game. It's like why even make console games if a handheld can be powerful enough to fit as much size and content as you could possibly need. The fact that the Vita is of similar quality and has been around for longer doesn't deteriorate from how impressive modern handhelds in general have become.

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I think Rosalina's there to add to the female count. (That is not my only reason). She's likable, big fanbase (I assume this about every character unless I am told otherwise, is she well-liked?), purty, interesting concept and unique gameplay style.

She's a great addition to Smash, and I don't think adding Rosalina is pushing it (though I agree with you that Bowser Jr. MIGHT be).

I just get annoyed when I see so many newcomers were added with completely different movesets and then Sakurai says "time constraints", when some of that time could've gone to past Smash veterans.

Well, no, I am a massive Rosalina fan who just manages to pull an Elsa on her feelings because otherwise I wouldn't stop, okay.

Trust me, it is so much better if I conceal instead of feel.

My problem is we've got SIX. Five's already a lot, SIX is pushing it, especially since we didn't get a new Zelda character, we lost one for both Mother and Star Fox, and honestly, opinion of Boswer Jr is extremely divided whereas Rosalina's pretty generally well-liked.

So I'm just like... "That could've been someone else", really.

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...I already have two 3ds's, and nintendo expects me to buy another one? Fuck it, I'm done

I'm probably gonna get it eventually but I'm mad about it. They should've just put these out instead of the XL.

Shut up you. I'll have to buy a fourth.


In my opinion Sakurai's roster choices have been absolutely beautiful. Every single newcomer has been interesting and unique and I want to play them. Even Lucina who doesn't have a new moveset, interests me because she's almost designed to ease you into Marth, like a stepstool character. As much as I like Wolf and Lucas and all of them, I'm pretty sure characters like Duck Hunt Dog and Villager, Shulk, Bowser Jr. and so on are gonna give me a more unique fun experience.

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Well, no, I am a massive Rosalina fan who just manages to pull an Elsa on her feelings because otherwise I wouldn't stop, okay.

Trust me, it is so much better if I conceal instead of feel.

My problem is we've got SIX. Five's already a lot, SIX is pushing it, especially since we didn't get a new Zelda character, we lost one for both Mother and Star Fox, and honestly, opinion of Boswer Jr is extremely divided whereas Rosalina's pretty generally well-liked.

So I'm just like... "That could've been someone else", really.

Don't conceal! Be freeeeeeeeeee!

I don't think 5 is too much, as the Mario series had 5 in Melee.. but one of them was a clone, so I see your point. Fortunately, I like Rosalina too, so I wasn't upset when they mentioned her. But Bowser Jr... now that the leaks are coming to life, it really bothers me. I do like Bowser Jr, but adding a sixth Mario rep makes me feel salty.

Bold: And that someone else could have been Lucas :( or Wolf, or both!

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it's not even at the expense of IC

they were cut because of the 3DS's technical limitations

Didn't Sakurai say that there weren't gonna be console exclusives? Also, if Rosalina can attack by herself and Luma at the same time, why should they remove someone with a similar mechanic who is well loved by the players?

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Bolded, fucking lol. Yeah actually that is what you are doing. Pouring salt all over the fucking place and then getting all uppity when called out on it. Like always.

Completely satisfied? I dont want Dr. Mario either, but do you see me throwing a tantrum?

Your whole argument is bad.

How about you read the fucking topic?

The amount of whining in this thread is laughable.

Yes its a shame that Wolf, Lucas, Snake, Ice Climbers, Squirtle and Ivysaur won't be joining us most likely, but surely people have other characters to use. I lost Roy, many others lost Mewtwo and others before, we survived surely you can too.

This blaming newcomers for their non return is very crappy and unacceptable.

The inevitable beginning. At this point, complaints had been minimal and were practically gone, then we get this arguably offensive and hypocritical post complaining about complainers.

Roy made sense, but Mewtwo shouldn't have been cut.

And yes, I will blame newcomers for the lack of veterans, specifically Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. has by far the least merits of all the newcomers. There's no excuse for him to be in over Lucas, Wolf, and Ice Climbers. Snake, Squirtle, and Ivysaur make sense to be gone, but not Wolf, Lucas, and Ice Climbers, especially Ice Climbers.

And what, just because I have other characters I like to use means I shouldn't complain about these? Bullcrap.

Don't give me this crap of "Oh it happened before so get over it." Two wrongs don't make a right and making a mistake once means it shouldn't happen again, not that it's okay for it to happen again.

Not even a mention of Shulk.

Blaming the veterans is incredibly childish, do you know how hard Sakurai and Namco has been working on these new characters for us to enjoy? Sakurai tries his hardest to get everyone in and he even mentioned it would be near impossible for there to not be a few cuts

Bowser Jr looks highly fun I'm not even a fan of him but his play style has me interested, apparently wolf and Lucas were sadly not prioritised and ice climbers couldn't work on the 3DS very well. It is sad they are gone but all these complaints are a bit much.

A response.

No joke. People pouring salt in my Shulk Train...no mi gusta.

Then you brought in Shulk.

Shulk is fine, but I'd trade him for Ice Climbers any day. (and not just Shulk; I'd trade most of the current newcomers away to get the Ice Climbers back)

"Shulk is fine."

"I'd trade most of the current newcomers away to get the Ice Climbers back"

"I am not blaming Shulk for the lack of Ice Climbers"

All of my recent salt has been the result of responding to others, mostly not created by myself.

