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Easiest way to beat Lunatic +


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From what I've gathered, using Sorcerers to Nosferatu tank is the easiest way to beat FE:A on Lunatic mode. Preferably using MU as the primary attacking unit, and getting her a good supporting partner.

As for Lunatic+? I've heard that the ability "counter" is effective at stopping this strategy, and that what counter does is it hits your unit back for the amount of damage it inflected, effectively negating the tanking aspect of Nosferatu tanking.

I've heard that a double Assassin pair equipped with bow/sword is the best team to beat Lunatic + with.

1) Is Nosferatu tanking viable in Lunatic + ?

A) If so, is Nosferatu tanking still the BEST tactic in Lunatic+ like it is in regular Lunatic mode?

B) If not, is the dual Assassin strategy the best tactic, or is there a better one?

I'm talking about post-game Lunatic +, not the first run-through.

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1) Is Nosferatu tanking viable in Lunatic + ?

It's not "Fire and Forget" like it is in Vanilla Lunatic though. Those counters WILL wreck you if they swarm that unit, however, it is STILL an effective tactic.

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You can still be Nosferatu-Tank there, even though it isn´t reliable. Vantage kind of gives you a second chance and offensive skills like Vengance, Lethality and Ignis increase the damage and healing even more(koing stuff prevents counter, but it can obviously go horrible wrong). Going for a Tactican->Myrmidone->Assassine->Grandmaster->Sorcerer path grants you everything needed. The hardest part is actually beating the early game until chapter 13(or you buy Nosferatu by Spotpass charas). You could also go for Galeforce and try to skirt around the Counter enemies.

Have the Assassins enough Avoid? They have a low Def Cap and no healing means that they can easily get...3-5HKOed? Sun would heavily improve they defense obviously.

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There is no "easy" way to beat Lunatic+-- it is legitimately the hardest thing the series has to offer. Unfair, and "reportedly" poorly designed (I heavily disagree (Well, at least for Lunatic+/Casual; Lunatic+/Classic is nothing but a way to kill off all of your characters and probably shouldn't exist.)), but still harder than anything else in the entire series.

Nosfertanking reportedly works, but it really, really, really doesn't. You try that method, and while you might win every now and then, you'll spend hours either bashing LRStart, or View Map->Exit->Start->View Map->Exit->Start. (BTW: Count every time you do that as a loss, because Skill Resets = Losses.)

Counter is EXTREMELY common, and it's more often than not, on the Range 1 Locked guys who can and will make use of it.

Have the Assassins enough Avoid?


Hawkeye, Everywhere.

Edited by Airship Canon
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FYI, I am in the midst of writing a Lunatic+ guide/walkthrough that emphasizes reliable clears (i.e., minimal resetting). Link is in my sig. You will find a lot of helpful stuff there, I think.

As for Lunatic+? I've heard that the ability "counter" is effective at stopping this strategy, and that what counter does is it hits your unit back for the amount of damage it inflected, effectively negating the tanking aspect of Nosferatu tanking.

This is basically true. Nosferatu heals 50% (rounded down), Counter deals 100% damage in melee (doesn't work at range), and you can only steal what the enemy actually has left. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out what's going to happen in the long term. You can extend the life of it a bit by throwing Sol in there, but even this is only a SKL% chance of combining with Nosferatu to heal back most or all of the damage done.

Ultimately you are going to run into situations where you have too much Counter and not enough skill activations. This is fine if you don't mind resetting a lot, but it can get pretty annoying and you still have to plow through the earlygame.

I've heard that a double Assassin pair equipped with bow/sword is the best team to beat Lunatic + with.

Nope. Assassins don't have enough concrete defense. It's a strong class up through midgame, and spending some time there to get Pass is worth your while for at least one unit, but that DEF cap will destroy you lategame. It's not just Hawkeye, either: enemies have illegal forges and people start getting the HIT + 20 skill even when they aren't Snipers.

1) Is Nosferatu tanking viable in Lunatic + ?

A) If so, is Nosferatu tanking still the BEST tactic in Lunatic+ like it is in regular Lunatic mode?

B) If not, is the dual Assassin strategy the best tactic, or is there a better one?

What is your definition of "best"? I would not even call Nosferatu tanking in vanilla Lunatic the "best", it's just a really dummy-proof way to do it.

I'm talking about post-game Lunatic +, not the first run-through.

I have no idea what this means. Lunatic+ is not even available until you have a postgame file. Edited by Interceptor
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