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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Fox has a codec, Pit has a codec(will Dark Pit be able to do a codec on the stage!?!?), will Little Mac have one?

Doc Louis coaching Little Mac for each enemy would be one of the greatest things ever. I doubt they'll do it, but I hope they do.

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I finally got the game on Wednesday and then Nintendo come with that direct almost making me regret getting the 3DS version ~.~


Still haven't even tried everyone (finished unlocking them today) but god ZSS feels so nice to play as

All game modes are pretty fun, online was smoother than i expected

On the topic on the "codec" thing, (Toon) Link would definitely make sense

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I finally got the game on Wednesday and then Nintendo come with that direct almost making me regret getting the 3DS version ~.~


Still haven't even tried everyone (finished unlocking them today) but god ZSS feels so nice to play as

All game modes are pretty fun, online was smoother than i expected

On the topic on the "codec" thing, (Toon) Link would definitely make sense

I'm curious. Where does this idea come from? I haven't played Spirit Tracks.

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I. Hate. Campers.

Okay, avoiding my attacks is strategy.

But if the only thing you do is wait for me to have ending lag or landing lag, that's pretty annoying.

I have that feel too. I've noticed that most campers I face become absolute trash once I get close and personal with them.

Meanwhile I rage at how my allies in For Glory Teams are absolute crap when they use Villager.

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if we compare it to brawl, i suppose camping is still viable. the game's pacing is still a bit faster, but air dodges now have a decent amount of landing lag, meaning you can get hit, and there aren't many good attacks that let you swat away projectiles if needed.

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To Pg 884

Wario is embodiment of sexy.

Oliver Sho-

Can play up to 8 players at once.
Palutena's guidence.(I'm going crazy with hype)
Peppy Hare and Slippy are in as assets.
Metal Face is in...(I'm going crazy with hype)
Ridley confirmed as an asset. Cool. :D
Wii-U version will have songs from nearly everything of Nintendo's history.(I'm going crazy with hype)
Challenges you get to do all right off the bat without doing them separately and had 140 challenges instead of 105.
All Star is reversed on who you battle. It's from new to old instead of old to new.
Master Core has a new form the Master Fortress.
Fiora Trophy confirmed in the Wii-U version.(I'm going crazy with hype)
Pauline confirmed.
Masterpieces returned.(I'm going crazy with hype)
Earthbound Masterpiece confirmed!(I'm going crazy with hype)
The Wii lan adaptar can be used for online connecting. Thank god that I didn't throw it away after Nintendo shutdown Wi-Fi.
Tourneys confirmed!
Eve the robot confirmed! (Mother 1)(I'm going crazy with hype)
Bowser Jr officially confirmed!
DLC confirmed!
Mewtwo is back!(I'm going crazy with hype)
Ice Climbers are well on their way. Nintendo has no excuse now to cut them.



Is there hard evidence to support this claim? Oh. Right. Video. I haven't seen it until now!

I guess the Ridley thing is meant to be their compromise between fighter and boss but I don't feel satisfied at all.


I highly doubt Sakurai would abolish their special gimmick just to get a climber on the roster. Either next time, or whatever "issues" existed on the 3DS for them will be solved.

...How was I jumping the gun?

New 3DS.
Only way to get them in that version.

Mewtwo coming back doesn't necessarily get me hyped, but as RFoF said, that could open up for other characters.

I really want Ice Climbers and Lucas to come back. LUCAS COME BACK! NESS IS GOOD AND ALL... BUT HE'S NO LUCAS. but he'll never come back because ness took his special as customs.

He's got to get in...
Then I can erase my Lucas Mii. :D

Oh wow. 8 player smash, many more stages, master fortress and Mewtwo. I did't went in expecting much, so this is a nice surprise. The Jr trailer was also pretty fun to watch even though the surprise was out for a long time already.

But ugh 5 december for me.

That wasn't official at first. -.-

i was hyped for mewtwo but then i heard "buy both versions". fuck you, nintendo.

Without both versions, we cannot have complete experience.

I really want to hear the convo between Chrom and Palutena in Pit's special convo. Also wished that Little Mac would have a special taunt in Boxing Ring with Doc telling him tips.

