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What do you usually make each person you use on promotion

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I don't see how anyone can say Mage Knights suck. The only difference between Valkyries and Mage Knights is their choice in magic: Valks use Light while MKs use Anima. And since Anima is better than Light.... =/

But making Ewan or Lute a mage knight is a waste of their true potential. Also, Mage Knights look lame.

Except the only thing that Sages have is more magic. That's fine if you're making a link arena team, but it's not exactly necessary against the low resistance enemies in game. Mage Knight gives them more constitution, aid, and a little more movement which I find more useful than an overkill magic cap (which Ewan is unlikely to reach without help).

Ewan can reach his Magic cap just fine. Also, in addition to extra fire power, they also get the addition of another tome as sages or druids.

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Kyle-Great Knight or Paladin







Cormag-Wyvern Lord


Gerik-Hero(Ranger is good too just not as cool)

Yep. The BEST classes I know! :P

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Gilliam (even though I never use him...)--General



Ross--Hero/Super Journeyman/Warrior










Amelia--General/Super Recruit

Tana--Either (90% Falconknight)

Cormag--Wyvern Lord

Knoll (I NEVER USE HIM)--Druid

Ewan--Super Pupil/Druid


Marisa (I never use her)--Swordmaster


That's what I promote everyone too but I usually use Tasha/Joshy/Neimi/Colm/Lute/Artur/Cormag/Vanessa/Tana plus some Prepromos and the Lords.

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But making Ewan or Lute a mage knight is a waste of their true potential. Also, Mage Knights look lame.

This might be a point if that extra potential was necessary. Lute and Ewan can still do sufficient damage even with a lower magic cap. With the way I play, my characters don't get much higher than 20/10 by endgame. They wouldn't be reaching their caps anyway. ~_~

And Mage Knights look just fine to me.

Ewan can reach his Magic cap just fine. Also, in addition to extra fire power, they also get the addition of another tome as sages or druids.

Ewan has an amazing 18% chance of maxing magic without any assistance as a Druid. 20% as a Sage. Those aren't exactly good odds. Also, having an extra tome is little more than a novelty to me. I never have my Sages use Light or my Druids use Anima.

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Colm = Assassin

Gerik = Hero (you think?)

Joshua = Swordmaster (duh)

Lute = Sage (double duh)

Tana = Wyvern Knight (more duh)

Seth (and yes he is a pre-promote, I use him because of his awesomeness)

Amelia = General

Ewan = Super Trainee

Ross = Berserker (even more duh)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest WolvenWarrioress

Ross- Pirate -> Berserker

Franz/Forde- (Depends on who I'm using) Paladin

Kyle- (If I'm using him) Great Knight

Neimi- Ranger (Swords FTW)

Colm- Rogue

Artur- Depends on how Natasha is at Level 20 (If she's good, Sage, if not, Bishop)

Lute- Sage

Natsha- Bishop

Joshua- Swordmaster

Tana- Falcoknight (The Wyvern Knight animations bug the hell outta me, and I usually go for extra weapon types)

Amelia- Knight -> general

Gerik- Hero

Marisa- Depends on mood

Ewan- Either Shaman -> Druid or Pupil (2) -> Super Pupil

Cormag- Wyvern Lord

Knoll- Druid if given C Lute or C Natasha, Summoner if not

The Lords

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New list, if I had one previously.

Franz: Great Knight

Gilliam: General

Vanessa: Wyvern Knight

Moulder: Bishop

Ross: Pirate -> Berserker

Garcia: Warrior

Natasha: Bishop

Joshua: Swordmaster

Artur: Sage

Lute: Sage

Colm: Rogue

Niemi: Ranger

Tana: Wyvern Knight

Cormag: Wyvern Lord

Knoll: Summoner

Gerik: Hero

Amelia: Knight -> General

Marisa: Assassin

Ewan: Shaman -> Druid

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Franz: Great Knight

Gilliam: Great Knight

Vanessa: Wyvern Knight

Moulder: Sage

Ross: Fighter -> Hero

Garcia: Hero

Natasha: Valkyrie

Joshua: Swordmaster

Artur: Sage

Lute: Mage Knight

Colm: Rogue

Niemi: Ranger

Tana: Wyvern Knight

Cormag: Wyvern Lord

Knoll: Summoner

Gerik: Hero

Amelia: Cavalier -> Great Knight

Marisa: Swordmaster

Ewan: Mage -> Mage Knight

All for in-game stuff. I don't play CC.

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Kyle - Great Knight

Forde - Paladin

Ross - Berserker

Joshua - Swordmaster

Colm - Rogue

Neimi - Ranger

Gilliam - General

Artur - Bishop

Natasha - Maybe Valkyrie this time.

Lute - Mage Knight

Cormag - Wyvern Lord

Tana - Falcoknight

Gerik - Hero

Marisa - Swordmaster

Amelia - Undecided (General last playthrough)

Ewan - Druid

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Franz: Paladin

Gilliam: General

Vanessa: Falcon Knight

Moulder: Sage

Ross: Fighter -> Hero

Garcia: Hero

Natasha: Valkyrie

Joshua: Swordmaster

Artur: Sage

Lute: Mage Knight

Colm: Rogue

Niemi: Ranger

Forde: Paladin

Kyle: Paladin

Tana: Falcon Knight

Cormag: Wyvern Lord

Knoll: Summoner

Gerik: Hero

Amelia: Cavalier -> Paladin

Marisa: Swordmaster

Ewan: Mage -> Sage

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Lute: Mage Knight

Artur: Sage

Franz: Paladin

Amelia: Great Knight

Neimi: Ranger

Gerik: Hero

Joshua : Swordmaster

Cormag: Wyvern Knight

Forde: Paladin

Kyle: Great Knight

Natasha: Bishop

L'Arachel: Mage Knight

Tana: Wyvern Knight

Vanessa: Peg Knight

Marisa: Assassin

Colm: anyone is fine...

