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A Wolf's Final Emblem


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So yeah I see lots of people making stories and I got interested so I'm going to start my own

Part 1 Chapter 1: Another World?

???:*rock hits face*Ow WTF!? which one of you guys did that?


???:oh yeah I forgot I'm the only one that made it her :(

???: So how did that rock hit my face????

???:*looks up into the sky*Holy shit when the fuck was there an opening in the sky?

???:Holy crap their's a lot more over there in the east

???:Could it be my old world? Can I finally go back to see my old friends?

???:I see people shooting fireballs out of their hands. Theres no way that's my old place

oh well might as well go ahead and see if I can go inside them.

*Other World

???:Where's that rock that I made threw?

???: I don't know just make another one and throw it, you need to practice making bigger and stronger ones anyhow? as well your throwing as far as I can tell.

???:MY THROWING IS PERFECTLY FINE! you just suck at getting the rock thats all

???:..... <_< that's why the rock went past 20ft to my left

???:whatever the point is you suck at this

???:*mumbles to himself* I can already see what kind of person this Masu is going to be like

Masu: OK let's get off the subject and get back to practicing Branded


Masu:Ok he comes another one

Branded: don't suck at throwing this time

Masu:wtf is that huge thing? *throws rock at creature in the air*

Branded:As usual he sucked again! your supposed to throw it at me not above me!...Idiot

Masu:Fuck! I missed. I hate Branded and him being right.

???:AGH! what the fuck? that stupid thing made me drop from 30ft in the air

Branded:*turns around to see the creature* holy shit wtf is that thing?

Masu: That's what I was aiming at and why i threw the rock in the air

Branded: <_< sure you did.....

Masu:OK fine lets just see what in the hell that is.

Branded:It looks dead

Masu: cool lunch lets eat it

???:*moves slightly to the right* cheza.....guys......

Branded:I think it's alive actually

Masu:*runs over behind a tree* That damn thing talked and all you think about is its alive???

Branded: ok listen after what I went through this doesn't even faze me at all!!!

Masu:*shrugs* I don't want to even know what he went through

Masu: what are you doing?

Branded: I'm helping him what does it look like!? he's injured

Masu: I don't give a damn that thing is a freak

Branded:let's just go

Masu:go where?

Branded:Don't you know someone who can help?


Branded: then take me to them

Masu:Fine..... :angry: stupid thing

Branded: your just mad that it interupted your practice


Masu: and where the fuck are you going it's toward the east.

Branded: if you stopped complaining then maybe you could walk faster and show the way

Masu: your legs are like 5 inches longer than mine!

Branded: Oh quit your whinnying

Chapter 1 end

Next - Chapter 2: What the fuck is this thing?

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Chapter 2: What the fuck is this thing?

Branded:So how's it doing?

???:He's doing fine for right now

Branded:thats good..... :mellow: wait a minute, how do you know it's a guy?

???:I heard it him talking in his sleep and the voice sounded like a guy so i figured that he was

Branded:So what's up with Masu and that girl Princess?

???:oh yeah you haven't been here before when those 2 are around each other

???: :o oh he's waking tell those 2 to come inside

Branded:Hey you 2 get in here


Masu: Don't boss me around

Branded:Oh yeah I forgot your scared of this thing

Masu:I'll show you scared

Princess: <_< .......fine we'll continue some other time

???:where the fuck am I? Holy shit!*jumps out of window*

Masu:Bastard doesn't even thank me

Branded:you didn't do anything, I'm the one who carried it over here and songbird here is one who healed it

Princess:......he already left after it

Branded/songbird/princess:......*sigh* that idiot

Branded:well I better go after him

Songbird: please do!

Princess: ya knowing him he'll get lost

Masu:where the fuck is that bastard?

???:*pant* *pant* *pant* damnit only if i was at full health i would out run him easily

Masu:for a thing thats pretty injured it can run fast

*bush rustles*

Masu:*throws fireball at bush* you little fucker!

