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The Randoman Quiz (How well do you know me?)


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This thread is basically a quiz to see how well you know me (Randoman).

Some of these questions are things that I've never actually told anyone on Serenes Forest, so you'll basically have to fill in the blanks and figure it out based on what you do know from my personality. Also, along with your answers, feel free to provide explanations along with your answers. It'll make things more interesting and fun.

1. I prefer people whose personalities are:

A) Proud

B) Mild Mannered

C) Very Vocal

D) Outgoing

2. Which of these aren't one of my most favourite foods?

A) Fruit Salad

B) Fried Rice

C) Any Kind of Chocolate

D) Ice Cream

3. Which of the cardinal sins am I most prone to?

A) Lust

B) Pride

C) Greed

D) Anger

4. Which of these did I have a fear of as a child?

A) Enclosed spaces

B) Any kind of blood

C) Airplanes

D) Dolls and Puppets

5. Appearance wise, what I'd prefer for women is:

A) Long hair, sincere looking face

B) Short hair, constantly smiling

C) Seductive, mischievous face, with a big chest area

D) Nothing. I've cut down on my attraction to women

6. Which of these youtube personas do I like the least?

A) The Autarch

B) Irate Gamer

C) Remi Gaillard

D) Angry Video Game Nerd

7. Which one of these villain is my most favourite?

A) Exdeath from Final Fantasy V

B) Dr. Wily from the Mega Man series

C) Jaffar from Aladdin

D) Amon from Avatar: Legend of Korra

8. Which of these listed characters do I hate the most?

A) Rarity from MLP

B) Max from the Bomberman series

C) Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series

D) Carl from Family Matters

9. Which of these are not in my top three favourite video game characters of all time?

A) Mario from the Mario series

B) Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV

C) Marth Lowell from Fire Emblem

D) Sonic from the Sonic series

10. If I was a villain and I had the chance to obtain God-like powers, at the cost of giving myself a huge weakness, I'd pick being weak against:

A) Weapons that are made out of human bone

B) Holy Power and Pure Heartedness

C) Helium and other noble gases

D) Weapons that are made out of diamond, and other rare gems

I'll post the answers in spoilers later on, and I might even add more questions for you guys to guess.

And feel free to turn this into a FFtF fad. I'm actually hoping it'll turn into one, because it'll be fun doing these quizzes guessing personality aspects of fellow SFers.

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I'm afraid I don't actually know the answers to any of these, but this becoming a fad is a great idea! We'd get to know each other so much better this way! :D

I'll help you out and make a quiz too, Rando. :)

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Yeah, basically what Anacybele said. Plus, it'd be really hard for people to come up with the exact right answer for a question without any choices given.

And even though you don't know the answers, you can still try to guess and try to figure out the answers based on what you do know about me (for example, you know that I like Marth more than Ike, so that should give you a big clue for the first question). That's also one of the reasons why I made it multiple choice, so you have a better chance of getting the right answers. And it'll be fun seeing how your answers compare to what the actual answers are.

I'll probably be posting my answers once 2-3 more people try out the quiz or after a couple of more days.

Edited by Randoman
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Hmm... Only one other person posted (and it was a joke attempt at that).

I guess after one more day, I'll post my answers. It's kind of weird how not many people did my quiz compared to the others, yet I was the one that started the fad. Oh well, no point in getting down about it.

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Yeah, that is kinda strange, Rando. I had said I don't know the answers to any of your questions, but I'll make totally wild guesses anyway since you need more attention. :)

1. D

2. B (I've rarely met anyone that didn't like the other three lol)

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. D

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Alright, here's the answers and explanations for the quiz:

1. B) Mild Mannered: Yeah, I'm quite mild-mannered myself, and I really dislike noisiness, pushiness, and arrogance. Personality-wise, I'd definitely prefer a mild-mannered girl, because I find shy girls to be quite cute and they're quite calming to be with.

2. C) Any Kind of Chocolate: I don't like the aftertaste or afterfeel of chocolate after eating it. Plus, my teeth are kind of senstitive to chocolate, and tingle and sting a bit when they are in contact with it.

3. D) Anger: Anger has been a big problem of mine even as a kid, especially with how hard a time I have with forgiving others and myself. Though the worst part about my anger is my thoughts of revenge and punishing others can get really disgusting and inhuman (like lung puncturing, to give an example of one of my milder revenge thoughts).

