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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I wonder how many more he means by "several." Like...four? Five? Maybe even seven? And if they're going to be more fanservice-y, then is it safe to assume that Wolf, Isaac, King K. Rool, and Daisy all have a good shot? I do see those four brought up a LOT so they'd definitely fit the bill.

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I wonder how many more he means by "several." Like...four? Five? Maybe even seven? And if they're going to be more fanservice-y, then is it safe to assume that Wolf, Isaac, King K. Rool, and Daisy all have a good shot? I do see those four brought up a LOT so they'd definitely fit the bill.

probably 2 to 4. I don't see it being anymore then that at this point considering the development team is probably way significantly smaller now.

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probably 2 to 4. I don't see it being anymore then that at this point considering the development team is probably way significantly smaller now.

I don't remember where, but I remember hearing that there was apparently room for seven DLC characters? Including the ones we already got. I dunno if that's true and I could be remembering wrong, though. If it is true, then that means there's room for three more characters, so two-to-four makes sense.

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I had a feeling that since we got two vets and a newcomer this time around with 64 stages, next time we'll get two vets (almost certain Wolf will be one of them) and the voted DLC character with Melee stages. However, I can't actually see another vet that fans would want back other than Snake or Ice Climbers, which are the most unlikely, so maybe there'll be two voted characters.

Edited by Knight
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I say we give Ganon a sword or two along with some magic ball projectiles like in Ocarina of Time.


I, for one, would welcome our based lord and savior Pichu alongside Wolf.

Yes, I said Pichu.

Fight me.

Glass cannon Pichu where almost every move OHKOs while also being able to be OHKO'ed easily himself. I'd buy it.
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Yeah I'd agree, I think everyone can safely assume Wolf will be back. I really do think Isaac and King K. Rool will be added as well, I really do, especially if it's supposed to be fanservice.

If I had my way, Lyn would be one of those "several characters" added.

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i've said this before, but melee pichu, if left completely unchanged, would demolish all the smash 4 characters.

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Hoping for Shovel Knight right now, but it hasn't been localized worldwide yet so it's unlikely to get foreign votes :(

If he can't make it, I hope he does well in Bloodstained.

Between Isaac and King K Rool, the two DLC characters I think are most likely, I'd want Isaac more, but K Rool seems somehow like the more logical choice.

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Now, the latest update came with no less then 3 characters. And the interview doesn't exactly sound like the next update will be the final one. So I guess there is a good change that it will be at least 6.

Edited by BrightBow
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I dislike monkeys. I'm usually pretty easygoing when it comes to which characters could make it into Smash, but I would actively vote against any more monkeys.

Now Crash Bandicoot, that's someone I'd vote in.

And bring back Solid Snake, with MGS1 Solid Snake, Naked Snake and Old Snake as alt skins.

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Personally hoping for Shovel Knight or Shantae, but watch it be Dixie or Isaac.

Shantae is the better option since it has a good history with Nintendo. Shovel Knight is fairly new and isn't Nintendo exclusive anymore, the Japanese aren't familiar with this character either.

I'd be ok with Shantae, but something about Shovel Knight bothers me. Maybe because it's another 8-bit/16-bit retro indie game character. I already got Roy and Lucas, so any new characters we get wouldn't bother me as much as it did before.

I dislike monkeys... I would actively vote against any more monkeys.

This is exactly my opinion on Dixie Kong. Edited by Rabbattack
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I don't like monkeys much in general either. But seriously, Dixie Kong is still hella cute to me, so I want her a lot and still hope she's one of those several characters Sakurai mentioned. :3

He and his team are so awesome for doing this too! ^^

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I dislike monkeys.

And bring back Solid Snake, with MGS1 Solid Snake, Naked Snake and Old Snake as alt skins.

Was it because Diddy Kong was OP'ed as hell back then?

I do actually kinda miss Snake, so it would be nice to see him again.

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Fun fact: Of the entire Kong Family, the only one that's an actual monkey is Diddy. The others are all apes.

At least they all have awesome attributes! And a song about them too!

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Was it because Diddy Kong was OP'ed as hell back then?

I do actually kinda miss Snake, so it would be nice to see him again.

Hmm, nope. I just have a general thing against monkeys. Like some people dislike cats or whatever else.

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Fun fact: Of the entire Kong Family, the only one that's an actual monkey is Diddy. The others are all apes.

Apes are monkeys. It's just a sub branch of the family. Like dolphins are a type of cetacea.

Edited by Jotari
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I just want Dixie and Wolf and Ice Climbers. Anyone else is a bonus. Well, I also want Anna, but I consider her chances too low to worry about.

I also don't expect Isaac to make it. His popularity is largely just within the Smash community, and unlike Roy, he doesn't have veteran status to back him up (no, being an assist trophy doesn't count).

Wolf should be a safe guess. If a character is chosen purely on votes, K. Rool is probably coming. After that, I can't really say.

No Shovel Knight, though.

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