Branded: its me you dumbass, you really have no self control when you have something else after

Masu:I need to kill that bastard for being so rude to us back there; he would've died if it weren't for us!

Branded:ok calm down lets look for it together and not kill it, I would like to ask it some questions since it can apparently talk


???:these bastards never give up do they, oh well aside from the swordsman that other little guy doesn't seem so quick

Masu:Lets go now before he runs too far away an- holy shit my throat almost got cut

???:dammit these wounds

Branded:I see your weak point now

Masu:SHUT UP i have no weak points

Branded: <_< ......right

Branded:*puts sword down* Masu you go back to town I think it doesn't like you very much

Masu:the hell I'm going back I'm staying right he- *shirt gets ripped*......fine

???:Finally that little pest is gone

Branded:Now can you tell me who you are and where did you come from?

???:My name is Kiba and if you can believe me I came from another world called Paradise

Branded:Hmm interesting so exactly what are you? holy shit where the fuck did you go and why were you replaced by a normal guy?

Kiba:oh I'm a wolf who's lived for couple decades and so I can make myself appear as a wolf or a human as I please

Branded:ok I can believe that

Kiba:really? most people would call it unbelievable

Branded: well I came from another world as well so it is definitely believable by me

Kiba:ok I believe I can trust you

branded: well lets go back, what you did back there was kinda rude?

Kiba:Well what would you do if you were in my position and you woke up in a strange place?

Branded:I see your point, anyhow lets just go back and tell everyone the whole story

Kiba:ok fine but I think you should go in and tell them first or me and that small fry well most likely get in a brawl or something

Branded:Fair enough

Chapter 2 end

Next - Chapter 3: Understanding the situation

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*smashes face on desk*


*smashes face on desk*


*smashes face on desk*


*smashes face on desk*


*smashes face on desk*


Dunno. It makes a good running gag though.

Anyway nice chapter.

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Chapter 3: Understanding the Situation

Branded is telling everyone what had happen in the forest while kiba waited outside

Kiba:I wonder how those little girls are taking it

Songbird/Princess:YAY!!!!!! Doggie!!!!!!!!

Kiba:awww crap

Branded:No! he is not a normal dog that you can do that to

Masu:Fuck that shit, a dog is a dog no matter which way you put it

Songbird:*whispers* so......where is he branded?

Branded:*whispers*out back, but don't let masu or princess see it right now, I don't think things will go well if they go


Kiba:So the first one is let out

Songbird:yep, but don't worry were not letting the others out just yet

Masu/Princess:LET US OUT!!!!!

Kiba:....... ok I'm fine with you

Songbird:yay he likes me

Songbird:so your a dog right? but you can make yourself look like a human to us

Kiba:Half true; I'm a wolf not a dog, us wolves are much bigger than dogs as you can see*turns back into a wolf*

Songbird:holy crap that's huge

Songbird: and another thing, how can you talk even though your a wolf?

Kiba:where I come from, me and the others have learned to adapt with humans, therefor we learned to speak with humans


Kiba:yes there were others with me but the world I just came from only alowed one of us to be there, so I had to leave them behind

Songbird:awww I would have loved to see the other cute wolfs

Masu:why won't let us out there to see the bastard

Branded:for one thing you guys would most likely fight and two, princess would hug the thing to death

Princess:........... umm where did songbird go off to?

Branded: :rolleyes: I don't know she was here a while ago

Princess:hey no fair how come she can go outside and I can't

Branded:I just explained it 30 seconds ago

Princess:oh come on I won't hug it too much

Branded:*inside his head*well songbird is outside already

Branded:ok you can go out next, but masu you stay here!

Masu:why do the girls get to go out first?

Branded:cause they acutally think first

Branded:song heads up princess is coming out!

Songbird:oh crap brace yourself kiba


Princess:YAY DOGGIE!!!!!!!!

Kiba:oh crap*jumps on top of house*

Princess:oh darn I missed it!