That will be a dream come true.
Glad that KI is getting some hype as Sakurai will kill the series for a long time after this. -.-
...And the Little Mac thing...should we send a letter to Nintendo to tell them to do that since the Wii-U game is still in development right now?

Clearly they said IN DEVELOPMENT... and DLC data is clearly separate from the game.

Edit: But most likely, they started development on it after they served up "free dessert"

This proves that Sakurai is officially immortal. >:D

This. Seriously. I don't want any mention of such trash either. >.> I also don't want any mention of either Ike or Geoffrey in Elincia's trophy unless it's just business stuff.

That'll suck hard if they do. -.-

Well the basis of these conversations come from Kid Icarus: Uprising in a similar manner to how Snake's Codec and Fox/Falco/Wolf's Transmission calls were things that were in their games. I think it's an awesome feature!

Yeah but DLC is never a nice topic. People wouldn't complain about it if it was a free patch or something like how Hyrule Warriors added Cia, Wizzro, and Volga after the release of the game. Unless you buy both versions, I suppose you can complain about it, but for those who buy both, this is already a nice bonus on top of the CDs.

Besides if DLC is handled right, all I see it is just helping to support the developers who didn't have to add them to the game. Heck, it's not like we don't already have a HUGE roster of characters. Losing out on a few is not gonna end anyone's life. And it's not like this is an SFxT stunt where Mewtwo and other future characters are already on disc/cartridge, just blocked by a data wall. Seriously, just because Smash is possibly adding DLC does not suddenly make it the game bad.

Thank you, Sakurai for changing your mind.
Your working hard like Cid(FF4) to keep us fans pleased! :D
DLC: This is to arrange everything since they didn't have time to put in some characters Mewtwo and Ice Climbers since they were in a hurry to release the 3DS version since they knew that it was already hard enough and eternal to have us waiting for the game!

Goes back to read on the topic. Also have took several days to tweak all 99 of my created Mii's stats with the new custom items. It'll pay off when the Wii-U game comes out!
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I. Hate. Campers.

Okay, avoiding my attacks is strategy.

But if the only thing you do is wait for me to have ending lag or landing lag, that's pretty annoying.

Yeah. Campers and spammers annoy the hell out of me. Its like, get off my lawn. I want a gripping and fun battle with a competent opponent, not some wanker who relies on cheap shots to win.

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Edit: From Pg 884-887(This one)

Fighting games do it ALL THE TIME, if memory serves. At least in this game, they finished up most everything else and THEN started working on Mewtwo.

It should be easy to develop him since they can use his development codes and wireframes from Melee.

I'm rather starting to get over the over-representation of KI, but certain other series getting just as much love would be nice...

Since it'll rot after this... -.-

It'll bring such a wonderful memory after it dies down.

Pit saying the Monado makes he and Palutena look like a "buncha jokers" made my life.

He always was a wise ass.
"Too Easy" for one of his victory poses.

For the KI special convos, I really want Hades to actually be part of the convos. He'll probably be there for evil people like Ganon.

I have a feeling Slippy might be a special guest in those convos.


Asset for the first time!

>Stage builder

>Smash Tour

>Gigantic Soundtrack

>8-player Smash

>N64 Stages returning

>All dem stages


I'm really considering selling my 3DS version because it seems super pointless with how much better the Wii U version is. I mean, that's obvious but wow I wasn't expecting it to be this much of a landslide.

There are no words to describe my hype for this game.

This sentence gave me a heart attack.

I really don't get why people complain about Kid Icarus over-representation. I find it to be as pointless as people complaining about the existence of clones. Those are the kind of people that I want to tell "You should seriously play Kid Icarus Uprising. It's like the best game in existence and you will love it."

Today's Direct has sold me into getting the Wii U version. Sadly I doubt I will get a Wii U any time soon because I'm in debt with my mom for using her money to get the 3DS version.

I'll have too since I've seen a few vids of it already!
Smash does this to you.

So Jigglypuff, Ganondorf, Ness and Bowser Jr. are secret characters in the 3DS version, but are in the starting roster for the Wii U version?