If you're not going to read, would you kindly stop talking? At this point, the only rain on your parade is from the cloud you're putting on top of your own head. This could have easily been a pleasant topic with excitement for Shulk, but some people just can't handle that others aren't COMPLETELY SATISFIED with everything that has happened recently.

I don't like pointing fingers, but if you're going to start pointing, I'm going to shove it right back.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Don't conceal! Be freeeeeeeeeee!

I don't think 5 is too much, as the Mario series had 5 in Melee.. but one of them was a clone, so I see your point. Fortunately, I like Rosalina too, so I wasn't upset when they mentioned her. But Bowser Jr... now that the leaks are coming to life, it really bothers me. I do like Bowser Jr, but adding a sixth Mario rep makes me feel salty.

Bold: And that someone else could have been Lucas :( or Wolf, or both!

No way, I'm annoying enough.

Right, I'm just... clones.

That someone could've been Yuga, that could've been Ghiraham, that could've been Impa, hell, that could've been Agitha, and that's just mentioned Zelda possibilities.

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How about you read the fucking topic?

The inevitable beginning. At this point, complaints had been minimal and were practically gone, then we get this arguably offensive and hypocritical post complaining about complainers.

Not even a mention of Shulk.

A response.

Then you brought in Shulk.

"Shulk is fine."

"I'd trade most of the current newcomers away to get the Ice Climbers back"

"I am not blaming Shulk for the lack of Ice Climbers"

All of my recent salt has been the result of responding to others, mostly not created by myself.

If you're not going to read, would you kindly stop talking? At this point, the only rain on your parade is from the cloud you're putting on top of your own head. This could have easily been a pleasant topic with excitement for Shulk, but some people just can't handle that others aren't COMPLETELY SATISFIED with everything that has happened recently.

I don't like pointing fingers, but if you're going to start pointing, I'm going to shove it right back.

What? Speak louder. I cant hear you over the sounds of construction.

Bolded, k.

You should keep it up. Its really entertaining.

Seriously, the only tantrum im seeing is yours.

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Wow, a big dramafest that doesn't involve me. o.o

*watches and reads curiously so she can learn more about how to continue not being involved*

No way, I'm annoying enough.

Right, I'm just... clones.

That someone could've been Yuga, that could've been Ghiraham, that could've been Impa, hell, that could've been Agitha, and that's just mentioned Zelda possibilities.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of clones either, but I've been able to ignore them due to my hype for other things, especially Ike. lol

And yeah, I really wanted Ghirahim... But assist trophy is the next best thing, so I'm glad to see him in the game as that! :D

Edited by Anacybele
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Fitting for a person who made his handle Loki.


My opinion is Shulk is alright. He's a cool dude, has a neat sword, and I don't mind having more sword users. Aaand I find it funny he's kinda balancing the fanservicing by having a boxer shorts alternate. It makes me want Lucina to have a Yukata Alternate.

Edited by Foolishly Capricious
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Duck Hunt and Wii Fit Trainer have other merits, though; that's what I was getting at, if you had felt like reading my post. Bowser Jr. has a minimal amount of requests, not nearly enough to make him notable.


cause I didn't see it

All the other unique newcomers are good, worthy choices in my opinion (yes, even Duck Hunt). But making a bunch of good choices doesn't make a bad choice go away, especially when it's something he did before and saw the results of already.

that is saying that they're good choices, not saying what merits they have

bowser jr is a popular member of a popular franchise; duck hunt dog hasn't been relevant for ages

I am aware that applies to Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, and Pac-Man as well; I'm not huge on them either

(WFT is arguable imo)

EDIT: also as I said earlier Bowser Jr looks hella interesting to play as

and while there's some amount of bias involved I am not exactly happy with any of those three newcomers

it's just bowser jr is the least bad, imo

If you didn't think there was anything to respond to, you should not have responded.

Where in my post did I say that what I was saying was objective fact?

I responded because I felt like making a joke (although the sentiment was real) and because I didn't like the way you framed your statement

that is something to respond to, whether or not I was responding to substance

you did not state outright that it was, but you said it in the manner that one would say a fact

I'm always up for discussion. Unfortunately, "That's your opinion" is not a good conversation starter (or perhaps it is, considering where we are now).


Then you gave a useless statement about how what I said is an opinion, to which I can only respond, "No shit, Sherlock."

tl;dr disagree if you want, voice your opinions if you want, but if you're going to talk, say something substantial.

you're not understanding

I have no issues with you having opinions, stating opinions, or arguing about opinions

I was not saying "well that's an opinion" to discredit anything you were saying

what I took issue with was the way you framed your opinions; please stop misrepresenting my posts

tl;dr disagree if you want, voice your opinions if you want, but if you're going to talk, say something substantial.

I don't see why I can't criticize conduct I find objectionable

if you think it's unreasonable criticism you could say that instead of misrepresenting it

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It makes me want Lucina to have a Yukata Alternate.

I would main Lucina if this happened, and I don't even like Lucina.

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You know, I'm starting to think Duck Hunt Dog is what Sakurai meant when he said he wanted to revive old characters. The cute doggy certainly fits that category.

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I know literally nothing about Shulk, what's the bigo dealio about him? Is he some rock-all hero badass in his game? He looks like typical JRPG Teenage-Oops-I'm-A-Hero-Now fella.

How many sword-users are there now? I feel like aside from Metaknight having Wings, they're all gonna play pretty similarly

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