Songbird:Princess you can hug it but not to much okay

Princess: :( fine

Kiba:is it safe to come down now

Songbird:yes don't worry she just wants to kinda pet you

Kiba:*thinks*kinda pet you? that just scares even more

Princess:yay I finally got you!

Songbird:his fur is so warm and soft


Masu:what? let me see!

Masu: :o *runs straight through branded and outside*YOU BASTARD GET AWAY FROM THEM!!!!!!!!

Masu:*throws fireball at kiba*

Kiba:*Jumps above it*too slow little boy

Songbird/Princess: :angry: WTF!?!?!?!? I'm gonna get you masu

Branded:*looks away* see this is what I meant when I said you don't think first

Masu:*blushes*I didn't mean to burn there clothes off, I just wanted t-

Songbird:can I trust you with him?

Princess: :lol: this is gonna be fun*grabs masu's head* come on I'm gonna drag you by the head 10 miles that way and back I'm going to drag him by his most vunerbale part!

Masu:Oh shit come on I didn't mean to do it again

Branded:........ <_< this is the 20th time you've done it

Songbird:Now that that's over with lets go inside and talk a bit more

Kiba/Branded:that sounds good to me

Branded:So did you come here out of curosity or???

Kiba:actually I came because a rock came through to my world and hit me in the face

Branded:that was Masu

Kiba:ok I feel better now

Songbird:can I ask you a question?

Kiba:that's why I'm here right now

Songbird:why are you by yourself? I mean isn't the world you came from full of other people?

Kiba:No, the world I came from is called paradise which is a special place for us wolves

branded: shouldn't that mean that there are other wolves there?

Kiba:no, in order to get there you have to be chosen by a special flower; each wolf gets one, but all the flowers except one was burned

Branded:ahh I see now

Songbird:So how long has it been since you were alone?

Kiba:50 years

Songbird:omg! your my fathers age

Kiba:actually I'm more than that, my age is over a century

Branded:not suprising since you do come from another world

Songbird:It's suprising by me

Kiba:So branded what you? you said you came from another world didn't you?

Branded:yes I did, My world was basically like this one just not as peaceful as this one

Princess:I'm back!

Songbird:that was fast! where is Masu?

Princess:Oh he's outside, and do you think I would walk 10miles and back?

Branded:well I better go and tie him to a bed before he gets up and tries to attack kiba again

Kiba:.......... what?

Songbird:your staying the night here

Kiba:wait I never said-


Kiba :blink: ok

Princess/songbird: :D

Branded:Tomorrow you can leave, for right now you should stay; Songbird will give you a bed to sleep in

Kiba:that's ok I can sleep outside

Songbird:WRONG! your staying inside

Kiba:........... fine

Chapter 3 end

Next - Chapter 4: More Trouble!

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Chapter 4: More Trouble!

Branded:Ah that was a good sleep, how about you?

Masu:you tied me to the bed how do you think it was?

Branded:That's why I asked

Masu:It was horrible because all I thought about was Kiba sleeping in the same room with the girls

Princess:Songbird wake up! you are not sleeping in this time

Songbird:*still asleep*

Princess:*puts mouth up to her ear* Kiba left

Songbird:WTF!! I'm gonna go get that dog, there is no way my first dog is going to run away on me

Princess:Actually he woke up a while ago and said he'd be right back, plus I just said that so you would get up

Songbird:your horrible

Branded/Masu:*runs into girls room*We heard screaming what happened

Songbird/Princess:nothing now get out!

Masu:wait a minute where's-

Songbird:*throws masu out*he went out somewhere so go and find him and bring him back

Kiba:I'm so glad they have deer in this world otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat anything

Branded:you know we have meat here in the village we could've just bought some

Kiba:Whoa! where the fuck did you guys come from?

Masu:we just walked in the direction where we heard a animal shout

Kiba:damn deer and it's shouting

Branded:you still haven't answered my question

Kiba:oh that, I just like fresh meat

Songbird:yay I was wondering what we gonna have to do for food with him here

Princess:yeah now we don't have to spend anything on him

Branded/Masu/Kiba: :blink: where the fuck did you girls come from?