Ross: Super Trainee

Ewan: Super Trainee

Garcia: Warrior

Knoll: Druid

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Honestly, there's only a handful of people that I don't make the natural progression of their class in every other game.

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster, Mercenary -> Hero, Cavalier -> Paladin, Monk/Priest -> Bishop, etc. etc.

Amelia usually goes the General route for me, Ewan usually becomes a Druid for me, Ross is usually a berserker for me. Neimi becomes a Ranger. L'Arachel becomes a Mage Knight.

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Honestly, there's only a handful of people that I don't make the natural progression of their class in every other game.

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster, Mercenary -> Hero, Cavalier -> Paladin, Monk/Priest -> Bishop, etc. etc.

Amelia usually goes the General route for me, Ewan usually becomes a Druid for me, Ross is usually a berserker for me. Neimi becomes a Ranger. L'Arachel becomes a Mage Knight.

No Valkyrie/Great Knight/Wyvern Knight/Summoner?

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Knoll is a summoner always. I guess I forgot to mention that because the natural progression would be druid, huh? I don't like Ewan as a summoner as much because he always gets magic blessed for me so I'd rather take the highest magic cap of any mage class.

Valkyrie, not really. I like Mage Knight is better, especially because I usually have a Bishop anyway for the light magic beat down they can bring.

Great Knights, not really. I will if I use Kyle because he's the only one of them with decent enough strength growth to actually make use of the higher caps of the class, but Forde and Franz are both better off as Paladins if you ask me. The extra movement of paladins is usually > the ability to use axes. You already know my professed love of generals too so you don't need to ask me what I do with Gilliam.

Wyvern Knight, nope. For 1, pierce can freeze and break your game. 2, Triangle attack is awesome. 3, Cormag is better off as a Wyvern Lord because he's überstrength so I'd rather not gimp it at 25. Gimping it at 27 is much more palatable.

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Knoll is a summoner always. I guess I forgot to mention that because the natural progression would be druid, huh? I don't like Ewan as a summoner as much because he always gets magic blessed for me so I'd rather take the highest magic cap of any mage class.

Valkyrie, not really. I like Mage Knight is better, especially because I usually have a Bishop anyway for the light magic beat down they can bring.

Great Knights, not really. I will if I use Kyle because he's the only one of them with decent enough strength growth to actually make use of the higher caps of the class, but Forde and Franz are both better off as Paladins if you ask me. The extra movement of paladins is usually > the ability to use axes. You already know my professed love of generals too so you don't need to ask me what I do with Gilliam.

Wyvern Knight, nope. For 1, pierce can freeze and break your game. 2, Triangle attack is awesome. 3, Cormag is better off as a Wyvern Lord because he's überstrength so I'd rather not gimp it at 25. Gimping it at 27 is much more palatable.

Full weapon triangle control definitly bests some extra movement. You already have Seth as a Paladin, so having 2 other ones is a bit of overkill.

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Full weapon triangle control definitly bests some extra movement. You already have Seth as a Paladin, so having 2 other ones is a bit of overkill.

This makes me think of a discussion that arose on some other forum (I don't remember where. All I know is that I was busy with lurking :P).

Everybody gives things a different value. One puts a price tag of $10 on movement, while another puts a price tag of $20 on movement.

Is there something that is undeniable evidance that movement is worth so much and that everybody must see it like that?

I'm not trying to start a debate, because I realize this isn't a debate topic, but it just popped up in my head.

If someone knows where this discussion started, please tell me. I can't remember :(

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Full weapon triangle control definitly bests some extra movement. You already have Seth as a Paladin, so having 2 other ones is a bit of overkill.

I politely disagree.

First, I probably won't use more than 2 mounted units End-Game anyway, in total. There's an awful lot of snags they can run into, so that extra movement means little in the face of a forest.

Second, I'm not fielding 4 guys. I'm fielding 8 at minimum as required by the maps. I'm GOING to have a guy that uses axes in that group, if not two or three. If there's enemies with lances, then you betcha I'm putting those guys up front. If not, well, my paladins will still be able to switch to swords against axe guys and lances against sword guys.

Full weapon coverage on a single unit isn't really that important if you've still got full weapon coverage. If anything, full weapon coverage on a single unit tends to detract from that unit for me because I feel obligated to try and get that E-rank up to use something heavier than iron, meaning I take even longer getting S/A rank with my other two. I'll take a guy that gets S in lances, A in swords, over a guy that will probably be A/B/C in his weapon coverage at game's end.

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Erika + Ephraim

Ross = Berzerker

Amelia = General + boots (Scary stuff)

Colm = Assasin

Neimi = Ranger

Gerik = Hero

Marissa = Swordmaster

Tana = Wyvern Knight

Vanessa = Wyvern Knight

I can't remember what else...

My healers are usually 17 or 18 if I'm lucky by end game, I can never seem to get them to 20 to promote =/

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I remember correctly, it's:

Joshua: Swordmaster

Franz: Paladin

Lute: Mage Knight

Artur: Bishop

Cormag: Wyvern Lord

L'Arachel: Valkyrie

Gerik: Hero

Ewan: Summoner

Knoll: Druid

Neimi: Ranger

Colm: Assasin

I ditched the Dark Mages, Franz and Cormag for Endgame. I don't remember using L'Arachel for that either....

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