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TL;DR: You know, instead of writing down my opinions in 1000 words, it's much easier to state that Esau basically got it. For me, it's a case-by-case basis with a few things that I keep in mind when making my opinions.

i feel like you forgot the united states was bombed during world war II. prior to that, we were still not really an isolated nation, we were clearly on the side of the allies, but our military intervention was certainly justified once we were bombed. i pretty much hold an isolationist opinion, or at least a passive-until-they're-aggressive standing on a lot of world issues. meaning, unless we, the american people, are harmed, i don't think the united states has a right to dive head-first into the problems of other nations. also, the jewish people were kinda being treated worse than ants at the time, so yeah. that also plays a role in my opinion.

I'm not talking about the United States in this case, I'm talking about the United Kingdom declaring war on Germany in 1939 in response to the German invasion of Poland. In addition, the United States intervened heavily in World War II even before Japan and Germany declared war (see my first post in this thread).
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I'm not talking about the United States in this case, I'm talking about the United Kingdom declaring war on Germany in 1939 in response to the German invasion of Poland. In addition, the United States intervened heavily in World War II even before Japan and Germany declared war (see my first post in this thread).

Appeasement, if I'm not mistaken? They had had enough of Hitler's bullshit, to put it bluntly. Also, did I not imply that when I said that the United States had "clearly" sided with the Allies?

My insight on another nation's politics is laughable at best, my friend. I don't know any country's political, social, or economic situations well enough to attempt to convey to you motivations or justifications for any actions it has done or may possibly do in the future. Generally, I think nations should keep to themselves.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Appeasement, if I'm not mistaken? They had had enough of Hitler's bullshit, to put it bluntly. Also, did I not imply that when I said that the United States had "clearly" sided with the Allies?

Yes, but you did not say whether you thought that the UK's intervention on behalf of Poland was justified, or America's intervention on behalf of the UK and Russia by sending them military supplies.

My insight on another nation's politics is laughable at best, my friend. I don't know any country's political, social, or economic situations well enough to attempt to convey to you motivations or justifications for any actions it has done or may possibly do in the future. Generally, I think nations should keep to themselves.

I'm not asking you to interpret the economic conditions or political conditions of 1939 UK, which would be irrelevant irrelevant, I'm asking you whether specifically, you think the declaration of war by the United Kingdom in 1939 against Germany in response to the invasion of Poland was justified. And, if you agree that this was justified, that means you think it is okay to go to war in response to one country invading another without provocation.
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~~case-by-case basis~~

These types of things are way too complex to tell me what I do and do not think given an answer to one question.

Hitler indirectly provoked the United Kingdom when he consistently and aggressively took advantage of the kindness, if I may call it that, that the rest of Western Europe had granted to him in the name of peace. The invasion of Poland was a giant "fuck you" to Europe and the world, making war with Germany inevitable.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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