Princess:oh we heard Masu and just walked over in that direction

Branded:umm guys?

Masu:I didn't shout

Songbird:yes you did

Masu:No I didn't I just talk loud

Princess:same thing buddy

Kiba:uhhhh, what's that over there?

Masu:I see a giant hole covering 2 trees that is not a good sign

Branded:It kind of looks like the hole I took to get here

Kiba:yeah it kinda does doesn't it

Songbird/Princess:*walks towards the hole*

Masu:wtf are you girls doing?

Songbird:there's only one way to find out what's over there

Branded:So what do you think kiba?

Kiba:*jumps in hole before everyone else*

Songbird:hey wait up!

Princess:Same here!

Branded/Masu:well might as well and go too

???:who the fuck are you? Speak quickly or you will die!


???/???:hey stop it you two remember how we got here

Kiba:let me guess you guys got here there some weird hole?

???:yes, my name is auron and this is cloud

???:And I'm asche and this is yuna

Branded:where the hell are we and who are these guys?

Auron:ok I'm not going to explain it again

Kiba:don't worry I will once everyone gets here

Yuna:Oh there's more of you cute doggies

Kiba:no more like me just humans

Asche/Yuna: :( awwww

Princess/Masu/Songbird:So.....where are we?

Kiba:ok listen up everyone I'll explain it too you

Everyone:ahh ok so we just went into another world

All the girls:YAY more girls to talk to

*guys side

Masu:what do you think there talking about?

Auron:there asking what ever goes on inside their heads

Masu:well that's a given, but I mean what do you think yuna and asche wanted to talk to them about?

Cloud:they want to talk about you guys of course

Branded:*chuckles* That seems understandable

Kiba:We should head out soon, it's getting dark soon

Masu:It's ok I can make light with my magic and we can fight so it's ok

Auron:yes but we don't know how strong the creatures here are

Branded:lets go then

Masu:ok I'm going to tell the girls ok

Branded:No! No you will not!

Masu:why not?

Branded:I saw your eyes and I know what your intentions are

Cloud:Besides they'll head over to us once they see that we left past them without telling them

Auron:yes, they know they need us

Kiba:let's go now then I'm getting hungry

Masu:but you just ate a deer!

Kiba:That was a small meal, I need much more than that to fill me up

*all the guys walk straight past the girls

all the girls:Where the fuck are they going?

Princess:hey stop where are you guys going?

Masu:Must ignore princess just this once

Asche:why are they ignoring us?

Cloud:*whispers*everyone ignore them!

All the girls:ok lets go after them we're not staying out here alone without them

Chapter 4 end

Next - Chapter 5:Fuck my life

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yeah I use the word fuck a lot, oh well It'll probably stop once all the characters meet each other but they still will say the word fuck but not as much

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Chapter 5:Fuck my life

Masu:Are they following us yet?

Branded:*turns around*yep they are

Auron:I told you they would



Masu:why are they both so quiet? its kinda creeping me out here

Auron:leave them be

Masu:ok fine just stay that way because I think I can hear the girls conversation this way

Branded:no you won't!*shuts masu's ears*

*the girls side

Princess:what do you think they're talking about?

Songbird:Masu's over there what do you think?

Princess:oh yeah I almost forgot

Asche:Is he that crazy over you?

Yuna:yeah, my man was crazy in love with me but not that much

Princess:if you were with us during our life time you would understand

*Boy's side

Kiba/Auron/Cloud:everyone jump away


Kiba:*grabs masu*jump you idiot

Auron:I got the big guy

Branded:whoa! put me down, I do not like it when men pick me up like this


Masu:holy shit where did that come from?

Branded:we almost got skewered

Masu:how did I not notice that coming?

Kiba:you two were talking so much that you didn't even pay attention to our surroundings

Auron:didn't I tell you guys this place would be dangerous in the dark

Cloud:..........THERE!!!*throws sword*


Masu:no fucking way!!!!!!

