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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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is that a deadline i hear? that certainly got me to wrap them up

here's a zip containing the lot of them: all 38 chapter labels, plus the three epilogue labels (these are now all identical; i wanted to carry over the ornate "x" glyphs found in the japanese version which indicate the ending the save got, but i couldn't make it work; i'll keep trying so these may be due for replacement later)

each graphic is named for its offset in the ROM followed by the chapter number (eg "A11000 [Chapter 21].png"). all are in greyscale so be sure you've set GBAGE to display in greyscale when importing them. i put a txt file listing my changes in the zip as well, but for those who couldn't be bothered:

Number	Current patch			Japanese		Unused FE7			My revision		|
1	Dawn of Destiny			第1章 運命の息吹		Breath of Destiny		Dawn of Destiny
2	The Princess of Bern		第2章 ベルンの王女		Princess of Bern		The Princess of Bern
3	Late Arrival			第3章 後れてきた者		The Latecomer			Latecomer's Sorrow
4	Collapse of the Alliance	第4章 同盟の崩壊		Federation Crumbling		Crumbling League
5	Fire Emblem			第5章 炎の紋章		Flame Crest			Fire Emblem
6	Traps				第6章 しかけられた罠		The Trap is Sprung		Ensnared
7	Rebellion At Ostia		第7章 オスティアの反乱	Ostia's Rebellion		The Ostian Revolt
8	Reunion				第8章 再会		Reunion				Reunion
8x	The Blazing Sword		第8章外伝 烈火の剣		The Blazing Blade		The Blazing Blade
9	The Misty Isles			第9章 霧にけむる島		Island of Mists			The Misty Isles
10(a)	The Resistance Forces		第10章A あらがう者たち	Fighters			Western Resistance
11(a)	Hero of the West		第11章A 西方の勇者		Hero of the West		Hero of the West
10(b)	Caught in the Middle		第10章B 対立のはざまで	The Space Between		Amidst a Struggle
11(b)	Escape to Freedom		第11章B 自由への脱出	Escape to Freedom		A Quest for Freedom
12	The Real Enemy			第12章 真実の敵		The True Enemy			The True Enemy
12x	The Axe of Lightning		第12章外伝 天雷の斧	Thunder Axe			The Thunder Axe
13	Rescue Mission			第13章 救出作戦		Rescue Mission			Rescue Mission
14	Arcadia				第14章 理想郷		Arcadia				Arcadia
14x	The Infernal Element		第14章外伝 業火の理	Hellfire's Truth		The Infernal Truth
15	Dragon Girl			第15章 竜の娘		Dragon Girl			The Dragon Child
16	Retaking the Capitol		第16章 王都奪還		Reclaim the Capital		Storming the Capital
16x	The Pinnacle of Light		第16章外伝 至高の光	Light of Supremacy		The Glorious Ascension
17(a)	Path Through the Ocean		第17章B 海の道		Ocean Road			Ocean's Parting	
18(a)	The Frozen River		第18章B 凍てつく河		Frozen River			The Frozen River
19(a)	The Bitter Cold			第19章B 冬将軍		General Winter			Bitter Cold
20(a)	The Liberation of Ilia		第20章B イリア解放		Liberation of Ilia		Ilia's Salvation
20x(a)	The Spear of Ice and Snow	第20章外伝B 氷雪の槍	Lance of Ice and snow		The Blizzard Spear
17(b)	The Bishop's Teachings		第17章A 司祭の教え		Cleric's Teachings		The Bishop's Teachings
18(b)	The Law of Sacae		第18章A サカの掟		The Laws of Sacae		The Law of Sacae
19(b)	Battle of Bulgar		第19章A ブルガルの攻防	Bulgar's Arms & Armor		Battle of Bulgar
20(b)	The Silver Wolf			第20章A 灰色の狼		The Silver Wolf			The Silver Wolf
20x(b)	The Bow of Winds		第20章外伝A 疾風の弓	Bow of Hurricanes		The Tempest Bow
21	The Sword of Seals		第21章 封印の剣		Sword of Seals			The Binding Blade
21x	The Silencing Darkness		第21章外伝 黙示の闇	Darkness of Oblivion		The Elder Revelation
22	The Neverending Dream		第22章 見果てぬ夢		Unfulfilled Dream		The Neverending Dream
23	The Ghost of Bern		第23章 ベルンの亡霊		Apparitions of Bern		Bern's Last Ghosts
24	The Truth of the Legend		第24章 伝説の真実		Truth of Legends		Legends and Lies
Final	Beyond the Darkness		終章 暗闇の向こう		Beyond Darkness			Beyond the Darkness

although a fair few chapter names were kept, every single one was actually edited to clean up the bizarre cut-off periods on each label. i haven't tested some of them, so while i'm not anticipating any major issues, if any of them look off or don't work properly, feel free to let me know and i'll sort it out (hopefully)

quick thoughts on the reasoning behind some of the more unusual ones:

  • Chapter 16x: i fully expect this one to be to be highly controversial and decried as trying too hard, which was actually pretty much exactly what i was going for. i looked for something similar to the old "pinnacle of light" but less bland, and after a fair bit of debating it with a friend i hit upon this as a possibility. the name is over the top and grandiose by design because let's face it, Aureola is a religious artifact - this sort of thing is meant to be grandiose and verbose imo
  • Chapter 19a: nothing was changed here, but it was actually a bit of a toss-up as to whether i should alter it to be more accurate to the Japanese name (i get the feeling it's supposed to be talking about Sigurney/whatever her name is now). i didn't bother because i kinda really like the current patch's name for it
  • Chapter 21x: i've been over this one before: "revelation" as in the abrahamic apocalypse for which the tome itself as named, and "elder" instead of "dark" in reference to Canas's famous little discussion on how Elibean dark magic isn't evil and it's a misnomer (no i am not changing it to "eldritch" i went with "elder" for a very specific reason)
  • Chapter 23: despite it being technically the opposite of the original name, i feel it describes the same thing in a slightly punchier form. "the truth of the legend" struck me as fairly bland and neutral, and while i feel this describes the same thing, it better emphasises the "yes roy your silly human legends were full of shit all along" part
  • a small few changes were born solely of a desire to get rid of the "the" prefix yeah that obviously worked given how many remain or were added

i guess there's a few other things i should get back to adjusting, like the preparations menu headers

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Bern's Last Ghosts is a bit awkward though.

yes; "bern's last ghosts" is almost redundant. the implication of the word "ghost" in the chapter title is that these are the last remaining loyal bern soldiers.

bookofholsety, if you're concerned about overuse of the word "the," i have a couple of suggestions:

chapter 15 - "the dragon child" can just simply be "dragon child." i know that there is only one dragon child, but this is one of the instances where not putting the article still makes it sound okay.

chapter 22 - "the neverending dream" can also just be "neverending dream." the latter sounds more majestic to me and also doesn't actually sound wrong.

so aside from retaining chapter 23 as "the ghosts of bern," the other issues that i have are:

chapter 10B - i don't like "a quest for freedom." freedom isn't something that one quests for. i think i prefer "an escape to freedom" or even just "freedom" over all of the currently proposed variants.

chapter 17A - i think we can do better than this. "ocean's parting" sounds so awkward. i prefer "parting of the sea" if you want to sound grandiose or "path through the sea" if you want to sound conservative.

chapter 24 - i prefer the rhythm of "lies and legends" over "legends and lies."

i do kind of mourn the loss of "the silencing darkness," but if you're changing the 16x name, the new 21x name complements that nicely.

Edited by dondon151
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aw man what's this i went into this expecting to provoke NAMECHANGE FLAME WARS but instead i get some really great honest criticism? i've never been more disappointed to have not provoked drama in my entire life

I do prefer 'The Ghost(s) of Bern' to 'Bern's Last Ghosts', but it's not like FE7 didn't have its fair share of fancy chapter names (Blood of Pride, Victory or Death and Kinship's Bond come to mind here).

yes; "bern's last ghosts" is almost redundant. the implication of the word "ghost" in the chapter title is that these are the last remaining loyal bern soldiers.

i definitely agree that this was easily the weakest one, and even now i'm still not totally sure what to do with it. i'm very much open to suggestions here

chapter 15 - "the dragon child" can just simply be "dragon child." i know that there is only one dragon child, but this is one of the instances where not putting the article still makes it sound okay.

i'm not totally sure i agree with this one; in the old patch it lacks an article ("Dragon Girl"), and honestly that strikes me as looking downright off, which is pretty much the entire reason i threw one on here. maybe it'll look slightly better now with the "child" change, though. i'll look into this one

chapter 22 - "the neverending dream" can also just be "neverending dream." the latter sounds more majestic to me and also doesn't actually sound wrong.

ooh you're right; consider this queued up to be changed later

chapter 10B - i don't like "a quest for freedom." freedom isn't something that one quests for. i think i prefer "an escape to freedom" or even just "freedom" over all of the currently proposed variants.

you definitely have a point. i quite like what i did here, but now you mention it it doesn't quite work as well as i thought. as an alternative, i'm quite fond of one of samias's proposals from a while back, "Flight Toward Freedom"

chapter 17A - i think we can do better than this. "ocean's parting" sounds so awkward. i prefer "parting of the sea" if you want to sound grandiose or "path through the sea" if you want to sound conservative.

i don't really find it particularly awkward, but i'm very much open to suggestions. ironically, my main problem with the original is that it sounded TOO grandiose: before i ever played the Ilia route, the title made the chapter sound like the entire thing was much more focused on the ocean and a SUPER DRAMATIC PARTING thereof. as you can imagine, the reality was pretty disappointing in comparison. i guess at the very least, "ocean's parting" is somewhat less emphatic and prone to the same mistake? idk if it can be done better i'm well and truly listening

chapter 24 - i prefer the rhythm of "lies and legends" over "legends and lies."