4. D) Dolls and Puppets: They scared me because of the creepy stares they have and how it's like they'll come to life at any time and attack you. Puppets with detached and movable jaws especially creeped me out, because it looks so unnatural and gross.

5. A) Long hair, sincere looking face: Well, what guy doesn't like a girl with long hair? It makes a girl look so much prettier. As for the sincere face, that's a really important aspect for me appearance wise, since if I'm to be with a girl, it should be someone I can relax around and someone that makes me happy and calm. Having a sincere face really lends to that since I can just look at their face and feel happy and soothed just by looking at it. There's quite a lot of attractive girls out there, but if their face looks insincere, I'm quite turned off by it since they don't seem like their personality would be compatible with mine, and I associate an insincere face with an insincere personality. I know that isn't always the case, but I can't help but have that association come to mind instinctively.

6. A) The Autarch: I dislike The Autarch, due to his insane arrogance and how he acts all important and stuck up (his voice tone has all of those qualities). With him constantly saying things like "I dare you to say you can tolerate this. I double dare you to say you can actually play this for an hour," I cannot bring myself to respect him. Irate Gamer makes me chuckle quite a bit with his jokes, like "I got R.O.B.-ed" and "this zombie, this zombie, and this zombie (show's a random old man for the third zombie)." He's no AVGN, but I still like his cheesy humour.

7. D) Amon from Avatar: Legend of Korra: I wouldn't ever have a generic "lol, rule the world" villain with insane arrogance problems as my most favourite. My real most favourite villain on that list is Amon from Avatar: Legend of Korra. I really like how he's so calm and level-headed, and how he's so cruel, calculating, and cold, yet can contain it all, uses all those traits to their fullest, and practically make it seem like a virtue. His really tragic past of being abused by his father and forced to learn bloodbending makes me really sympathetic towards him. Plus, his bloodbending abilities are really cool in my opinion, even though it's a really sick and inhuman thing to do. I'm not going to lie, on quite a few ocassions, I wished I had the ability to bloodbend.

8. C) Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series: The most hated character among Max, Rarity, Carl, and Snake actually goes to Snake (I actually like Rarity, Carl, and Max). I've actually hated Snake ever since he was in Brawl, and his fanbase sticking up for Snake constantly in Smash Bros. got me to hate him to ridiculous levels (I apologize to you reasonable Snake fans). Even without being in Smash Bros. I still find his tight military outfit to be beyond gross looking and his face to be a mess with the unshaven facial hair. I'm also not fond of his arrogance (and how his voice tone exudes arrogance). Plus, I actually don't like characters that use realistic guns in general, since they're so overused and the FPS crowd got me to hate guns quite a lot.

9. D) Sonic from the Sonic series: Yeah, Sonic definitely isn't in my top three most favourite gaming characters list. I don't think he's anywhere near my favourite list, thanks to all the aggressive Sonic fanboys that existed back then (I'm not going to lie, a part of me was happy seeing the Dreamcast die and Sega go third party, thanks to the fans that made me hate Sonic & Sega) and still to this day (some people even spam Sonic drawings on the NSMBU board on Miiverse, when the Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed board is perfectly suited for Sonic drawings). I also really don't like how people wanted Sonic in Smash Bros., and think that Sonic deserves to be in SSB4 more than Ice Climbers, Lucario, and Ike. I swear, most of those people think all Smash is now is a game where Sonic can beat up Mario. Even without the fanbase, Sonic is quite arrogant, and you know how I hate arrogance. His voice tone is also quite annoying.

10. B) Holy Power and Pure Heartedness: That was a really tough question, and I don't blame you for getting it wrong. The weakness I'd actually choose is Holy Power & Pure Heartedness. Although the other three options are weaknesses that no one would expect and exploit, any bad guy or villain that would know my weakness could easily kill me. No villain would be able to wield holy power or pure heartedness without corrupting it, and as a villain I wouldn't ever want other villains being able to harm me (since I'd want to be an extremist moral type of villain). If I actually was a villain, I'd prefer to be at the mercy of a hero with a just and pure heart, since they'd be more merciful towards me. Also, even if I did die, at least a pure hearted hero would emerge from my death, so something good would come out of it.

I might be posting a new set of questions later on.

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