Branded:who's he?

Kiba:who is he, do you know him or something masu?

???:I am known as G-

Masu:absolute zero!


Masu:that guy died already, I knew he couldn't be him-*coughs up blood*


???:you shouldn't cut people's sentences off like that masu or you might end up with a something shooting through you

Masu:wtf? I thought I killed you!

???:fool! you can't kill me, Genis

Masu:crap! why can't I move?

Auron:I've heard enough of you, now die

Genis:*puts barrier up*hah you think you can touch m-

Auron:*cuts through barrier* no, I know I can kill you

Cloud:as well as I

Genis:crap, I will have to retreat for now, goodbye for now genis

Masu:you've got to be kidding me, how can he attack me! we were suck good friends now we're enemies

Kiba:what's up with him?

Branded:how should I know

Auron:lets ask your lady friends maybe one them might know

All the girls:GASP!*runes over to the men*

Songbird:what happened masu?

Kiba:some kid that was shorter than masu came and beat him up

Branded:his name I think was genis

Princess:aww crap! no wonder he's like this

Cloud:care to explain to us about this

Asche/Yuna:I always thought that kid sucked but my god losing to another kid

Songbird:sure....uhhh Princess you do it

Princess:what? why me? oh fine

Princess:Genis was like masu's best friend as soon as they met each other and it stayed like that forever

Auron:oh so the little boy is heart broken

Songbird:hey this is serious! how would you like it if someone precious to you turned on you

Auron:They already have and I cut them down

Princess: <_< well isn't he heartless

Cloud:no, we just know what to do in these kinds of situations

Songbird:and cutting them down is a good option??

Yuna/Asche:yeah pretty much

Princess:you people are nuts!

Kiba:no, we are just older than you all as well as wiser little boys and girls

Branded:Okay you keep calling us little kids, and I'm just wondering; How old are you!?

Kiba:several centuries older than you

Princess:that isn't exactly a number

Kiba:well let me put it to you this way......I have lived for so long that I even don't know what age I am

Masu:*still moaning over Genis's betrayal*

Auron:oh get over it, we have better things to do

Cloud:Branded grab masu so we can get out of here

Princess/Songbird/Branded:we ain't going with you anymore

Auron:I'll grab branded, kiba you take masu, asche and cloud you take of the girls

Asche:I call songbird!

Cloud:it doesn't matter who I get

Princess:wtf? is this a game to you all

Kiba:seems that way and I'm having fun so why the heck not

Branded:you are not picking me up aga-*Auron knocks him out*

Auron:sorry but you don't have a choice in the matter

Asche:oh yeah cloud don't be too rough with her okay

Cloud:*bruises princesses head*what?

Asche:you have hearing problems

Kiba: :lol: I can't wait to see masu's reaction to that

Yuna:oh yeah I forgot about him, how's he doing?

Kiba:he's so upset from the genis thing that he won't notice until tomorrow

Auron:*takes a sip of rum* ok lets find a place to have these kiddies rest then we can plan things out for tomorrow

Kiba:how are you not drunk yet from drinking for this long?

Yuna:I wonder that some times myself

Auron:I'll tell you later once the ladies go to sleep

Asche/Yuna:HEY! why do men have to leave us out on so many things

Kiba:cause you don't tell us anything either

Cloud:I see a town over to the west of here, lets head the for right now

Auron:good call

Asche:finally a place where we can rest

Masu:*moans more*please kill me right now

Chapter 5 end

Next - Chapter 6:awww Crap!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 6:Aww Crap!

Princess:I can see a light, finally were almost at the town

Kiba:that isn't just a light I smell blood and thick black smoke

Auron:everyone hurry! to the town*is almost there*

Branded: blink.gif how the hell does he run that fast with that huge sword on his back?

Masu:I don't know, how do you run fast with all that armor on you?

Branded:that's besides the point

Ashe:you people need to learn how to talk while running

Yuna:come on are you coming or what!

