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What are you hoping WON'T be in the next FE? Or wouldn't be against being removed?

The Void

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I hate weapon weight, good riddance. It basically translates to "don't use dark magic or axes". :/ Fuck that, I want to use whatever weapon I like without SPD and/or SKL suffering for it.

Same to Rescue. Not sorry to see it gone, I'd rather Pair Up stay.

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I miss the sort of terrifying/powerful villains the earlier series were known for. Bring back them, and chuck out wimps like Validar. Gangrel and Walhart were interesting, but they weren't even close to being the main ohmygoshhe'llkillme guy.

And if we were to have more than say, 35 characters, I'd hope they could be a lot more varied.

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I miss the sort of terrifying/powerful villains the earlier series were known for. Bring back them, and chuck out wimps like Validar. Gangrel and Walhart were interesting, but they weren't even close to being the main ohmygoshhe'llkillme guy.

And if we were to have more than say, 35 characters, I'd hope they could be a lot more varied.

Uhhh, this might be because I've only played some of them, but I don't think FE's exactly known for having such villains.

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I'll start:

1. The Magic Triangle.

Wouldn't be against being removed:

1. The Weapon Triangle.

Surely the Magic Triangle would be part of the Weapon Triangle (just for magical weapons), right? Therefore, if the Weapon Triangle is removed, then there wouldn't be a Magic Triangle either.

On topic, Thieves need to be able to steal again.

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Nergal, Zephiel, Black Knight, Ashnard, Lyon, Demon King, and those are just from 4 games. I don't remember the names of the final boss in FE5 and 4 but preeeeetty sure they were equally evil too.

Zephiel, Nergal, and Ashnard are the only ones out of those I'd consider for that (the inconsistency with Lyon's treatment story wise leaves me scratching my head, and the Demon King, for all he was made out to be story wise, was just ehhh).

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Don't remove pair up, let enemies use it. If the avatar wasn't so much of a focus and you could choose personalities, the avatar would be okay for me. I'd like seizing back, though,

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I don't like the stave icons. I've hated Akaenia's stave icons. I want status staves again. I hate the idea of falcoknights being able to use staves. I want light magic again, and bring back the magic triangle. I'd love for Anima to be one weapon type again.

This is really important. I don't like the characters in Awakening. They all seem to be one defining trait with characters built around them. And I hate the character design in Awakening too.

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I don't like the stave icons. I've hated Akaenia's stave icons. I want status staves again. I hate the idea of falcoknights being able to use staves. I want light magic again, and bring back the magic triangle. I'd love for Anima to be one weapon type again.

I'd like to see light magic again, but the magic triangle, not so much - it hardly even promoted strategy (see FE4 and the Tellius FEs, but mainly the latter).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I'm not sure what I think about the double magic triangle, but the tellius games had almost no dark magic users in most of the gameplay, so their application seems a poor example.

Not having actually played Awakening I'm not sure what I'll think of pairup, but I definitely want the mix-and-match support system back, the support limits have always peeved me in their implementations before

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My Unit needs to go.

Or at least less important. FE13's MU really irked me how some nobody with amnesia became Chrom's best bud and everyone's favorite person.

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Zephiel, Nergal, and Ashnard are the only ones out of those I'd consider for that (the inconsistency with Lyon's treatment story wise leaves me scratching my head, and the Demon King, for all he was made out to be story wise, was just ehhh).

Oh please, don't tell me you weren't fazed when the Black Knight came out on ch11/24.

Add in Gharnef for being invincible without a certain spell, Rudolf for wtfowning the shit out of you stats-wise, and Alvis for being stupidly powerful, and I'd say you've got a pretty impressive set of villains throughout the entire series.

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I'm not sure what I think about the double magic triangle, but the tellius games had almost no dark magic in most of the game, so their application seems a poor example.

Not having actually played Awakening I'm not sure what I'll think of pairup, but I definitely want the mix-and-match support system back, the support limits have always peeved me in their implementations before

The Tellius games did have the anima triangle, but conceded on the lack of dark magic since there were only like 7 enemies in Radiant Dawn that used it (and both of the playable dark magic users, in addition to joining late, were only obtainable when playing on clear data). The general issue with the magic triangle, as I see it, is that it usually makes little difference since mages won't do that much damage to each other.

Oh please, don't tell me you weren't fazed when the Black Knight came out on ch11/24.

Add in Gharnef for being invincible without a certain spell, Rudolf for wtfowning the shit out of you stats-wise, and Alvis for being stupidly powerful, and I'd say you've got a pretty impressive set of villains throughout the entire series.

Hadn't played Path of Radiance in a long time, so forgot about him, and ditto Gharnef. The other two are from games I haven't played (and probably won't, barring remakes).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I hope weapon weight and fog of war don't come back. Especially the later, I absolutely loathe FoW, there's nothing strategic about it.

Berserk staff is also TERRIBLE I hope it never appear again.

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This. Please, no more Gangrel's.

I would have actually liked Gangrel if a) they expanded on the conflict between the asshole exalt and Plegia, and how that's affected him as a king, and b) didn't completely ruin his character by bringing him back in the paralogue.

So much potential in the idea that Chrom's dad (or whoever it was, I can't even remember) was a complete dick, but of course, like many other good ideas in Awakening, it's a complete afterthought because they didn't bother to expand on it.

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I would have actually liked Gangrel if a) they expanded on the conflict between the asshole exalt and Plegia, and how that's affected him as a king, and b) didn't completely ruin his character by bringing him back in the paralogue.

So much potential in the idea that Chrom's dad (or whoever it was, I can't even remember) was a complete dick, but of course, like many other good ideas in Awakening, it's a complete afterthought because they didn't bother to expand on it.

Where did it state that Chrom's dad was a dick? I never saw it ingame, but I knew it was there.

How so? All it did was make you reset when it hit since it might as well be a gameover.

I for one watched my unit placement, gave my healers appropriate staves in case someone got beserked, or something, and used them to my own advantage. Watching Lloyd kill everything in the FE7 final chapter was always accomplishing to see.

It's a bitch if a unit gets berserked on your side, but trying to get around it is the fun part, to me.

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