Okay, that's weird...

Because they want to surprise us with the different characters.

I was gonna talk about how hype I am after watching the direct (and missing like the first ten minutes of class) but words can't really do it justice
like there may have been things I wasn't thrilled with but wow. so hype.

she has a title in Awakening itself


I think it'd work pretty well j/s

Your not alone.

My thought exactly. The one in the spoiler.

Worst stage I've ever had to play on. Whenever I'm forced to fight there in All-Star mode in Brawl, I just stand there and wait until the enemies have killed themselves.

I haven't seen the direct yet. Don't have the time right now. So, are there any cool new DK-stages? I want to experience my favorite game-soundtrack on something that isn't... Rumble Falls. >.>

Edit: Okay, I've seen it. Question has been answered. Yes. <3

I've actually just recently played Melee again just to see how Mewtwo was. His moveset surely is interesting. I'm pretty content, as long as he isn't as sucky as in Melee.

But the best part about him is really the possibility of more DLC.

I do this on the highest intensity.

He says full sentences in Zelda II. Though there's no one around so he could just as easily be thinking to himself.

Put in
him. Please.

Looking back at the last two pages, Kid Icarus is really the ONLY non-Star Fox series that would make sense to bring back Snake's Codecs. It's probably the best feature in Uprising. And yes, I would love to see Hades jump into some bantering as well, because, well, he's Smooth-Talker Hades!

No Koonami logo. No Snake. -.-

I finally got the game on Wednesday and then Nintendo come with that direct almost making me regret getting the 3DS version ~.~

The Machine couldn't handle it all of that. Which is why that the New 3DS is starting to get created!
But...the different stages that only one version will have will make this worthwhile.

Metal Face confirmation is strongly telling us that we need to play Xenoblade.
You should, because it is a wonderful game! He gave me trouble...too. x.x
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Also the Opening Video *spoiler warning

*cries from the fact that the announcer doesn't shout "SUPER SMASH BROTHERS!"*

But really, I kinda expected it to be a bit better; it was just a bunch of cuts from the past trailers with some comedic gameplay. And thus, Melee still has the best intro.

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Yeah. Campers and spammers annoy the hell out of me. Its like, get off my lawn. I want a gripping and fun battle with a competent opponent, not some wanker who relies on cheap shots to win.

Camping is a very boring style to fight. Even if you do win it's still a long, boring battle.

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Facing against Links who constantly use their bow, and Lucario's who only use Aura Sphere and Force Palm and roll away are probably the worst kind of opponents. Bow-Spam Links are easy to predict, yet Lucario is annoying as fuck... unless you're Ness.

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I've noticed that on Omega stages CPUs will constantly projectile spam and camp depending on their distance compared to you. They will often spam Side Smash if they are close enough to you, though their spammy nature can go against them at times.

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Is it weird that I have more trouble dealing with lv 9 CPUs than I do with people?

They are harder than some human players.

That has been proven many times.


The Wii-U's version is the true Smash game. The 3DS version hardly had much to offer. Even the stages/music to select were small. The 3DS can be useful for whenever going on a field trip or something playing with friends, etc. I know that the IC are going to be next for reveal. But...it may be a good idea to have the mic disabled for online play with anyone. Only allow it with friends. We do want to prevent abuse after all which is why that you cannot use Mii's in battle with anyone. (It also was to prevent Copyright Infringement of Mii's from other people.)


Once the Wii-U's version comes out...I'll never get bored again.

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Blehh opening still isn't as good as Melee's. It is similar to Brawl's opening in that it is just a mesh of of gameplay clips.

Was hoping for at least a "SUPER SMAASSHHHHH BBRRROOOTTHHEEERRRSSSS" at the end. :(

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Melee's opening will always be the best.

Then again, they were specifically going for a great opening with Melee. I wouldn't be surprised if they just haven't prioritized it as much since then.

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My biggest problem with the opening is that some of the reveal trailers clash with the other cinematics. It just looks off to me seeing 2D animation and then 3D.

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Great Cave Offensive looks like the embodiment of hell.

Literally hell. Probably worse than like 75m and Icicle Mountain and shit.

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