Branded/Masu:those are some fast old women*gun holds up to their head*

Yuna:your gonna die unless you at the town in the next 4 secs

Masu:holy shi-

Branded:*grabs masu* I knew you were slow but man

Masu:shut the hell up

Yuna:hm they can really run if you scare them that much huh?

Songbird:yeah masu could never really run in those types of situations

Princess:but Branded sure made up for that

Asche:ok we need to go we wouldn't want the boys to have all the fun now would we


Branded:why did you guys stop?*puts masu down*

Kiba/Auron/Cloud:*points their finger*that's why

Branded:*see's giant man drenched in blood*


Cloud:why did you kill these people?

???:because I was so bored I needed a little excitement, but it didn't

Auron:so your going to kill more?

???:yes unless you can give me some

Branded:no thank y-

Auron:sure why not, I was getting bored too

Cloud:I'm feeling an evil presence coming from him, like a demon

???:Are you done here y- you let more people see us well they'll just have to die

Branded:AWW FUCK!

Masu:do you know this guy or something?


???:oh branded's here, what a shame :(

Auron:Masu, you go stall the girls they won't be able to fight in this area

Branded:I'm coming too!

???:*appears infront of him*oh no your not,

Branded:*gets kicked into burning wall*AGh

Cloud:*throws sword*I'm here too remember!

???:*blocks sword with own sword*meh, too easy

???:hey! don't go killing my prey, I found them first

Kiba:*growls*your gonna pay for this

???:oh good your ready to fight, well come at me!

Auron:ok cloud you help branded, while I help kiba

Cloud:got it!

Branded:wait, cloud don't underestimate this guy he's very strong

Cloud:so you do know this guy huh?

Branded:yes back from my own world he went by the name of Ike(its RD ike btw)

Cloud:doesn't sound powerful to me

Branded:He was my trainer who I never got even close to beaten

Cloud:......ok then*swings sword at ike*

Ike:you kid yourself with that attack

Cloud:if I use my real power then I might kill branded

Ike:good if you fight for your friends you will get stronger

Kiba:*pant* *pant* oh god this guy doesn't even flinch with any attack

Auron:he's learned to toughen his skin somehow

???:psch, this is boring come on is that all you got

Kiba:this man is a demon

Auron:I've fought en worse

Kiba:you serious

Auron:yes, I am but I had 1 another person like you with me more like 5

Kiba:Ok, we should be fine then

???:So before I kill you what are your names?

Kiba:why do you want to know?

???:I always want to the name's of who I'm going to kill!

Auron:I'm auron and this her is kiba, what is yours?

Kiba:what are you doing?

Auron:he's a true warrior in my book so it's all good

???:*jumps at them*My name is Zaraki Kenpachi and I'm going to enjoy every moment of this battle!

Kiba/Auron:*jumps to the side*

Kiba:See what you did! you got him way to excited

Auron:the faster the battle the quicker it ends

Chapter 6 end

Next - Chapter 7:Fight and Run!

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I hate everyone here right now but Princess Branded and Song.........those damn FF women. I should back hand them! Show them to talk trash about me.

...yeah...that'll work.

One question though: Not to be picky but since when did I where armor?

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...yeah...that'll work.

One question though: Not to be picky but since when did I where armor?

Yeah it will. or I could strangle them with my kendama or just burn their asses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 7: Fight and Run!

Masu:*pant* *pant* god dammit where the fuck are these girls? eh?

Princess:hiiiiiii Masu!

Songbird:where's Kiba?

Masu: <_< thanks for not worring about me

Asche:enough of this! where are the others?

Yuna:yes tell us little boy where are the others????

Masu:......................... :unsure: *she sure has a creepy face*

Princess:Masu? are you going to tell us or not?

Masu:nope :) *makes firewall around the girls*

Asche:the little boy wants to play a little game

Princess:stop calling him a little boy!

Asche:Princess......remember our talk?

Princess:um.......okay go ahead

Masu:blessed drops!