i feel the exact opposite about this: imo "legends and lies" has the better rhythm to it and does a better job of respectively emphasising both subjects therein

i feel like "The Thunder Axe" feels kind of fanfic-y and not so great

i find it suboptimal as well, but alas, that's what FE7 calls it so i guess i'm gritting my teeth and calling it a sacrifice in the name of consistency (if it were up to me i'd probably go with "storm axe" or something)

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i'm not totally sure i agree with this one; in the old patch it lacks an article ("Dragon Girl"), and honestly that strikes me as looking downright off, which is pretty much the entire reason i threw one on here. maybe it'll look slightly better now with the "child" change, though. i'll look into this one

it could really go either way

you definitely have a point. i quite like what i did here, but now you mention it it doesn't quite work as well as i thought. as an alternative, i'm quite fond of one of samias's proposals from a while back, "Flight Toward Freedom"

consider "flight to freedom," then

i don't really find it particularly awkward, but i'm very much open to suggestions. ironically, my main problem with the original is that it sounded TOO grandiose: before i ever played the Ilia route, the title made the chapter sound like the entire thing was much more focused on the ocean and a SUPER DRAMATIC PARTING thereof. as you can imagine, the reality was pretty disappointing in comparison. i guess at the very least, "ocean's parting" is somewhat less emphatic and prone to the same mistake? idk if it can be done better i'm well and truly listening

i think the main issue with "ocean's parting" is that "to part" can also mean "to separate from." and while no one is actually going to make that mistake, the name "ocean's parting" doesn't conjure up the image of what actually happens in the chapter.

i suppose you can also consider "(a) route through the sea" or "bridge across the sea." i also think that the word "sea" fits better in titles than the word "ocean."

i feel the exact opposite about this: imo "legends and lies" has the better rhythm to it and does a better job of respectively emphasising both subjects therein

"lies and legends" has the emphasis on alternating syllables whereas the converse does not

another idea that i just had would be "lies of legends"

Edited by dondon151
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I find it suboptimal as well, but alas, that's what FE7 calls it so i guess i'm gritting my teeth and calling it a sacrifice in the name of consistency (if it were up to me i'd probably go with "storm axe" or something)

Doesn't FE7 refer to it as the "Thunder Hammer"?

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consider "flight to freedom," then

ooh i think we have a winner

i think the main issue with "ocean's parting" is that "to part" can also mean "to separate from." and while no one is actually going to make that mistake, the name "ocean's parting" doesn't conjure up the image of what actually happens in the chapter.

i suppose you can also consider "(a) route through the sea" or "bridge across the sea." i also think that the word "sea" fits better in titles than the word "ocean."

good point, particularly regarding the "ocean/sea" part; perhaps "path through the sea" would suffice?

"lies and legends" has the emphasis on alternating syllables whereas the converse does not

another idea that i just had would be "lies of legends"

eh, i still disagree on this one. i don't think i'm going to change my mind here, sorry

Doesn't FE7 refer to it as the "Thunder Hammer"?

it uses both, actually: chapter 29 calls it the "thunder axe", while chapter 30 goes with "thunder hammer". it's one of those cases where you kind of have to be picky about which you go with (see also: that one time Uhai refers to Dayan as the "Ash Wolf" compared to him being the "Silver Wolf" everywhere else), and let's face it, Armads isn't a hammer so...

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eh, i still disagree on this one. i don't think i'm going to change my mind here, sorry

that's fine. i think most of the possibilities are rather weak in comparison to the other chapters.

it uses both, actually: chapter 29 calls it the "thunder axe", while chapter 30 goes with "thunder hammer". it's one of those cases where you kind of have to be picky about which you go with (see also: that one time Uhai refers to Dayan as the "Ash Wolf" compared to him being the "Silver Wolf" everywhere else), and let's face it, Armads isn't a hammer so...

how about we just go with "THE THOR HAMMER"

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How about not, because

a) It's not connected to Thor in any way


b)Thor Hammer is something else in FE.

this is the second time in a few days i've been this close to having to explain what sarcasm is on this forum

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this is the second time in a few days i've been this close to having to explain what sarcasm is on this forum

Was he kidding? I'm not very good at picking up on sarcasm over internet forums. My bad. :\

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Yes he is kidding, considering the ALL-CAPS.

And I know I suggested it, but Ocean's Parting and the chapter itself was difficult to come up with a name in general. It's hard to accurately describe what's going on without ending up with a long and bland chapter name, or making it erroneously sound like a boat journey chapter. I'm definitely up to seeing it changed to something better, since the current name is... eh.

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Well, we know it's the Thunder Axe from FE7, but I personally think the flow of "Axe of Thunder" is better in this case. Adding the extra particle gives it a teensy bit more grandiose. I realize that changes the form from some of the other weapons but I think in this case it's necessary.

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"Thunder Axe" was used in FE7. It stays, I'm afraid.

The "Sword of Sacred Fire" was also used in FE7, but I didn't see anyone really liking that. So what's the verdict on that then? At the very least it sounds better than "Blazing Blade" I think.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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If you're insistent on keeping to what's been officially translated, why is Rutger being kept over Rutoga? Oh right, because it sounds better...

Edited by Irysa
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