Yuna:idiot he's just taking out the flammed wall

Songbird:fuck, no he isn't

Princess:don't tell me this is what he did-


*water falls upon them*

Asche:why isn't the flame disappearing?

Songbird:cause its actually an illusion its actually a wall of fucking lava

Masu:I am so going to kill myself after this Icicle Rain!

Everyone freezes*

Masu:hehehehe ok that will do for now

mean while back at the burned village*

Ike:this is a great battle

Branded:fuck what do we do now cloud?

Cloud:..........*runs at ike*

Branded:great I get the silent one

Zaraki:hahahahahaha more more more I want more of this feeling

Auron:such a great warrior spirit he has

Kiba:we've been slashing at him for a while and he doesn't go down

Auron:he knows how to not bleed out of his wounds

Kiba:no wonder he's not dizzy

Ike:come now branded, how many times did I tell you to-

Branded:I did! and here's my proof *throws sword*

Ike:*dodges with ease* now what? you have no weapon to fight with

Cloud:*cuts Ike*..........you die now!

Ike:ahh I almost forgot about you, but it will take more than that to defeat me, just ask branded

Branded:Fuck you

Kiba:*slits throat* that should do it

Zaraki:come on is that all you got

Auron:*stabs through the stomach* die!

Zaraki:you guys are hopeless, where's your other friend he should join in too

Auron:forget him! your battle is with us


Masu:Holy shit! *puts barrier around the girls* Who dares do that?

Princess:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *busts out of masu's magic*


Princess:*hugs the random person*

???:Thunder *whispers*if you don't want to fight then bring the emblem


Masu:who the fuck are yo-*faints*

???:stop messing around with that girl and take care of the others



everyone faints*

???:lets go, Ike is waiting for us

Kiba/Branded/Auron/Cloud:*pants heavily*

Zaraki:this is boring your already tired

Ike:I told you to prepare yourself Branded before every battle


???:what are you doing Ike? master is waiting for us

Ike:ah yes I almost forgot, Zaraki time to go!

Zaraki:fine with me these pathetic fools aren't worth my time

Kiba/branded:thank god!

Cloud:lets head back to where masu is

Auron:I wonder how the little fella is doing

Branded:why do you call us little kids?

Auron:because you act like one

Cloud:we've gone through something like this before so we would know

Kiba:ok lets go

Branded:but what about you?

Kiba:I'll tell you some other time

Everyone runs to the scene*

Branded:*whispers into masu's ear* princess is getting undressed

Masu:*wakes and jumps up* holy sit whe-*whack*

Branded:I knew that would work

Masu:you bastard!

Auron:what happened here?

Masu:I saw somebody shoot lightning into somebody then I got knocked unconscious

Kiba:*licks the girls faces* they'll wake up soon

Songbird/Asche/Yuna:ah that was a good nap, hi everyone



Songbird:Holy shit, where is he

Branded:what are you talking about?

Songbird:noooooooooooo he left me

Princess:same thing with him

Masu:who are you talking about?


Songbird:and Ranulf!

All the guys:who the fuck are they?

Songbird/Princess:*shoots arrow through masu's and branded's heads*


Branded: :blink: *dodges* why just us? they said it too

Songbird:the older guys scare me

Princess:and I would shoot the kiba, but then songbird would kill me

Songbird: :D

Princess:oh and soren said something about "if you don't want to fight then bring the emblem," what does this mean?

Kiba:*walks away*

Auron/Cloud:no idea

Branded/Masu:what emblem?

Princess:I don't know? he just said that and thats it

Asche:what happened to the village you boys were at?

Branded:its burned down to the ground

Yuna:oh well time for the next one

Princess:no we rest! what you girls?

Songbird:yeah it seems as though you never get tired?

Yuna/Asche:once you go on a journey like we did, then you'll know

Princess:uh where did the guys go?

Songbird:god dammit they left us again

Yuna:time to get walking

Masu:still ain't enough man

Kiba:hurry up and just beat him up

Branded:let me take my time this is fun

Chapter 7 end

next - chapter 8:A new person joins

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